This is post about voice lines & voice actors for Ashe in Overwatch. Let’s listen to the voice lines of Ashe through: Abilities, Chatter, Call-Outs, Mission-Specific, Eliminations.

Overwatch Ashe voice lines
Dynamite out! |
Fire in the hole! |
Here it comes! |
Hey, catch! |
She’s gonna blow! |
Smoke ’em outta there. |
Take a step back! |
Get outta here! |
Back off! |
B.O.B! Do somethin’! (self and hostile) |
Get in there, B.O.B. (ally) |
Enough, B.O.B. |
I can always count on you, B.O.B. |
My name’s Ashe. We’re playing by my rules now. |
My business, my rules. |
I’m the last one you’ll ever cross. |
Nice to spend some time in the clubhouse. |
Not my idea of the good life. |
I’m callin’ the shots. |
Follow my lead. |
Get in the saddle, and let’s ride. |
Do what I say and this’ll go nice n’ smooth. |
I’m gonna get you for that. |
Not lettin’ that stand. |
You’re gettin’ me riled up. |
Let’s clean up this mess. |
They are gettin’ on my nerves. |
Time to change things up. |
That was not in the plan. |
Nothing wrong with a little self improvement. |
Let’s work together this time? |
Where’s everybody? |
Where’s my backup? |
Patched up. |
That’s better. |
Whew! Much better. |
Get too close to the sun, you’re gonna burn! |
I’m on FIRE! |
There’s no stoppin’ me once I get into a rhythm! |
Let me handle it. |
I get the idea. |
Just point me in the right direction. |
I am feeling UNSTOPPABLE! |
Now I’m feeling GOOD! |
Oh, come on! |
Damn! |
You haven’t seen anything yet. |
Just gettin’ started. |
Now you know what it’s like to work with the best. |
What d’you expect? |
They’re back for more! |
Enemy’s being revived! |
Hallelujah. |
I owe you one. |
Ashe here. |
Enemy sniper! Get ya head down! |
Enemy sniper! Keep your eyes open. |
Watch out for that sniper! |
Spotted them. |
Eyes on the bad guys. |
Enemy turret up ahead! |
We need to take out that turret! |
They’re on the ropes! Let’s put them out of their misery. |
We have this in the bag! |
We’re outta time, let’s get this done! |
It’s now or never! |
They’re taking our objective! |
Don’t let them take the objective. |
Let’s fortify that objective! |
The objective’s mine. |
Better get on the objective. You don’t wanna miss out, do you? |
I’m taking the objective. |
What is going on? Get that payload movin’. |
What is everyone doin’? We need to move the payload! |
Can somebody get the payload movin’? |
Payload’s in my possession and movin’ out. |
I’ve got the payload and I’m movin’ out. |
Payload’s on the way. |
Let’s put that payload into reverse. |
Put the brakes on that payload! |
Get that payload turned around, pronto! |
Flag’s mine. |
Bringin’ the flag back to base. |
Get our flag back. |
They have our flag! |
Score one for us. |
Just showing ya how it’s done. |
That is not how we drew it up. |
That was not the plan! |
Our flag’s out in the open! |
They dropped our flag, let’s get it back! |
Dropped the flag. |
Lost the flag. Damn it! |
Flag’s heading back to base. |
Safe and sound! |
Courtesy of the Deadlock Gang. |
Dead as a doornail. |
Don’t mess with an original. |
Don’t waste my time. |
Have a nice day. |
I stick up for my crew. |
Know your place. |
Nice try, honey. |
Poser. |
Ridin’ ahead of the herd. |
Right on schedule. |
Right on the money. |
You have to watch out for the one percent. |
You need to learn the rules. |
(vs Cassidy) It’s always gonna be this way. |
(vs Cassidy) Now who’s the better shot? |
(vs Cassidy) There’s only one way you get to leave the gang. |
(vs Cassidy on Horizon Lunar Colony) See ya, space cowboy. |
(after killing an enemy D.Va or Lúcio) Squid needs more seasoning. |
Woo! That was fun. |
Wanna try again? |
Oh, that’ll leave a mark. |
Gets the job done. |
Better safe than sorry. |
See ya later. |
Outta my space. |
You just went, “boom”! |
Count ’em up! |
Do I have to do everything myself? |
Ha ha ha… better get diggin’, B.O.B.! |
Leave this to me. |
Let me show ya how it’s done. |
You can all just take it easy! |
Don’t all volunteer at once, now! |
Woohoo! |
Now that gets the blood pumping! |
They don’t call me an outlaw for nothin’. |
Enemy turret’s down. |
I’m not afraid to get my hands dirty. |
Pushover. |
Ugh, get out of my way. |
You picked the wrong fight. |
Aww, gone with the wind… |
I’m at the top of my game. You’re headed to the bottom. |
Keep your distance. |
See ya later. |
Can’t put a price on good help. |
You should join my crew. |
I guess that’s that… |
I need some better help. |
It is hard to find good help these days. |
Fixed your flint. |
I settle my scores. |
It’s nothing personal, just the way things go. |
You knew what you were gettin’ into. |
Overwatch Ashe voice actors
Jennifer Hale