Vinagaming share for you list Destiny 2 emblem codes. These code secure and ready to use but still if you are facing any type of issue then you can tell us.

Destiny 2 emblem codes
Source | Code |
Free from Bungie | ML3-FD4-ND9 |
Beyond Light | 7LV-GTK-T7J |
Beyond Light | JYN-JAA-Y7D |
Beyond LIght | RA9-XPH-6KJ |
Was hidden section of morse code in web-comics that were released on Bungie’s site leading up to the launch of Curse of Osiris. | XFV-KHP-N97 |
Witch Queen Collector’s Edition | F99-KPX-NCF |
Flames of Forgotten Truth | A7L-FYC-44X |
Ab Aeterno | JDT-NLC-JKM |
The Reflective Proof | N3L-XN6-PXF |
Witch Queen Collector’s Edition | 6LJ-GH7-TPA |
Witch Queen Collector’s Edition | PHV-6LF-9CP |
Witch Queen Collector’s Edition | VA7-L7H-PNC |
Code hidden in TWAB | PKH-JL6-L4R |
In celebration of r/Destiny and r/DTG securing a spot on the r/space board. | D97-YCX-7JK |
Spicy Ramen | YRC-C3D-YNC |
The Unimagined Plane | X9F-GMA-H6D |
Lone Focus / Jagged Edge | 7CP-94V-LFP |
Binding Focus | FJ9-LAM-67F |
Sign of the Finite | 7F9-767-F74 |
Note of Conquest | X4C-FGX-MX3 |
Illusion of Light | JD7-4CM-HJG |
Field of Light | JNX-DMH-XLA |
Code hidden in images of weapons coming with the 30th Anniversary update on Bungie’s social media. | L7T-CVV-3RD |
From a small community puzzle for the announcement of Season of the Splicer | 7D4-PKR-MD7 |
Posted in a TWAB post to celebrate the 7/7/2021. | YRC-C3D-YNC |
Video guide:
How to Redeem
- Step 1: Copy the code
- Step 2: Go to the official Bungie Code Redemption website.
- Step 3: Login to your account and paste the code in the code section.
- Step 4: Click on the Redeem button to claim your free reward.
-> Once you log back into the game, the emblem should be in your inventory!
Attention: The codes mentioned on blog are submitted by users or collected from other open-access portals. We not support any kind of hijacking or illegal use of accounts.
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