Hi you! We are vinagaming and this guide is about Bangalore in Apex Legends Season 12. Learn about Bangalore’s Abilities, gameplay, voice lines, skins & lore.

Bangalore is a strategic Offensive Legend. Her tactical ability Smoke Launcher deploys a smokescreen that heavily reduces visibility in the affected area. Her passive ability Double Time gives her a movement speed boost when fired.
Name | Description | Interactions |
Smoke Launcher | Fire a high-velocity smoke canister that explodes into a smoke wall on impact. | The launcher can be used at the same time as other actions: firing, reloading, healing, etc. Threat highlighters, such as the 1x Digital Threat, 4x-10x Digital Sniper Threat, or Bloodhound’s Beast of the Hunt, can see through the smoke. Wattson’s Interception Pylon can shoot down the smoke canisters. Wattson’s Perimeter Security fences can’t be seen through the smoke. The smoke residue can be tracked by Bloodhound’s Tracker. |
Double Time | Taking fire while sprinting makes you move faster for a brief time. | The passive can activate if enemies shoot at you while inside Gibraltar’s Dome of Protection. |
Rolling Thunder | Call in an artillery strike that slowly creeps across the landscape. | Wattson’s Interception Pylon can shoot down both the missiles (before landing) and the initial flare. |
- Legend Type : Offensive
- Tactical Ability: Smoke Launcher
- Passive Abilit: Double Time
- Ultimate Abilit: Rolling Thunder
Abilities | Tips |
Smoke Launcher | The Smoke Launcher can be used both offensively and defensively; to ambush an unsuspecting squad by removing their ability to see you and respond, or as a weapon of escape to obscure yourself and your team from enemies. However, to effectively use this ability to attack, use a 1x Digital Threat and/or 4x-10x Digital Sniper Threat, or use a legend such as Bloodhound or Seer to reveal the enemies inside the smoke. Bangalore can also use the smoke canister while she is currently using a consumable item such as a Med Kit or Shield Battery, as both only require one hand. Use this to your advantage to cover yourself while you heal. The smoke can be seen by other teams from some distance and attract them. The smoke should be on the enemy, not your team. The smoke can also be between you and enemy, effectively acts as a visual barrier between you and enemy. If smoke is on your team, the enemy sees everywhere you cannot, but they know generally where you are. Conversely, smoke on the enemy obscures their vision, forcing them to move out and possibly disperse to engage, while your team retains a wider range of movement and vision, giving your team an advantage. Thus, using smoke to cover your team’s revive can be considered a gamble, as your vision is just as obscured. Throw a Frag Grenade or some explosive device into a smokescreen. This will either deal damage to enemies inside it, force them to come to you, or force them to retreat. You can also have Caustic’s Nox Gas Grenade in the smoke to obscure the enemies’ vision and deal damage. |
Double Time | Bangalore’s passive is a reactive one that responds to enemies engaging you. Utilize the short term speed boost whenever you can either by running for cover or returning fire with the increased speed as it makes you a difficult target to hit. |
Rolling Thunder | Note that unlike grenades which can be held in the throw position by holding down the fire button, the flare will be thrown the instant you press the fire button. Unlike Gibraltar’s Defensive Bombardment, the missile s land in front of the flare instead of around it, so throw it between you and the area you want to bombard. Rolling Thunder should be best saved for large team engagements or ambushes, or ultimately to cover your team while escaping. It can catch an unsuspecting enemy team off guard and have them running for cover. A good time to use Rolling Thunder is right after downing an enemy in a long-range outdoor fight. It’ll make it dangerous for their squad to try to revive them, and give your squad space to push into a 3v2 fight. This ultimate ability isn’t independently powerful enough to be fully effective on its own, so it is strongly recommended to chase the enemy down as they get bombarded. |
Video guide:
Voice Lines
Born into a military family where she, her parents, and her four older brothers all served with the IMC, Bangalore has been an exceptional soldier her whole life. Dedicated to the IMC cause, she was top of her class at the IMC Military Academy and the only cadet who could take apart a Peacekeeper, equip it with a Precision Choke hop-up, and put it back together in under twenty seconds – blindfolded.
In the months following the Battle at Gridiron, the IMS Hestia, with Anita and brother Jackson on board, was attacked by unknown assailants. A bomb on the outer hull blew out a chunk of the ship… but not before Jackson shielded her, sacrificing his own life to save hers. Anita watched helplessly, as Jackson was sucked out into the vacuum of space. After crashing on a Syndicate planet, Anita looked for both work, and the brother she refused to believe had died, so they could begin the decades-long trip back home. Now, she fights to raise money in the Apex Games, in the hopes of finding a pilot willing to take the epic trip back home to reunite with what remains of her family.
Read more at: https://apexlegends.fandom.com/wiki/Bangalore