Chip Mobile Legends Voice Lines

Chip Voice Lines in Mobile Legends with beautiful and meaningful sayings. Let’s see what Chip ’s voice is special and better than other heroes.

Chip Voice Lines

First move

“Wait a minute, this isn’t the beach.”
“I can squeeze in 25 hours of sleep into a day. How’s that for efficiency?”
“Why do I have to be the hero? I’m just a fox for crying out loud.”
“[chewing] The lab’s on fire. Someone should do something.”
“Doctor Baker said to find a purpose. Well, why can’t it come find me?”
“You can mess around in the lab, but hands off my potato chips.”
“No time is wasted time. Just enjoy doing nothing.”
“Sometimes you just got to sit back and let things happen.”
“Don’t take life too seriously. That’s my motto.”
“Can we take a break yet? Ok. How about now?”
“I’m what they call a professional slacker.”


“Don’t make this hard for me.”
“Who said my portals aren’t safe?”
“This is cutting into my nap time.”
“Fighting is so much work!”
“Here’s a shortcut to your defeat!”
“Hey, take it easy!”
“Get your own chips!”

Basic attack


Skill 1

“Where’s the fire?”

Skill 2

“Buckle up!”


“Safety first!”
“Portals up!”