Hi you! Vingaming will update list all character in Apex Legends Season 12. Explore a growing roster of diverse characters below.

Ash is a Legend that was introduced in Season 11 that is locked from the base game. She can be unlocked using digital currency: either Legend Tokens 12,000 orApex Coins 750.

Bangalore is a strategic Offensive Legend. Her tactical ability Smoke Launcher deploys a smokescreen that heavily reduces visibility in the affected area. Her passive ability Double Time gives her a movement speed boost when fired.

Bloodhound is a fast-paced Legend great at pushing the enemy in their base. Their Tracker can be used to find where enemies have gone, and Eye of the Allfather will reveal hidden enemies and traps. Lastly, Beast of the Hunt causes Bloodhound to gain speed and highlights their enemies.

Caustic is a deadly Defensive Legend with poisonous gas-based abilities. His tactical ability Nox Gas Trap places canisters that fire out toxic gas when damaged or when an enemy comes near them.

A Recon Legend, Crypto takes to the skies with his Surveillance Drone, revealing enemies for Crypto and his squad using Neurolink. If he finds that the enemies have already hunkered down, he can activate his Drone EMP to break their defenses and slow them before he comes out of the shadows and makes his move with his squad.

Fuse is an Offensive Legend who specializes in explosives. His tactical ability Knuckle Cluster shoots a cluster bomb that sticks to surfaces and slows and damages any enemy near it.

Gibraltar is a mountainous Defensive Legend. His tactical ability Dome of Protection creates a temporary half-dome shield that can be walked through, but not fired through.

Horizon is an Offensive Legend with gravity-based abilities. Her tactical ability Gravity Lift, when deployed on the ground, lifts any player that steps into it into the air.

Lifeline is a Support Legend with healing abilities, Lifeline is a Legend best for keeping her team alive and up in a firefight. Her tactical ability D.O.C. Heal Drone places an immobile drone that heals all players nearby over time.

Loba is a Support Legend specializing in getting the highest quality loot. Her tactical ability Burglar’s Best Friend allows her to throw a bracelet that teleports her to wherever it lands.

Mirage is an Offensive Legend who can distract and confuse enemies. His tactical ability Psyche Out deploys a controllable holographic decoy of himself.

Octane is a high-speed Offensive Legend. His tactical ability Stim causes him to run much faster for a short period of time, at the cost of health.

Pathfinder is a Recon Legend very useful on movement and rotation. His Grappling Hook ability allows you to reach higher places and to tactically reposition while his Insider Knowledge and Zipline Gun abilities allow him to support your squad by letting them know the position of the next ring and provide a zipline on-the-fly to allow quick escapes and to reposition respectively.

Rampart is a Defensive Legend that specializes in securing areas through firepower. Her tactical ability Amped Cover places a rectangular wall. The upper half of a wall blocks a certain amount of bullets taken from one direction, and enhances any bullets fired through from the other direction.

Revenant is an Offensive Legend who specializes in ambushes and aggression. His tactical ability Silence fires an orb that stick where it lands, dealing damage and preventing the use of abilities to any enemy who touches it.

Seer is a Recon Legend whose abilities are useful in a battle. His tactical, Focus of Attention reveals enemies and cancels various actions made by them.

Valkyrie is a Recon Legend who specializes in flight. Her passive VTOL Jets allow her to fly for a few seconds, and she automatically marks enemies while skydiving.

Wattson is an electricity-based Defensive Legend. Her tactical ability Perimeter Security places fence poles with connecting beams of electricity that damage and stun enemies that pass through the beams.

Wraith is a versatile Offensive Legend, Wraith can reposition and flank enemies with her abilities. Wraith’s tactical ability Into the Void allows her to reposition or take cover while being invincible for 4 seconds.