
Meeple Brawl Stars Voice Lines

Meeple Voice Lines in Brawl Stars with beautiful and meaningful sayings. Let’s see what Meeple ‘s voice is special and better than other characters.

Meeple Voice Lines

“Time for a game-changing play!”
“Let the dice decide our fate!”
“Roll for initiative, let’s go.”
“Tactical positioning is key, everyone!”
“Time to roll the dice!”
“Always play by the rules, mhmhmhmhm fools.”
“Rules are my secret weapon.”
“Dice to meet you.”
“Now see how a master tactician plays.”
“I’m feeling lucky, time to roll.”
“Dice, dice, baby! Mhmhmhmhm.”
In The Lead
“Intelligence wins!”
“Brains before brawl.”
“The one with the rules rules.”
“Rules rule.”
“Perfectly to plan.”
“I love it when a plan comes together.”
“The king of the nerds!”
“Ruling ruler of all the rules.”
“I came in like a rolling dice, mmh.”
“I kissed a dice and I liked it!”
Receiving Damage
“Nerd rage!”
“I demand a reroll.”
“This violates the player agreement.”
“That roll was rigged.”
“That wasn’t in the rule book.”
“Getting dicey!”
“Time to get organized.”
“Follow the rules.”
“Need to get better at min-maxing.”
“Rules violation.”
“Who dares defy the mighty Meeple!”
“Am I the only one around here who gives a damn about the rules?”
“Outlook not so good.”
“Eh eh, rules violation!”
“I got rigged-rolled!”
Defeating An Enemy
“If you read the player’s handbook, this wouldn’t have happened.”
“You broke the rules.”
“You should have followed the rules!”
“Them be the rules.”
“You should’ve listened more in school.”
“You appear to have had a critical failure.”
“You should seriously read the rules, some time.”
“Silence is golden.”
“Meeple wins, hmhm, again, hmhm.”
“You clearly forgot to read subsection 37 of rule 749, loser.”
“Outlook good.”
“RNG is ruining the game!”
“Ooh, but-but my calculations oh!”
“Losing to a noob, perfect.”
“Time to reroll.”
“The meta is clearly broken!”
“I… lost? Aaaaah!”
Meeple whimpers
“Skill can’t fix bad game design, obviously!”
“Great, I lost to another broken Brawler.”
“Zero skill achievement unlocked, good for you.”
“Eh eh eh, someone ban this bot!”
“Oh, my subreddit is gonna love this.”
“Winning by teaming, how original.”
“You won’t get this lucky next time!”
Activating A Super
“I rolled a NAT21.”
“A critical success!”
“Eh, if my calculations are correct.”
“Cheat mode enabled!”
“Time for some dicey hacks!”
“Rule breaker, play maker!”
“My game, my rules.”
“Dice of do-o-om!”
“I’m bringing dicey back, yeah!”

Ollie Brawl Stars Voice Lines

Ollie Voice Lines in Brawl Stars with beautiful and meaningful sayings. Let’s see what Ollie’s voice is special and better than other characters.

Ollie Voice Lines

“I’m about to flex on y’all!”
“Game on, let’s get it!”
“Haters hate, skaters skate.”
“Born to hustle, built to last.”
“Yo yo, pass the mic, I’m ready to preach.”
“Not a cloud in the sky, time to make some Brawlers cry.”
“More Brawlers, more problems.”
“I bring the flavor.”
“I’m not short, just vertically efficient.”
“I might be small, but I’m a big deal!”
“My beats are straight from the streets, huh.”
“O to the L to the L-I-E representing the skate beats family.”
“So fresh, so clean, got moves you never seen!”
“So fresh and so clean-clean!”
In The Lead
“Yeah, ain’t no cap. I’m that dude!”
“Ha ha, today was a good day.”
“Ollie in the ho-u-u-use!”
“Respect the grind!”
“Ooh, too fresh, y’all can’t keep up!”
“Ain’t nobody dope as me, so fresh, so fly!”
“So fresh, so fly in the place to be.”
Receiving Damage
“Game recognize game!”
“Ooh, time to hustle!”
“Check yourself before I wreck yourself!”
“Ho, you better be ready cause I’m coming for ya!”
“It’s a hard knock life.”
“Hey, I’m preaching, dawg!”
“Oh, that hurt more than a diss track!”
Defeating An Enemy
“I’m icy, y’all just salty!”
“Y’all basic, I’m boss level.”
“I stay lit, you dim, bruh!”
“I’m the realest.”
“I’m so fresh, huh, can’t touch this!”
“See ya, wouldn’t wanna be ya!”
“Ohoho, you just got ollie’d, bro.”
“Whoa, I flip, you flop.”
“Aho, I got game, you just lame.”
“Busting moves and breaking rules.”
“Ain’t nothing, but a brawl thing, baby!”
“Who turned off the light?”
“Aha, don’t leave me in the dark!”
“I need a ho-ho-ho-oliday!”
“Bruh, I’m off my game today.”
“Time to preach to the choir of angels.”
“Dah, got caught slipping.”
“Aho, got dropped harder than my mixtape.”
Activating A Super
“Riding high, talk from the sky!”
“Yeah, catch me if you can, fools!”
“Skate or die!”
“Fresh, fly and touching the sky!”
“King of the concrete!”
“Watch me pop this ollie, fam!”
“Jump up, jump up and get down!”
“Nobody gonna hold me down, nobody gonna take my crown!”

Kenji Brawl Stars Voice Lines

Kenji Voice Lines in Brawl Stars with beautiful and meaningful sayings. Let’s see what Kenji ‘s voice is special and better than other characters.

Kenji Voice Lines

“Time to chop and drop.”
“Only my heart is stronger than my blade.”
“Loyalty and duty.”
“I fear nothing!”
In The Lead
“I’m on a sushi roll!”
“I am not worthy.”
“Chef special, victory roll!”
Receiving Damage
“Even monkeys fall from trees.”
“My blade never forgets a Brawler.”
“My shame is great.”
“I do not seek revenge, I only seek justice!”
“Silence speaks, shouting whispers.”
“I have no honor.”
“抜き差しならぬ! “
Defeating An Enemy
“The frog in the well knows nothing of the ocean.”
“The weak are meat, the strong eat!”
“One blade, many Brawlers.”
“Ha ha ha, Brawler, sashimi style.”
“Justice has been served!”
Kenji laughs
Kenji laughs
“My knife, your life.”
“You’re no match for my blade.”
“Death by tofu, ha ha ha!”
“Fall seven times and stand up eight.”
“Sliced and diced.”
“Vengeance is all I have left.”
“I can smell the sakura.”
“I have found the way of the samurai.”
“Life is like death, except different.”
“Ha ha!”
Kenji groans
Kenji groans
Kenji groans
Kenji groans
Kenji groans
Kenji groans
Kenji groans
Activating A Super
“Blade fury!”
“Ha ha ha ha, samurai slash!”
“Ha ha ha ha ha, tuna time!”
Kenji laughs

Shade Brawl Stars Voice Lines

Shade Voice Lines in Brawl Stars with beautiful and meaningful sayings. Let’s see what Shade’s voice is special and better than other characters.

Shade Voice Lines

In The Lead
“Ha ha ha!”
Shade laughs
Receiving Damage
Defeating An Enemy
Shade laughs
Activating A Super

Juju Brawl Stars Voice Lines

Juju Voice Lines in Brawl Stars with beautiful and meaningful sayings. Let’s see what Juju’s voice is special and better than other characters.

Juju Voice Lines

“Mmm, Juju is gonna get you.”
“Oh, you better bring it.”
“I’ll skin you alive.”
“Heads up, you’re next.”
“My magic is thicker than Gumbo.”
“Step up or step out.”
“Mmm, this hot mess is gonna melt your soul, chile.”
“Freaky fierce and ready to pierce!”
“Y’all about to get stitched up.”
“Looking for my next plaything.”
“Bless your heart, I’ll curse it.”
“Walk softly, for the dead, listen closely.”
In The Lead
“Stitching up that W, y’all!”
“I’m built different, y’all, ha. Stay mad.”
“Y’all be lagging. Don’t hate, appreciate.”
“Vibe check, straight fire.”
“I’m pulling the strings here.”
“Very demure, very mindful.”
“Voodoo queen rules the scene, y’all.”
Juju laughs
Receiving Damage
“Well, aren’t you special?”
“Negative aura points.”
“Oh! Get stuffed.”
“Ow! Oh, you are dying to be displayed.”
“Ooh, oh-oh-oh. That’s gonna need some extra stitches.”
“Oh, it’s on, you made my dolls cry.”
“Bless my bayonets.”
“Ooh, shoot, I felt that voodoo.”
“Bad voodoo, angry Juju.”
“I said, who put a curse on me?”
“You hurt my Gris-Gris, you hurt me-me.”
“Ah, dang it, that hurt my Gris-Gris.”
“Hexes and curses coming your way!”
Defeating An Enemy
“Your luck just ran dry, honey.”
Juju laughs
“A stitch in time saves nine, girl.”
“Hotter than hell, and twice as mean.”
“Let’s add you to my collection.”
“You’re my new forever friend.”
“Womp womp!”
“I’ll preserve you.”
“Dolly says: ‘Lights out.'”
“The spirits don’t like you.”
“Ain’t no beating Cajun magic.”
“Told y’all not to mess.”
“Don’t put all your heads in one basket. Ha ha ha.”
“Ain’t no grave gonna hold me.”
“Bite the bullet, taste the venom.”
“No more voodoo for Juju.”
“Back to my babies I go.”
“Mmmm, back to my babies I go-go.”
Juju screams
“Curse y’all!”
“Aaah, pins and potions!”


Activating A Super
“Gris-Gris magic.”
Juju laughs
“My voodoo is gonna get you.”
“Oh, Gregory!”
“My needle is on point, hoo!”
“Dollmaker, soul taker.”

Cordelius Brawl Stars Voice Lines

Cordelius Voice Lines in Brawl Stars with beautiful and meaningful sayings. Let’s see what Cordelius’s voice is special and better than other characters.

Cordelius Voice Lines

“Who’s a fungi? Me!”
“Time for the shroom and doom show!”
“Prepare to be fungified!”
“Time for truffle.”
“Mushy mushy mushrooms.”
*blabbers* “Mush!” *blabbers* “Mush!”
In the Lead
“I’m winning? I thought I was hallucinating”
“Wow, look at all those colors!”
“Just leave me alone!”
“Doing it for the shrooms.”
“You reap what you sow.”
“Too weird to live! Too wild to die!”
“Mushroom, mushroom, mushroom, mushroom, mushroom, mushroom!”
“A shroom, and a shroom, and a Mush, and a Mush, and and a… Weee!”
Receiving Damage
“Put a cap on it.”
“No, don’t touch my shrooms!”
“Mind the plants.”
“You prickly person.”
“Thorn in my side, I better go hide.”
“Tree-mendous pain.”
Cordelius blabbers
Cordelius blabbers
*blabbers* “Blegh!”
Defeating An Enemy
*laughs* “You’re not mold enough!”
“You are going on the compost pile.”
“You’re more bark than bite.”
“Mushroom power!”
“Never trust a shroom in a raincoat.”
“Oh, getting rid of the bad seeds.”
“Wooo!” *blabbers* “Shroom!”
Cordelius laughs
Cordelius sings
Cordelius laughs
“Fungi fiend!”
“Spore you later, alligator.”
“Time to turn over a new leaf.”
“Ah, my shroom!”
“Going back to my roots.”
“Pushing up the daisies.”
Cordelius cries
Cordelius cries
Activating A Super
“Spores of destruction, spread your love!”
“Fungi fury!”
“Doom shroom!”
“Weee, mushroom!”
“Fly my shroomies!”
Cordelius laughs
“Shroomy shroomy mushroom!”

Cici Mobile Legends Voice Lines

Cici Voice Lines in Mobile Legends with beautiful and meaningful sayings. Let’s see what Cici’s voice is special and better than other heroes.

Cici Voice Lines

First move

“Cici and Yoyo… ready to set the stage on fire!”
“It’s not a perfect stage unless it’s bursting with lights and color.”
“Happiness is the warrant of a smile and the sparkle in Yoyo’s eyes.”
“Onward and upward! Our adventure is a never-ending party!”
“Cici and Yoyo, the unstoppable duo, here to chase away the gloom.”
“Don’t worry~ just be happy.”
“Whenever I step into the spotlight, I feel like I’m home.”
“Me and Yoyo have been performing… as long as I can remember.”
“Every day is a chance to be the hero of your own story.”
“Today’s forecast: Sunny, of course!”
“Lights! Camera! Action!”


“Relax, you’re a part of my show!”
“Stop being a party pooper!”
“You are not invited!”
“Don’t interrupt my show!”
“Come join the fun!”
“Let’s dance!”
“Get ‘em, Yoyo!”

Basic attack


Skill 1

“Spin, Yoyo! Spin!”

Skill 2

“Up and over!”


“Ready for my show stopper?”
“Show isn’t over yet!”

Nolan Mobile Legends Voice Lines

Nolan Voice Lines in Mobile Legends with beautiful and meaningful sayings. Let’s see what Nolan’s voice is special and better than other heroes.

Nolan Voice Lines

First move

“Yet another world, another fragment of my soul.”
“I have wandered countless universes but Eruditio will always be home.”
“I would splinter my soul a thousand more times for a chance to go back.”
“Without my little star to guide me, I would have been lost long ago.”
“In my travels, I once felt the warm embrace of a newborn star.”
“[sighs] Home, seems more distant to me than the stars above.”
“I have become accustomed to the cold, loneliness of the void.”
“Never fear failure, as a scientist and as a father.”
“With the right coordinates, I can navigate the stars with ease.”
“She is the beacon that keeps me steadfast on this path.”
“Is this hopeless wish all I have left to cling to?”


“Experience the void!”
“Coordinate set.”
“Time for action.”
“Escape is futile.”
“I won’t tolerate ignorance!”

Basic attack


Skill 1


Skill 2




Ixia Mobile Legends Voice Lines

Ixia Voice Lines in Mobile Legends with beautiful and meaningful sayings. Let’s see what Ixia’s voice is special and better than other heroes.

Ixia Voice Lines

First move

“Let’s get the show on the road.”
“Nothin’ like a good battle to field-test my latest invention.”
“Mayhem is a great source of inspiration.”
“Even the brightest minds of Eruditio have to recognize my ingenuity.”
“The name’s Ixia. Remember it!”
“Just stand back and watch me work.”
“Be yourself and blaze your own trail.”
“This town ain’t big enough for two crews.”
“The more they look down on me, the more motivated I get.”
“Even the smallest speck of sand can become a sandstorm.”
“Don’t worry, this ain’t my first rodeo.”
“It feels good to be bad.”


“Take a dirt nap!”
“This is a stick up!”
“I’m comin’ for ya!”
“I don’t play by the rules!”
“Let’s show ‘em we mean business!”

Basic attack



“Here comes the fireworks!”
“What an eye opener!”

Novaria Mobile Legends Voice Lines

Novaria Voice Lines in Mobile Legends with beautiful and meaningful sayings. Let’s see what Novaria’s voice is special and better than other heroes.

Novaria Voice Lines

First move

“The stars lit up a path for me, and dimmed my own light.”
“Shining on the outside, get dark within.”
“I have my destiny on my fingertips.”
“A kind of blueness, boundlessness devoured me and then it became me.”
“My home, has long gone with those stars.”
“The stars see all, but they never care.”
“I’ll return the favor to the stars.”
“Stargazing is not lonely in Eruditio.”
“Everyone gets to make their own path.”
“The nine-billion stars above, I know everyone of them.”
“The paths of life are not in the stars, but beneath our feet.”
“Stargazers only see the past. What I want however, is to reshape the future.”


“By the will of the stars.”
“Get lost in the stardust.”
“Behold, the stars!”
“Meet your end!”

Basic attack


Skill 1

“Rain of stars!”

Skill 2

“Come to me!”
Releasing the Astral Sphere
“Shine for me!”


“Celestial revelation!”
“Stellar confinement!”

Lukas Mobile Legends Voice Lines

Lukas Voice Lines in Mobile Legends with beautiful and meaningful sayings. Let’s see what Lukas’s voice is special and better than other heroes.

Lukas Voice Lines

First move

“This Sacred Beast won’t hold back.”


“Oh, I’m getting riled up!”
“Show some effort!”
“Give me a real fight!”
“Run away, pipsqueaks!”

Skill 1

“Bring it on!”

Skill 2

“Don’t blink!”


“Let’s go wild!”
“[effort sounds]”

Kalea Mobile Legends Voice Lines

Kalea Voice Lines in Mobile Legends with beautiful and meaningful sayings. Let’s see what Kalea’s voice is special and better than other heroes.

Kalea Voice Lines

First move

“[laugh] I can beat them all with just my tail.”


“I’ll crack you like a coconut!”
“Don’t tell me that’s all you got.”
“There’s no backing up now.”
“Done playing around? My turn!”
“Nuh-uh, you’re going nowhere!”

Skill 1


Skill 2

“Wave breaker!”


“Tsunami slam!”
“[effort sounds]”

Suyou Mobile Legends Voice Lines

Suyou Voice Lines in Mobile Legends with beautiful and meaningful sayings. Let’s see what Suyou’s voice is special and better than other heroes.

Suyou Voice Lines

First move

“In the name of the Immortal, evil will be routed.”


“Expel the scourge!”
“Shatter all evil!”
“Fight as one!”
“Out of the way!”

Skill 1

“Surge!” (Mortal Form)
“[screams in effort]” (Immortal Form)

Skill 2

“Sever!” (Mortal Form)
“Mountain Splitter!” (Immortal Form)

Skill 3

“Banish!” (Mortal Form)
“Pierce!” (Immortal Form)

Joy Mobile Legends Voice Lines

Joy Voice Lines in Mobile Legends with beautiful and meaningful sayings. Let’s see what Joy’s voice is special and better than other heroes.

Joy Voice Lines

First move

“A blessed leonin will be the blessing upon leonins.”
“I’m the bearer of the blessing, the custodian of all leonins future and joy.”
“They will soon learn the short-tailed leonin isn’t as cute as it seems.”
“Love makes a family I will always remember that.”
“I have always been the naughty one, but at least it’s fun!”
“Sometimes, curiosity feeds the cat.”
“The weather’s looking… flashing!”
“Annoy the kitty and you get a tiger.”
“I, Joy, am no longer a stray.”
“I could use some cupcakes now.”
“I never miss a beat.”
“Better follow the beat.”
“Da da da ha!”


“There’s no stopping Joy.”
“Tapping your foot now?”
“That’s it?”
“Wanna dance?”
“You dizzy now?”

Basic attack



“Lightning flash incoming.”
“I am the flash.”

Fredrinn Mobile Legends Voice Lines

Fredrinn Voice Lines in Mobile Legends with beautiful and meaningful sayings. Let’s see what Fredrinn’s voice is special and better than other heroes.

Fredrinn Voice Lines

First move

“Your appraiser is here.”
“I’m ready whenever the money is.”
“Those who stared at my scar, ended up having one.”
“House Vance doesn’t need friends…but I do.”
“To battle is to appraise your enemies, just with different instruments.”
“No questions asked, no secrets told.”
“They put a price tag on everything in Los Pecados.”
“Greed will be the doom of House Vance.”
“Nothing and no one deceives my eyes.”
“I can’t afford to miss any clue.”
“It should have been me, not him.”
“Not all worth can be quantified.”


“Face me!”
“No sweat.”
“That’s underwhelming.”
“Greetings from Los Pecados.”


“Stand still!”
“If you can’t escape it, face it!”
“Now I’m getting serious!”

Julian Mobile Legends Voice Lines

Julian Voice Lines in Mobile Legends with beautiful and meaningful sayings. Let’s see what Julian’s voice is special and better than other heroes.

Julian Voice Lines

First move

“No warmth here.”
“Memory completes me.”
“On alert.”
“Danger, addictive.”
“No questions asked.”
“It is black, you see?”
“That smile is all I have.”
“The snow, I recall.”
“Take what I owe.”


“Where to?”
“Closing in.”
“Don’t run.”
“What for?”
“Quit it.”

Skill 1


Skill 2



“Chain, up!”

Doug Brawl Stars Voice Lines

Doug Voice Lines in Brawl Stars with beautiful and meaningful sayings. Let’s see what Doug’s voice is special and better than other characters.

Doug Voice Lines

“Dude, I’m not a fighter. I’m a floater.”
“Going in at the deep end, my dudes.”
“Let’s dive into this splashy showdown.”
“Yo! Be prepared for some mildly effective life guarding.”
“Come with me, little swimmers. Time for an adventure!”
“Yo! I got the munchies.”
“Whoa, my dudes!”
“Yo! Where my peeps at?”
“Come at me bro!”
Receiving Damage
“I’m only here for the sunscreen!”
“Stay chill bro.”
“Ugh, let’s just hang.”
“Feeling the salt crunch!”
“Go easy, keep it cheesy.”
“Ay, take it easy bro.”
“It’s not that serious bro!”
Defeating An Enemy
“Ay, kiddie pool, other way.”
“Ooh, the tide is turning!”
“Just when you thought it was safe, I arrived!”
“Splash damage!”
“Don’t choke on your food bro.”
“Snack attack!”
“Mmm, keeping it crispy.”
“Eh, easy pickens.”
“Dude, that was clutch.”
“Uh, I think I left my sunscreen at home.”
“Nope, not feeling it.”
“I’m like toast with no jam.”
“Like a burnt chicken nugget.”
“Ay, gotta give credit where due.”
“Ahh, snack break.”
“Taking the L.”
“Why me bro?”
“Oh, that was not my moment.”
Activating A Super
“Ha ho! Food fight!”
“Sausage of salvation!”
“Protein power!”
“You’ve been served!”
“Munch the meaty goodness bro!”
“Ha ha! Devour the Doug!”
“Mighty meat treat that’ll keep you on your feet.”
“Daggy dog!”
“All toppings!”
“A wiener is you!”
“Yo! Don’t be a whiner, have a wiener!”

Pearl Brawl Stars Voice Lines

Pearl Voice Lines in Brawl Stars with beautiful and meaningful sayings. Let’s see what Pearl’s voice is special and better than other characters.

Pearl Voice Lines

“Let’s turn up the heat and serve some justice!”
“Ready to roast the competition!”
“Broil, boil, bake, and destroy!”
“Cooking up some carnage and serving it piping hot!”
“Furnace of finger-licking fury!”
“Dealing out delicious damage.”
“I’ve got the recipe for destruction!”
“I’m more than an oven timer.”
“Heating up a serving – of misfortune cookies!”
“A mom on a mission!”
“So many kids, so few cookies.”
“Home baker, world shaker!”
In the Lead
“I am one yummy mommy.”
“Too hot to handle.”
“Mommy is always right.”
“Total momination.”
“Time for a nice cup of tea.”
“Revenge is a dish best served straight from the oven.”
Receiving Damage
“Mommy still loves you!”
“Always so needy!”
“I’ll batter ya!”
“I’m boiling over!”
Defeating An Enemy
“That was a piece of cake.”
“You’ve been served.”
“You got oven’d.”
“Grill to thrill!”
“You inhaled a bakery!”
“Greedy guts!”
“Suitably satiated.”
“Carbs of carnage!”
“Time to cook up a new plan.”
“I went in half-baked.”
“That’s how the cookie crumbles.”
“Bruised, braised, dazed, and glazed!”
“Time to get baked!”
“Have a cookie!”
“Filled with pain, but gluten-free!”
“Dish and dash!”
“Bake and blast!”
“Taste the love!”
“Free diabetes!”
“Delicious destruction!”
“Want milk with that?”
“Cremation station!”

Chuck Brawl Stars Voice Lines

Chuck Voice Lines in Brawl Stars with beautiful and meaningful sayings. Let’s see what Chuck’s voice is special and better than other characters.

Chuck Voice Lines

Normal:”Back on track!”
Desert Scorpion:”Bring that sting!”
Normal:”Next stop, Creepyville!”
Desert Scorpion:”Conduttore del caos.”
Normal:”Into the fray, full steam ahead!”
Desert Scorpion:”Eccomi, lo scorpione.”
Normal:”Time to let off some steam! Choo-choo!”
Desert Scorpion:”Enter sandman.”
Normal:”All aboard the pain train!”
Desert Scorpion:”I’ve got grains in my veins!”
Desert Scorpion:”Sono il sultano delle sabbie!”
Desert Scorpion:”May the sands of time erase my crime.”
Desert Scorpion:”Meet my friend with a deadly end!”
Desert Scorpion:”Pinch party over here!”
Desert Scorpion:”Quicker than quicksand.”
Desert Scorpion:”Scorpion stinger, pain bringer!”
Desert Scorpion:”Questo potrebbe, pizzicare un po!”
Desert Scorpion:”Veleno e dolore!”
Desert Scorpion:”Watch this tail or get ready to wail.”
In the Lead
Normal:”My magnum opus!”
Desert Scorpion:”An oasis of orchestration.”
Normal:”Il mio momento!”
Desert Scorpion:”Un’ oasi di orchestrazione.”
Normal:”From minor to major!”
Desert Scorpion:”I’m the king of sting!”
Normal:”Time for the applause!”
Desert Scorpion:”Sono il re delle punture!”
Normal:”Grazie a tutti!”
Desert Scorpion:”Scorpion symphony, sting sing harmony.”
Normal:”That was well orchestrated.”
Desert Scorpion:”Di scorpione la sinfonia, ti punge in armonia!”
Normal:”È stato ben orchestrato!”
Normal:”Eccomi! Il maestro!”
Receiving Damage
Normal:”Ugh, lost my train of thought!”
Desert Scorpion:”I am in a pinch!”
Normal:”Steamy staccato!”
Normal:”Pianissimo, please!”
Desert Scorpion:”Mi è entrata della sabbia negli occhi!”
Desert Scorpion:”Ah, mi fanno male le pinze.”
Desert Scorpion:”I’m pinchers of pain!”
Desert Scorpion:”Sand got in my eyes.”
Defeating An Enemy
Normal:”What a trill!”
Desert Scorpion:”Every tale has an end.”
Desert Scorpion:”It’s a sting thing!”
Normal:”Winning fanfare!”
Desert Scorpion:”Pincers of power!”
Normal:”You need more train-ing. Ha ha ha ha!”
Desert Scorpion:”Sand-sational!”
Normal:”Please, go conduct yourself.”
Desert Scorpion:”Sting, swing, and sing!”
Normal:”È stato bello!”
Desert Scorpion:”Ti pungo, ti pungo! Ha ha ha ha!”
Desert Scorpion:”Vittoria velenosa.”
Normal:”A symphony of suffering!”
Desert Scorpion:”Back to the dunes!”
Normal:”Molto triste.”
Desert Scorpion:”Solo il deserto.”
Normal:”Molto triste.”Desert Scorpion:”It don’t mean a thing if it ain’t got the sting!”
Normal:”Concerto of carnage!”
Desert Scorpion:”It’s all dune and gloom!”
Normal:”Arrivederci. Ah!”
Desert Scorpion:”Sands of time are running out.”
Desert Scorpion:”Sandstorm!”
Desert Scorpion:”Tempesta di sabbia!”
Activating A Super
Normal:”Destination: pain!”
Normal:”Prossima fermata, ospedale!”

Charlie Brawl Stars Voice Lines

Charlie Voice Lines in Brawl Stars with beautiful and meaningful sayings. Let’s see what Charlie’s voice is special and better than other characters.

Charlie Voice Lines

Normal:”Straight from the streets with zero defeats!”
Virus:”Straight from the streets with zero defeats!”
Normal:”Distract and disarm.”
Virus:”Distract and disarm.”
Normal:”You can’t resist my charm.”
Virus:”You can’t resist my charm.”
Normal:”Watch the string! I’ll take your bling.”
Virus:”Watch the string! I’ll take your bling.”
Normal:”Spin, swing, and circus bling!”
Virus:”Spin, swing, and circus bling!”
Normal:”Let the carnival of carnage begin!”
Virus:”Let the carnival of carnage begin!”
In The Lead
Normal:”Circus crown, not clown!”
Virus:”Circus crown, not clown!”
Normal:”Spin when you’re winning!”
Virus:”Spin when you’re winning!”
Normal:”My life is a circus and I love it!”
Virus:”My life is a circus and I love it!”
Normal:”What a carnival of clowns.”
Virus:”What a carnival of clowns.”
Normal:”Le fric, c’est chic!”
Virus:”Le fric, c’est chic!”
Receiving Damage
Normal:”Oh mon dieu!”
Virus:”Oh mon dieu!”
Normal:”Excuse-moi ?”
Virus:”Excuse-moi ?”
Normal:”It will take more than that!”
Virus:”It will take more than that!”
Normal:”Ooh, so, you wanna play rough?”
Virus:”Ooh, so, you wanna play rough?”
Normal:”This puts a new spin on things.”
Virus:”This puts a new spin on things.”
Normal:”Ooh la la!”
Virus:”Ooh la la!”
Normal:”Espèce de ouf!”
Virus:”Espèce de ouf!”
Normal:Charlie shrieks
Virus:Charlie shrieks
Defeating An Enemy
Normal:”My yo-yo brings all the pain to your face.”
Virus:”My yo-yo brings all the pain to your face.”
Normal:”Eat my yo-yo.”
Virus:”Eat my yo-yo.”
Normal:”You better brie-lieve it.”
Virus:”You better brie-lieve it.”
Normal:”I stole your heart, literally.”
Virus:”I stole your heart, literally.”
Normal:”Très bien ! I killed again!”
Virus:”Très bien ! I killed again!”
Normal:”You’re French toast.”
Virus:”You’re French toast.”
Normal:”Et voilà!”
Virus:”Et voilà!”
Normal:”Et voilà!”
Virus:”Et voilà!”
Normal:”♫Lala lala laaaa!”
Virus:”♫Lala lala laaaa!”
Normal:”I’ll come back just like a yo-yo.”
Virus:”I’ll come back just like a yo-yo.”
Normal:”Like a sad clown without a circus.”
Virus:”Like a sad clown without a circus.”
Normal:”Messing with a yo-yo has its ups and downs.”
Virus:”Messing with a yo-yo has its ups and downs.”
Normal:”Oh, pâtisserie of misery!”
Virus:”Oh, pâtisserie of misery!”
Normal:”Au revoir !”
Virus:”Au revoir !”
Normal:”Oh, j’suis cramé.”
Virus:”Oh, j’suis cramé.”
Activating A Super
Normal:”Web of wonder!”
Virus:”Web of wonder!”
Normal:”Like a papillon!”Virus:”Like a papillon!”
Normal:”Hush, little baby!”
Virus:”Hush, little baby!”

Mico Brawl Stars Voice Lines

Mico Voice Lines in Brawl Stars with beautiful and meaningful sayings. Let’s see what Mico’s voice is special and better than other characters.

Mico Voice Lines

Normal:”Countdown to chaos!”
Normal:”Testing, 1, 2, 3. Testing!”
Normal:”Yeah, this is just a side gig.”
Normal:”Hello, my good fellas!”
Normal:”Woah, time for some whack-a-noodle.”
In The Lead
Normal:”Ha ha! I’m the chimp champ, baby!”
Normal:”And, the Oscar goes to…”
Normal:”Ho ho ho! I’m gonna be a star for sure!”
Normal:”I’m number one, baby! Top of the world!”
Normal:”The world and everything in it.”
Normal:”Ain’t no monkeying around over here.”
Normal:”Ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh! Woah, that was primal.”
Receiving Damage
Normal:”Oh! Easy knucklehead.”
Normal:”Hey hey hey! Easy fella!”
Normal:”Oh! Back off!”
Normal:”Alright, that’s it. Enough monkeying around. Yeah!”
Defeating An Enemy
Normal:”Ka-boom, mic!”
Normal:”Woah, I am way too talented for this schmuckerini.”
Normal:”Telling ya, I’m always the one sorting out the mess here.”
Normal:”Yeah! Got your guts on take!”
Normal:”Louder mister, I’m recording your screams.”
Normal:”Oh oh oh oh, please with the screaming.”
Normal:”Heh heh, we all knew the risks.”
Normal:”Yeah, go ahead. Just keep laughing.”
Normal:”What am I, a joke to you? I’m a chimp, I jump around on the monkey bars. Yeah, huh?”
Normal:”I think there’s some monkey business going on around here.”
Normal:”Bye bye! I’m going up to the big jungle gym in the sky.”
Activating A Super
Normal:”I’m going bananas!”
Normal:”Mic-o drop moment!”
Normal:”Not so tough now, are you, wisenheimers?”
Normal:”Primate power!”
Normal:”Boom baboon!”

Kit Brawl Stars Voice Lines

Kit Voice Lines in Brawl Stars with beautiful and meaningful sayings. Let’s see what Kit’s voice is special and better than other characters.

Kit Voice Lines

“Thrilled to be here, really.”
“Wow, I’m a cat. Try to get over it.”
“Meow! Sorry, got caught up in the moment.”
“Cats out of the bag.”
“Don’t start believing.”
“Ugh, whe-, wher-, where did that small red dot go?”
“Oh, did I smell tuna?”
“Come on, let’s get physical. Physical.”
“Has it really come to this?”
In The Lead
“Have waited all my nine lives for this moment.”
“I’m a cat, of course I win.”
“Live, love, laugh, and lick.”
“Something smells fishy here, and I love it!”
“Of course, I’m paw-some!”
Receiving Damage
“Now, it’s purr-sonal.”
“But… I’m a cat.”
Kit hisses
Kit snarls
“You aren’t kitten around, are you?”
“Claws are out, free facelift.”
“Crying cat face.”
“Mark my claws, you’ll remember this moment.”
“Now, it’s my turn.”
Kit growls
Defeating An Enemy
“You are gonna cry, aren’t you?”
“Cat’s got your tongue? Yes, I have.”
“You’ve got a face for failure.”
“Smartphones, stupid people.”
“Feline good.”
“Making everyone else look good. Well done.”
“You aimed low, and managed to miss the mark.”
“Huh, what a catastrophe.”
“Gonna start running out of lives.”
“Ahh, finally some rest.”
“Was this ever fun?”
“Back to the Internet.”
“Ugh, gotta go lick myself.”
Kit groans
Kit groans
Kit groans
Kit groans
Activating A Super
“Feline frenzy!”
“Pounce, flounce, and bounce!”
“Friends forever!”
“You are stuck with me-ow!”
“Claws of love!”

Larry & Lawrie Brawl Stars Voice Lines

Larry & Lawrie Voice Lines in Brawl Stars with beautiful and meaningful sayings. Let’s see what Larry & Lawrie’s voice is special and better than other characters.

Larry & Lawrie Voice Lines

“This will be a great day.”
“Play nice, everyone.”
“Don’t be fools, follow the rules!”
“Optimism boost, engaged!”
“Obey, obey, obey!”
“Got a ticket to win, and I’m checking in!”
“Obeying rules, like a boss!”
In The Lead
“Successfully applied my 45,756 rules of success.”
“Optimism is the ticket to success.”
“One way ticket to victory!”
“Ticket to triumph!”
“Optimism fueled, the competitors were schooled.”
“Sing when you’re twinning!”
“Twin for the win!”
“Obeying rules, but breaking records!”
Receiving Damage
“I am still smiling!”
“You did really well!”
“You chose me as a victim. I am honored!”
“Lawrie won’t like this.”
“What a great effort.”
Defeating An Enemy
“The rule book is my secret weapon.”
“Rules rule the world.”
“Ruling ruler of Rulington!”
“Optimism won again!”
“Another twin win!”
“Your ticket is no longer valid.”
“This was part of the rule book.”
“But I followed the rules!”
“My ticket has expired.”
“Oh, I need to go and get some more tickets.”
“This twin was not meant to win.”
Activating A Super
“Say hello to the bad cop!”
“I got no time for trouble!”
“The law will find you!”
“Say hello to the bad cop!”
“You will pay for your insubordination.”
“You have broken the law!”
“Time for some real action!”

Arlott Mobile Legends Voice Lines

Arlott Voice Lines in Mobile Legends with beautiful and meaningful sayings. Let’s see what Arlott’s voice is special and better than other heroes.

Arlott Voice Lines

First move

“I’ll flood hell if demons try to stop me.”
“I’ll burn heaven if the gods get in my way.”
“Once, there was a place called home for me.”
“[sighs] This reminds me of the little street that leads us home.”
“Mila, it’s another starry night.”
“Have you ever felt sorry for yourself?”
“Abyss creatures, natural traitors.”
“Betrayal, I know the taste of it too well.”
“The day has finally come… you against me.”
“Nothing escapes my vision.”
“We all belong to where our hearts go, no?”
“The power I have is a blessing… but also a curse.”
“Hypocrisy fools me no more after all I’ve been through.”
“The pointy ends of my spears warn those against me.”
“They say I’m the duality of human and demon, but I serve neither.”


“Found you!”
“Get lost!”
“Out of my way!”
“Stop this resistance… now!”
“I will not have mercy!”
“You’re a petty annoyance!”
“I will end you myself.”

Basic attack


Skill 1

“The spears will run you through!”


“Our fight ends here!”


Arlott is a powerful warrior with strong solo ability, high damage and lots of control to defeat any enemy. Arlott build correctly with the right items and gems will help you gain many advantages in combat with Arlott.

Mastering Arlott’s power will give you a successful match and the most effective rank climbing.

Zhuxin Mobile Legends Voice Lines

Zhuxin Voice Lines in Mobile Legends with beautiful and meaningful sayings. Let’s see what Zhuxin’s voice is special and better than other heroes.

Zhuxin Voice Lines

First move

“May this lantern glow brighter with thy desire.”
“I don’t seek to toil with mortal hearts, only to test the will behind them.”
“What some call delusion, I find to be quite fascinating.”
“A hidden agenda? Oh, that’s always a treat.”
“All things moral and mundane don’t happen in vain.”
“The city of Zhu’an has always been a capricious place.”
“Only wishes can shed light on the dark night of the soul.”
“The longing of mortals stems from their impermanent nature.”
“A true wishes flame can endure the fiercest tempest.”
“This lantern reveals people’s true colors.”
“[Shushes] Be careful of what you wish for…”


“My butterflies aren’t so gentle.”
“Your desire betrays you.”
“Heed the candle’s flame.”
“Seek the flame.”
“Is death thy wish?”
“There’s no escape.”
“Any last wishes?”

Basic attack

Skill 1

Skill 2

“Guiding blossom!”


“Wish upon a butterfly!”
“Thousand butterflies!”

Melodie Brawl Stars Voice Lines

Melodie Voice Lines in Brawl Stars with beautiful and meaningful sayings. Let’s see what Melodie’s voice is special and better than other characters.

Melodie Voice Lines

“Chi chi yo yo, stand by.”
“Harmony brings melody.”
“Don’t miss the show.”
“Gonna rise to the top, watch my enemies drop.”
“So many songs to sing, so much joy to bring!”
“Melodians! Are you ready to rock?”
“Big shoutout to all my Melodie minions.”
“Mic check, 하나, 둘, 셋!”
“멜며들 준비 됐어?”
In The Lead
“Reload, reline, keep this moment on my mind.”
“Woo! I just slayed.”
“Shoutout to my Melodians!”
“Dreams come true!”
“I’m your idol.”
“I’m glitter, I’m gold, I’m a legend to behold.”
“Straight to the top.”
“내가 엔딩요정. 짜잔~”
“우우! 찢었다!”
“오늘 멜로디가 쏜다!”
Receiving Damage
“Fake love!”
“Worst concert ever!”
“K-drama alert!”
“This is the real K-pop.”
“I don’t dress to impress!”
“Humph, that was unexpected! 칭찬해?”
“선 넘네!”
“급발진 뭐야?”
“너 T야?”
“너 좀 친다?”
Defeating An Enemy
“That was pitch perfect.”
“For my Melodians!”
“K-pop don’t stop ’til I reach the top.”
“You’ll remember this melody forever.”
“I might be your idol, but you don’t own me.”
“Want to play? That’s okay. Get in my way, then you’ll pay.”
“See you when you grow up.”
“우아! 대박!”
“어우, 폼 미쳤다!”
“어우~ 덕통사고!”
“올킬! 우우!”
“This was rehearsal, right?”
“Stars never stop sparkling.”
“Even a fallen star still shines.”
“Don’t let it get to your head.”
“아! 킹받네!”
“Melodians 탈덕안돼…아!”
“너 누구니? 신인이니?”
Activating A Super
“Let’s go, Melodians!”
“Shooting stars!”
“Everybody, scream!”
“Remember my name. Yeah!”
“Idol mode, on.”
“음색깡패 나가신다!”
“It’s 눈 정화 time!”
“Catch my 역조공!”

Angelo Brawl Stars Voice Lines

Angelo Voice Lines in Brawl Stars with beautiful and meaningful sayings. Let’s see what Angelo’s voice is special and better than other characters.

Angelo Voice Lines

“I am the drama.”
“I’m here to slay, get out of my way!”
“Oh I won’t bite, but I will buzz.”
“Time to spill the tea!”
“Look at my fabulous wings!”
“Rocking the boujie bayou aesthetic.”
“Giving cupid core.”
“♫Fierce, fabulous and fly-y-y!”
“Rrr, looking for a snack.”
In The Lead
“Half human, half fly, hmhm, all fabulous!”
“Oh, I’m fierce and I’m fly.”
“You just wish you were me.”
“OMG! This is so boring!”
“Some drama, please?”
“Oh, main character vibes!”
“♫Rainbow rampa-a-age!”
“Abubup, all eyes on me.”
Receiving Damage
“Oh no, you didn’t.”
“I can’t even!”
“You need to leave!”
“You’re flirting with danger, darling.”
“That was sketchy.”
“Aha, buzz off, baby.”
“I’m buzzing, baby.”
Defeating An Enemy
“Oh, it’s all love.”
“Hey, I’m just winging it.”
“You got served!”
“Oh, boo hoo. Dry your tears, honey.”
“Getting stomped in the swamp!”
“Oh, honey.”
“Hashtag winging.”
“Hush mode.”
“Sashay, away!”
“Ho, sickening.”
“Flutter and fly, off to the sky.”
“Oh, I am so done!”
“I’ll be back more fabulous than ever!”
“You made a fly cry!”
Angelo screams
Activating A Super
“Oh, breathe in the awesomeness.”
“Take a deep breath.”
“And breathe!”
“Just keep breathing.”
“Toxic tears by Angelo.”
“Presenting bayou breeze by Angelo.”
“Finally, some drama!”

Draco Brawl Stars Voice Lines

Draco Voice Lines in Brawl Stars with beautiful and meaningful sayings. Let’s see what Draco’s voice is special and better than other characters.

Draco Voice Lines

“Let’s thrash, slash, bash and dash!”
“Winging it, dragon style!”
“D20 in hand, dragon at my command.”
“Time to shre-e-ed some foes.”
“You see me rolling? You waiting.”
“My dice, my dragon, my destiny-y-y!”
“Enter the dragon, man!”
“Metal warriors, number one!”
“Say your prayers, little one.”
“Time to shred some foes.”
“I will, I will rock you!”
In The Lead
“Turning it up to 11. Hahahahahaha!”
“Turning it up to 11!”
“Master of muppets.”
“Master of muppets!”
“Guitars wail when my enemies fail.”
“Rumble and roar, to the top I soar!”
“Rumble and roar, to the top I soar!”
Draco sings
Receiving Damage
“But my spirit remains unbroken!”
“Ah, you need a nerf.”
“You need a nerf!”
“Grr, MadEvil mosh pit mayhem.”
“MadEvil mosh pit mayhem!”
“Huh, formidable foe, I’ll best you for sure!”
“A formidable foe. Well, I’ll best you for sure!”
“You better be nice, or I’ll get my dice!”
“Oh, you better be nice, or I’ll get my dice!”
“You better be nice, or I’ll get my dice!”
“You want a toast, get ready to roast!”
Defeating An Enemy
“Woo-hoo, total party kill! Ha ha!”
“Total party ki-i-ill! Ha ha ha!”
“Let the Brawlers hit the floor!”
“Let the Brawlers hit the floor.”
“Just kidding!”
“Metal magic mayhem!”
“Dragon roar!”
“Dragon rider, pain provider.”
“Dragon roar!”
“Dragon roar!”
“Dragon rider, pain provider.”
“Metal magic mayhem!”
“I got shredded… bleh.”
“Epic quest fail.”
“Oh, woefully wiped out.”
“Ah, epic quest fail.”
“Hehe, epic quest fail.”
“From kick flip to kick flop.”
“Woefully wiped out.”
“Ah, failed the saving throw.”
“Seek and destroy!”
“Shoot to thrill, play to kill.”
“Seek and destroy!”
“Stabidy stab!”
“Fancy lancey!”
“The ace of blades!”
“Power chord!”
“Dive bomb!”
Activating A Super
“My dragon brings all the flames to the fight, and, dang right, they’ll burn you up!”
“My dragon brings all the flames to the fight!”
“Fired up and ready to roast!”
“Flame wa-a-ar!”
“Flame war!”
“Dragon bre-e-eath!”
“Dragon breath!”

Berry Brawl Stars Voice Lines

Berry Voice Lines in Brawl Stars with beautiful and meaningful sayings. Let’s see what Berry’s voice is special and better than other characters.

Berry Voice Lines

“Armored and ready for carnage.”
“Snap to it.”
“Clancy Claws is coming to town.”
“Pinch them into submission.”
“Leave them shellshocked.”
“I’ll claw my way to victory, one pinch at a time!”
“This isn’t just a battle, it’s a crustacean crusade.”
“Scuttle into the fray.”
“Clancy is the name, going full lobster is the game.”
“Shell yeah, let’s do this!”
“Pinch pinch pinch pinch pinch pinch pinch pinch pinch!”
In The Lead
“Living the lobster life!”
“Lobsters rock!”
“From the depths of the sea, to the height of victory!”
“Fancy Clancy!”
“Fancy Clancy.”
“I don’t break character, I break Brawlers!”
“I’m the terror of the tides.”
“I’m the terror of the tides!”
“I’m on a lobster roll.”
Receiving Damage
Clancy yelps
Clancy groans
Clancy groans
“Cribbity crab sticks!”
“Salty sea biscuit.”
“Time to improvise.”
Clancy yelps
Clancy yelps
Clancy groans
Clancy groans
Defeating An Enemy
“Hahahahaha! A pinch pinch pinch.”
Clancy laughs
“Claws of fury!”
Clancy laughs
Clancy laughs
“Get in the sea.”
“Get in the sea!”
“Humans are overrated.”
“Pinch pinch pinch!”
Clancy groans
Clancy groans
Clancy yelps
Clancy groans
Clancy groans
Clancy gasps
Clancy gags
“Boiled and buttered!”
“Lethargic longestine.”
“Feeling crabby!”
“Crustaceous calamity!”
“Neptune awaits.”
“Son of a clambake!”
Clancy blows
Clancy groans
“Saline salvo.”
“Saline salvo!”
“Pinch and prevail!”
“Pinch and prevail.”
“Lobster of valor.”
“Combat crayfish.”
“Combat crayfish!”
“A pinch.”
Activating A Super
“I am lobster!”
“I am the red warrior.”
“I am the red warrior!”
“Crusty commando!”
“Shell shockwave!”
“Marine mayhem!”
“Marine mayhem.”
“Crusty carnage!”

Sova Valorant Voice Lines

This is post about voice lines for Sova in Valorant. Let’s listen to the voice lines of Sova through: Agent Select and Abilities.

Sova Voice Lines

Sova Quotes

Actions Quotes
Pick “Wherever they run, I will find them.”
Buy Phase
Match Start
“This bow has taken man and beast alike. I have found there is little difference.”
“There is no retreat. Not when annihilation is at stake. This is our day.”
“Don’t be afraid. I’ve gone through rifts before.”
“I believe in all of you, like I believe in myself.”
“I was told you are all the best. That is why I’m here.”
“You’ll have your intel. I promise.”
“You have me. That is good for you.”
“The cold air feels wonderful!”
Round Start
“Watch them run when lit by my sonar. That’s when we strike.”
“Level heads until we’re home, yes? Good.”
“If you’re not a good shot today, don’t worry. There are other ways to be useful.”
“My quiver is never full.”
“What do you say, drone. Ready to stretch your wings?”
“Stay taut as a bowstring. The fight demands it.”
“We are strong because we are together. Don’t forget that.”
“They demand a fight. Who are we to disobey?”
“Enemies close. Eyes up.”
“Act on my intel. Don’t give them time to reposition.”
“A bow and arrow is old fashioned. But sometimes old ways are best.”
Last round won
“Keep them in our sights.”
“I have survived more than they have ever seen.”
“Stay on their trail.”
“One step closer.”
Last round won while in the lead
“If we go easy on them, they will never learn.”
“Why are they so determined to die?”
“I expected better of them.”
Making a comeback
“A second wind. Let your senses come alive!”
“The winds shift in our favor.”
“They aren’t impervious. We can do this!”
Last round in the half
“Buy all you need.”
“Save nothing.”
Match Point
“We can end it now. Once more!”
“Their winter has come. Bury them!”
Spike forgotten
“The best of the best and we still forget the spike.”
“At some point we’ll have to get the spike.”
Call for a buy
“I’m gearing up.”
“I’m gearing up.”
Call for a save
“I’m saving.”
“I’m saving.”
Offer to buy for allies
“I have money.”
“I have money.”
Request weapon
“Need a drop.”
“Need a drop.”
Barrier Down
“Protect our homeland.”
“Keep them cornered.”
“Keep them cornered.”
“Overtake them.”
“Beat them back.”
“Find their weakness.”
“Protect our motherland!”
“Leave them no escape!”
“Break away.”
“Never lose sight.”
“They tire. We don’t.”
“Eyes on target.”
“Repel them.”
“Pick them off.”
“Let us hunt.”
“Deep breath.”
“Hunt them down.”
“Come, into the unknown!”
“Eyes up.”
“I’ll find them.”
“Track them down.”
Kill“Shot down.”
“Enemy down.”
“No more.”
“Taken out.”
“Stay down.”
“On target.”
“No chance.”
“Cut down.”
“Put down.”
“Three gone.”
“Three gone.”
“Now four.”
“Now four.”
Last kill
“Be still.”
“Death is cold, friend.”
“It is done.”
“No more to oppose us.”
“Be at rest.”
Last kill melee
“You should pay more attention.”
“I’m not just an archer, you know.”
Last kill enemy MVP
“I’ve survived much worse than you.”
“No one escapes my sight. No one.”
One kill remaining (game-mode specific)
“One target left.”
“One target left.”

Each Agent have certain voicelines that resonate with their characters and firmly adhere to the locations from which these individuals hail.

Raze Valorant Voice Lines

This is post about voice lines for Raze in Valorant. Let’s listen to the voice lines of Raze through: Agent Select and Abilities.

Raze Voice Lines

Raze Quotes

Actions Quotes
Pick “Yes, I’m pumped!”
Buy Phase
Match Start
“Finally back out in the field! Let’s go, there’s so many new toys I want to try out!”
“You can take the girl out of Salvador, but you’ll never take the girl out of Salvador…wait…”
“I promise I’ll get ’em. Might take down a city block along the way but…hey. A win’s a win.”
“Okay, minha família. Leave the fireworks to me. Should be plenty loud for you to have some fun.”
(“Okay, my family. Leave the fireworks to me. Should be plenty loud for you to have some fun.”)
“Just me, my squad-zinho, and a few tons of dynamite. There’s nothing we can’t do!”
(“Just me, my little squad, and a few tons of dynamite. There’s nothing we can’t do!”)
“Even if I go out, I’ll go out with a bang! Just promise you’ll dance at my funeral, okay?”
“I shouldn’t have to say this because, you know, my vibe, but, stay clear of my explosions, okay?”
On Attack
“Oxe, are we in their world now, or they in ours? No, it’s theirs. I got it. This universe stuff, it’s complicated.”
(Oxe: Expression of surprise)
“Once we get their radianite, can I keep a little extra for my boom bot-i? Would that be cool? Honestly, I don’t think anybody minds!”
On Defense
“They think they can walk all over my turf?! I’ve got a grenade that says otherwise.”
“This poor place. You used to be so beautiful. Don’t worry. I’ll send you off with a bang.”
“Hey, uh, that glass is shatter-proof, né? Anyone test grenades on it yet? I’m just thinking out loud…”
(“Hey, uh, that glass is shatter-proof, right? Anyone test grenades on it yet? I’m just thinking out loud…”)
“Ugh, another Kingdom infestation. Well fine. I’ll just make sure be extra collateral with my collateral damage.”
Round Start
“You- you say something? Ha, sorry. Ears still ringing.”
“Ah, surrounded by minha família. We won’t lose!”
(“Ah, surrounded by my family. We won’t lose!”)
“We’re here, because we’re the best! Don’t any of you forget that!”
“No one beats my firepower, I got this!”
“Gear up, stay safe, we’re going back in.”
“Paint? Check. Charges? Check. Brakes? chuckles Nowhere in sight.”
“None of my stuff has malfunctioned yet! Can we celebrate that?”
“They want to dance? Ha! I’ll lead.”
“Anyone have any splints? I may have jammed my fin-gersss…multiple fingers…”
“They’re going to scatter from my stuff. Super easy to pick off.”
“Okay, I only have, like, seventy eight grenades left…hopefully that’s enough.”
Last round won
“And that’s how we do it.”
“Ha, they think we wouldn’t fight back? Dead wrong.”
“Let’s do it again!”
“Ha! We dancing now! Let’s keep it up!”
Last round won while in the lead
“Never had a doubt. Let’s keep it going!”
“Who said this wouldn’t be fun. I’m having a blast!”
“Ha! I try to stay serious here, but…this is just so much fun.”
Making a comeback
“This party’s just begun.”
“See? They’re stubborn, but they’ll break.”
“Okay, they tried. Now it’s our turn.”
Last round in the half
“Spend those creds before we lose them.”
“Spend those creds before we lose them.”
Match Point
“Party’s over. Let’s show them out!”
“One last fight, everyone. We can do it!”
Spike forgotten
“Uh, where’s the spike?”
“I think we need the spike.”
Call for a buy
“I’m buying.”
“I’m buying.”
Call for a save
“I’m saving.”
“I’m saving.”
Offer to buy for allies
“Anyone need something?”
“Anyone need something?”
Request weapon
“Can I get a drop?”
“Can I get a drop?”
Barrier Down
“They can’t even make a dent!”
“Tear them down.”
“Stay out of my home.”
“We set the tempo, not them.”
“Just let loose.”
“Let’s go, keep it up!”
“We’ll come back. I can feel it.”
“We’ll bring it back.”
“Gotta find that rhythm.”
“Shake them up.”
“Vamos, gente.”
(“Let’s go, people”)
“Ha! They don’t have a chance.”
“Let’s start this party.”
“I need to blow something up.”
“Time to explode.”
“Let’s flush them out.”
“Let’s make ’em dance!”
“Let’s make some chaos.”
“Come on, let’s go!”
Kill“Ha! Got one!”
“Get out of here!”
“One down.”
“Snuffed out.”
“See ya!”
“Got ’em.”
“Nailed it.”
“Precision kill.”
“Loosen up!”
“Didn’t waste my ammo.”
“Take a nap.”
“Three for me.”
“Three for me.”
“Ha, four.”
“Ha, four.”
Last kill
“Woo! Okay, take a break guys!”
“Last bogey killed.”
“I think that’s it.”
“Okay, done!”
“Okay! Who’s got the snacks?”
Last kill melee
“I’m as quiet as a mouse.”
Last kill enemy MVP
“The bigger they are, the harder they fall.”
One kill remaining (game-mode specific)
“Let’s dance!”
“Let’s dance!”

Each Agent have certain voicelines that resonate with their characters and firmly adhere to the locations from which these individuals hail.

Fade Valorant Voice Lines

This is post about voice lines for Fade in Valorant. Let’s listen to the voice lines of Fade through: Agent Select and Abilities.

Fade Voice Lines

Fade Quotes

Actions Quotes
Pick “Everyone is afraid of something.”
Buy Phase
Match Start
“I paid a heavy price to commune with Nightmare. Don’t waste it.”
“It doesn’t matter where they hide, I’ll find them. I always find them.”
“Hop! Eyes open, we have a job to do.”
(“Hey! Eyes open, we have a job to do.”)
“Another mission? Good. Anything to keep me awake.”
“There’s truth in every dream, if you dig deep enough. Let’s find out what they buried.”
“Don’t worry everyone, I won’t tell them what scares you. Promise…”
On Attack
“Let’s cut them down then plant the spike – and sweep the stragglers into the trash!”
“We find what’s hidden, we take it, then we leave.”
On Defense
“They think they can steal from us? Hadi lan, this is funny.”
(“They think they can steal from us? Come the hell on, this is funny.”)
“How many times must we turn them away?! I’m getting aggravated…”
“Many people died here. Their fear still lingers.”
Round Start
“One dream ends, another begins.”
“Hesitation is for amateurs, let’s go!”
“Pry open their mind, find the weakness.”
“Their teeth will chatter in the cold and dark.”
“Make their fear your weapon…or use a gun, whichever.”
“Boş yapmayın, keep fighting. Rest is overrated.”
(“Stop messing around, keep fighting. Rest is overrated.”)
“They have courage, but no one is immune to fear.”
“Dreams are a funny thing. One little twist, and it all turns dark.”
“Whatever happens, sakin, don’t panic. Trembling is bad for your aim.”
(“Whatever happens, chill, don’t panic. Trembling is bad for your aim.”)
“Hadi, again. Their fear is a track, and the track is fresh.”
(“Come on, again. Their fear is a track, and the track is fresh.”)
Last round won
“Nice work lan. All of you.”
(“Nice bloody work. All of you.”)
“Keep hitting them like that and this job is done.”
“Their heart rate just went up.”
“Savor the good dreams while you can.”
Last round won while in the lead
“We could finish this with our eyes closed!…but I wouldn’t recommend it.”
“Güzel, we are doing very well.”
(“Nice, we are doing very well.”)
“You don’t need nightmare powers to see them shaking.”
“Look at them, pale and sweating. All good signs.”
Making a comeback
“You see? There’s still plenty of fun to be had.”
“The nightmare turns in our favor.”
“This fight isn’t over until we are dead!.”
Last round in the half
“Buy what you need, otherwise we’re going to look very stupid.”
“Spend everything. Hoarding money is useless now.”
Match Point
“This is it! Their courage falters!”
“Their spirit is cracking! Now shatter it!”
Spike forgotten
“Yok ebesinin nikahı, we forgot the spike.”
(“No midwife’s wedding, we forgot the spike.”, used as an outraged exclamation similar to “That’s unbelievable.”)
“Hey, isn’t the spike important?”
Call for a buy
“I will buy.”
“I will buy.”
Call for a save
“I will save.”
“I will save.”
Offer to buy for allies
“Who needs a weapon?”
“Who needs a weapon?”
Request weapon
“Anyone feeling generous?”
“Anyone feeling generous?”
Barrier Down
“Push them back!”
“They are terrified.”
“Shit, they’re good.”
“Fight harder!”
“Do not relent!”
“Keep them on the run.”
“Never give in.”
“Their line can’t hold forever.”
“Give me a challenge, ya?”
“Stay awake! They strike again.”
“Make them fight for it.”
“They will break against me.”
“Stay focused.”
“They are mine.”
“Time to work.”
“Where are they?”
“Their fears betray them.”
“Ah be abi.”
(“Oh brother.”)
“Enemy down.”
“İyi geceler.”
“No more dreams.”
“Yat aşağı.”
(“Lie down.”)
“Try again.”
“Quietly now.”
“That makes three.”
“That makes three.”
“Four down!”
“Four down!”
Last kill
“Did I get inside your head?”
“You should have run.”
“I knew your every move.”
“You were so close.”
“Sweet dreams, asshole!”
Last kill melee
“And I didn’t even need a gun…”
Last kill enemy MVP
“So much for their elite agent!”
One kill remaining (game-mode specific)
“Alright, one more.”
“Alright, one more.”

Each Agent have certain voicelines that resonate with their characters and firmly adhere to the locations from which these individuals hail.

Neon Valorant Voice Lines

This is post about voice lines for Neon in Valorant. Let’s listen to the voice lines of Neon through: Agent Select and Abilities.

Neon Voice Lines

Neon Quotes

Actions Quotes
Pick “Move, or get zapped.”
Buy Phase
Match Start
“This covert ops thing, I kind of like it. Let’s not mess that up.”
“Radiant powers, deadly tech. I’m sure we won’t break anything.”
“Let’s go. World’s not saving itself.”
“Another site on the brink of destruction. At least we’re consistent.”
“Look, I’m glad you’re all here. There, I said it.”
“Enemies in our way? Hope they like getting hit by lightning.”
On Attack
“Any chance they’ll let us through? Fine, we’ll do it the hard way.”
“Here’s the plan; whatever they got, tear it down.”
On Defense
“They come at us, we push them back. They don’t stop, we don’t either.”
“Huh, they came all this way. That was stupid.”
“Big surprise, someone blew the fuse. No wonder you brought me.”
Round Start
“Hoy, fight’s not over you know.”
(“Hey, fight’s not over you know”)
“Please stay alive, I hate making new friends.”
“Listen up, kill them before they kill us.”
“Remember, bullets hurt.”
“Ingat ka, don’t get stabbed, bad way to go.”
(“Be careful, don’t get stabbed, bad way to go”)
“Get ready, I go fast.”
“Fight till the end, no matter what.”
“Ugh, I’m over them.”
“Tara na, clock’s ticking.”
(“Let’s go, clock’s ticking.”)
“Charge and shoot, easy enough.”
“My advice? Don’t get shot.”
Last round won
“Fine, I admit it. That was nice!”
“Not bad, I could get used to that.”
“They’ll hit back, or at least they should.”
Last round won while in the lead
“They’re a mess over there!”
“Free target practice, I’ll take it.”
“I feel good! That’s weird…”
Making a comeback
“I belong here. We all belong here.”
“My lola was right; weeds are difficult to kill.”
(“My grandma was right; weeds are difficult to kill.”)
Last round in the half
“Spend your cash, don’t look back.”
“No point saving, buy it all.”
Match Point
“We can all agree losing sucks, come on let’s win!”
“Let’s end their misery.”
“They look tired, finish it!”
Spike forgotten
“Hoy! Grab the spike!”
(“Hey! Grab the spike!”)
“Really? No one got the spike?”
Call for a buy
Call for a save
Offer to buy for allies
“I can buy, who needs what?”
“I can buy, who needs what?”
Request weapon
“Need a drop.”
“Need a drop.”
Barrier Down
“Kick them out, I don’t do visitors.”
“Maybe they’re pacifists.”
“Get these losers out of here!”
“Shoot them! Always works.”
“I suggest we keep winning.”
“We fight to win.”
“Whatever they’re doing, I like it.”
“Could be worse, could be better.”
“Switch it up? Just for fun?”
“Tabla tayo, I’d rather win.”
(“We’re even, I’d rather win.”)
“Halika na, we can do this.”
(“Come on, we can do this.”)
“Stop them please? Thank you!”
“Let’s go!”
“Ah, break’s over.”
“I’ll show them! Lintik kayo!”
(“I’ll show them! Damn you!”)
“Quick feet, quick trigger.”
Kill“Back off!”
“Smart move(!)”
“Nice try!”
“Taken out.”
“Go away!”
(“Get lost!”)
“Got one!”
“Bad move!”
“They’re dead.”
“Head’s up!”
“Get lost!”
“You blinked!”
“Must’ve hurt.”
“That’s three!”
“That’s three!”
“Four down!”
“Four down!”
Last kill
“You had it coming!”
“Not a chance!”
“It’s over!”
“Hoy! Found you!”
(“Hey! Found you”)
“End of story.”
“Tapos ka na! You’re done!”
(“You’re done! You’re done!”)
Last kill melee
“Not a good look.”
Last kill enemy MVP
“That was their best, ‘di ba? Not impressed.”
(“That was their best, right? Not impressed.”)
One kill remaining (game-mode specific)
“One more.”
“One left.”

Each Agent have certain voicelines that resonate with their characters and firmly adhere to the locations from which these individuals hail.

Chamber Valorant Voice Lines

This is post about voice lines for Chamber in Valorant. Let’s listen to the voice lines of Chamber through: Agent Select and Abilities.

Chamber Voice Lines

Chamber Quotes

Actions Quotes
Pick “You have good taste, my friend.”
Buy Phase
Match Start
“Do not worry, with me this will be easy. C’est simple comme bonjour.”
(“Do not worry, with me this will be easy. It’s easy as hello.”)
“Okay, last looks. You all look wonderful. Me, I always look good, we are ready.”
“If you die today, I will remember you forever. It has been an honor.”
“None of this “a win is a win” nonsense. We should win big and look good doing it.”
“This killing is terrible business but I always say if I must do something, be the best.”
On Attack
“Ah, we’ve been noticed! Follow my lead, I know how to make an entrance.”
“I must say I like what they have done with the place.”
On Defense
“Our guests have arrived. Let’s make a good first impression, shall we?”
“Oh no, invaders here to take our radianite(!)” laughs “I’m sorry, let’s go shoot them.”
“Be careful near the ship, that portal does not work as intended. Such a bad investment…”
“It is sad what happened here, such a terrible accident, one that I had nothing to do with.”
Round Start
“It seems these strangers want me dead. Eh bien, they’re not the first.”
(“It seems these strangers want me dead. Well, they’re not the first”)
“Trust me, they will make mistakes. When they do, take advantage.”
“If you’re not doing well, keep trying. We must keep up appearances.”
“Okay, which gun to pick this time?”
“One bullet per enemy, that should be enough, yes?”
“Weapon choice, it is so personal, non? You pick a gun and it tells me who you are.”
“Take aim, then fire, let’s not complicate it.”
“Let us see what they have planned for us this time.”
“These guns we use are okay but I will also bring my own. No offense.”
“These new friends of ours are not too friendly.”
“Please do not mistake my smile. I take this all very seriously.”
Last round won
“I do like winning.”
“They revealed their weaknesses. Not smart.”
“One step closer.”
“That was good! Another round, yes?”
Last round won while in the lead
“Surely they can do better.”
“They are no match, though I cannot say I’m surprised.”
“I thought I would have to work today. Clearly not.”
Making a comeback
“This is just the beginning.”
“That was good but there is more to do. On n’est pas sorti de l’auberge.”
(“That was good but there is more to do. We haven’t left the inn”, meaning “We’re not yet out of this”)
“Now they are nervous.”
Last round in the half
“Buy the best guns you can.”
“Spend everything, don’t be cheap.”
Match Point
“This has gone on long enough I think.”
“Time to say goodbye.”
Spike forgotten
“I think we should also bring the spike.”
“Mesdames, messieurs… the spike!”
(“Ladies, gentlemen…the spike!”)
Call for a buy
“I’m buying.”
“I’m buying.”
Call for a save
“I’m going to save.”
“I’m going to save.”
Offer to buy for allies
“I can buy for you, my treat.”
“I can buy for you, my treat!”
Request weapon
“Does anyone have funds?”
“Does anyone have funds?”
Barrier Down
“Keep your eye on target.”
“Kick them out.”
“Find a way through them.”
“Get them out of here.”
“Okay, start fresh.”
“I’ve done more with less, keep fighting.”
“It feels like we’ve won already.”
“They should give up now.”
“Now they have my attention.”
“Have a good time out there.”
“They are making this simple.”
“Let’s dance.”
“Focus now, eyes off me.”
“Bonne chance, mes amis.”
(“Good luck, my friends”)
“Who will I spot first?”
“In we go.”
Kill“Too slow!”
“Not your best!”
“One less!”
“So close!”
“Do better!”
“I don’t think so!”
“You lose!”
“Away with you!”
“I win again!”
“That one’s dead.”
“I can’t miss!”
“I’m a good shot!”
“So long!”
“Stand aside!”
“That’s three.”
“And four!”
Last kill
“It’s a shame you had to die, but you are not part of my bigger picture.”
“I would apologize to them but alas, they are dead.”
“Oh, I am not cleaning this up.”
“Okay, quick break.”
“I am sorry we could not work out our differences.”
Last kill melee
laughs “I’m sorry, but I could not help myself”
Last kill enemy MVP
“Was that their best? How embarrassing.”
One kill remaining (game-mode specific)
“One more!”
“One more!”

Each Agent have certain voicelines that resonate with their characters and firmly adhere to the locations from which these individuals hail.

KAYO Valorant Voice Lines

This is post about voice lines for KAYO in Valorant. Let’s listen to the voice lines of KAYO through: Agent Select and Abilities.

KAYO Voice Lines

KAYO Quotes

Actions Quotes
Pick “Let’s do this.”
Buy Phase
Match Start
“What’s the plan, send the robot in first? Smart choice.”
“I’m about to go full killer robot. You’ve been warned.”
“Fight well. This world depends on it.”
“I’ll take the lead. It cost enough to build me. Get your money’s worth.”
“If no one objects, I’ll go nix these targets. Company’s welcome.”
“More hostiles trying to kill us, what’s new?”
“We have one job; save this Earth. No excuses.”
“Deploy the killer robot to an urban population center. Great idea(!)”
Round Start
“Everyone’s motor functions okay? I know humans get tired.”
“Let’s make a plan, then execute.”
“Catch a breath. Not that I need to of course.”
“Attack when they’re suppressed. I cut their options, they make mistakes.”
“Activating kill mode. That’s a joke. Kill mode is default.”
“I will fulfill my purpose.”
“If I’m powered down, restart me. You leave me for scrap, I’ll kill you.”
“I’ll shut them down. Until then, survive.”
“I’ll survive a dent or two, can’t say the same for you fragile humans.”
“Bragging rights if you get first pick.”
“Don’t get shot. Human brains are hard to replace.”
Last round won
“Let’s go kill them all again.”
“Keep the momentum.”
“Just like last time. Search, destroy, repeat.”
Last round won while in the lead
“I could activate training mode if that’s more their skill level.”
“We’re not done yet, but soon at this rate.”
“I don’t blame them for fighting, but it won’t help.”
“I’m enjoying this.”
Making a comeback
“Never back down.”
“Here we go. Rally up!”
“Break down, rebuild, back in it!”
Last round in the half
“We’re moving out, pack heavy.”
“Load up, we’re not coming back.”
Match Point
“They’re fighting to the end. Typical…and pointless.”
“I could fight forever, but we should wrap this up.”
Spike forgotten
“Maybe we get the spike. Just a thought.”
“We forgot the spike. Good start(!)”
Call for a buy
“I’m buying.”
“I’m buying.”
Call for a save
“I’m saving.”
“I’m saving.”
Offer to buy for allies
“I can buy for you.”
“I can buy for you.”
Request weapon
“Need a drop.”
“Need a drop.”
Barrier Down
“Bring it.”
“I won’t lose you all again.”
“Hold the line.”
“Press forward.”
“Brace for impact.”
“Tangos incoming, light them up.”
“Destroy them again.”
“Over the top, let’s go!”
“Stand by to get some.”
“Whatever it takes.”
“Dig deep.”
“We need an edge, leave it to me.”
“Charlie Mike, let’s move.”
“Don’t worry, I’ll keep them quiet.”
“Heads down, guns up, get deadly.”
“Kill All Your Opponents.”
“Let’s get this done.”
“Clear to engage, weapons hot.”
Kill“Kill confirmed.”
“Obstacle removed.”
“Tango down!”
“Target dead.”
“Got ’em.”
“Hostile KIA.”
“Target 86’d.”
“Bad guy down.”
“Patch this!”
“Shut down!”
“Come get some!”
“You want a piece of this?!”
“Come get it!”
“Do not resist.”
“I can do this all day.”
“Get out!”
“Three kills!”
“Three kills!”
“Four kills!”
“Four kills!”
Last kill
“Next time, mind the heavy machinery.”
“Time to die, don’t make a fuss.”
“I would let you live, but that does not compute.”
“Survivors rest, I’ll clean up.”
“And we’re clear.”
Last kill melee
“That was cold, even for me.”
Last kill enemy MVP
“Is that the best you’ve got?”
One kill remaining (game-mode specific)
“Final target.”
“Final target.”

Each Agent have certain voicelines that resonate with their characters and firmly adhere to the locations from which these individuals hail.

Astra Valorant Voice Lines

This is post about voice lines for Astra in Valorant. Let’s listen to the voice lines of Astra through: Agent Select and Abilities.

Astra Voice Lines

Astra Quotes

Actions Quotes
Pick “I am on a higher plane, chale, literally!”
Buy Phase
Match Start
“My plan may sound irrational, only because you cannot see what I can!”
“Chale, you are ready for this situation, right my friends?”
“Now we show dem, eh? They see our strength.”
“Okay, okay guys, let’s get going. Win this!”
“Relax, my friends. Time and space are…chuckles…they’re not what you think.”
“Don’t underestimate me-o. Gold is my heart and my soul cuts like the sword.”
“Waddup, suckers! You okay?”
“Guys, don’t think what you’re fighting against. Consider what you are fighting for!”
“Five on five, pa-pa-pa-pa-pa. We go clear dem all.”
“Why…would anyone…agree to work in this cold place?!” shudders
“I like flowers and stuff, but this place no give flavor. No gold, where’s the signs, the bling-blings, come on!”
Round Start
“Don’t worry. Don’t think it, eh?”
“You can tell a person’s character by their first action. Check me then, eh?”
“We have plenty of time-o, here and now. Be here, and now.”
“I call you ‘chale’ because it means you my friend. But maybe I should call you ‘kwasia’ because you-you fool-o!”
Astra hums
“No worries, chale. No worries.”
“Have I told you you’re okay? You’re okay, fam! Good even.”
“My people, are you ready? You must cultivate a sense of calm.”
“Take a breath now. Release the tension. Good? Let’s go!”
“That moment is gone, but it be cool-o. Now we are here. Here.”
Last round won
“I myself predict we will win…again!”
“Ye-heah, good effort, my friends!”
“Stand tall, chale. Stand tall.”
“Haha, we just do that again! Cool-o!”
Last round won while in the lead
“This, is the continuatiooon!”
“We are above this. We are above this!”
“Look down on them, my friends.”
“Hey, that was audacious!”
Making a comeback
“Now again! We must repeat that, our progress demands it.”
“Huh I’m being truthful, that was good! And needed!”
“Yes fam, yes! This is what we needed.”
Last round in the half
“Gold is in our hearts. But empty your pockets, fools!”
“Equip yourselves-o. Money dey falaa, spend it!”
Match Point
“This is the final moment of destiny.”
“We saw the beginning, and the continuation. Now, the end.”
Spike forgotten
“The spike, don’t forget that!”
“Don’t forget the spike!”
Call for a buy
“I’m buying.”
“I’m buying.”
Call for a save
“I’m saving.”
“I’m saving.”
Offer to buy for allies
“I got money. Anyone need something?”
“I got money. Anyone need something?”
Request weapon
“Need a drop.”
“Need a drop.”
Barrier Down
“Yawa that. New energy now, eh?”
“We must be better now.”
“Rise up and hold.”
“Chale, like, move from here.”
“Oh, eternity blesses us!”
“Do not let yourselves fall!”
“Push forward, chale!”
“Next time is now, fam.”
“Flow with this energy!”
“Show me your true selves!”
“Alright, alright, make me go, squad.”
“Be worthy, guys. Be worthy.”
“We are above them.”
“Let’s make progress, my friends. Make progress.”
“This is your glory.”
“Rise and bring glory.”
“Wooooo! Let’s start!”
“I am with you. We are strong.”
Kill“Better luck next life!”
“Mereko, bye bye!”
“Too easy, too easy!”
“Enemy punished!”
“Oh, come off!”
“I take them out.”
“Useless individual.”
“I killed ’em.”
“Just swag.”
“You dead!”
“Akoa wei paa’!”
“Uhuh, idiots!”
“Soul shots!”
“Boom! Haha!”
“I punish you.”
“See this dead fool-o!”
“Mmhm, too stupid!”
“Look at my beauty.”
“No problem, no problem!”
“Trinity, you’re welcome!”
“Trinity, you’re welcome!”
Last kill
“And the enemy was punished.”
“Huh, I end them, feeli feeli!”
“This thing? Kwɛ, settled!”
“Oh, haha, I sent the punishments on them.”
“Chale, I face one, I kill ’em!”
“No wahala, I end the trouble.”
Last kill melee
“Ha! My gift to you, and my lesson.”
Last kill enemy MVP
“I take lungulungu kill am, eh? My own style wey, I take kill am.”
One kill remaining (game-mode specific)
“One more!”
“One more!”

Each Agent have certain voicelines that resonate with their characters and firmly adhere to the locations from which these individuals hail.

Yoru Valorant Voice Lines

This is post about voice lines for Yoru in Valorant. Let’s listen to the voice lines of Yoru through: Agent Select and Abilities.

Yoru Voice Lines

Yoru Quotes

Actions Quotes
Pick “I’ll fight anybody. I’ll fight everybody.”
Buy Phase
Match Start
“Should I shoot them in the face, or stab them in the back? I’ll decide later.”
“So much fuss over nothing. Someone get me a bat, I’ll finish this.”
“It’s easiest if I sneak in and kill everyone. Don’t make this complicated.”
“You’re all obsessed with teamwork, so I’ll try it. But just this once.”
“Five enemies. Five for me, none for anyone else.”
“A bunch of ざこ want to fight us. They must really want to die.”
(“A bunch of minnows want to fight us. They must really want to die.”)
“These guys caught me in a mood. Bad luck for them.”
On Attack
“Five defenders?! Double that, then we’ll call it fair!”
On Defense
“If they keep stealing our radianite, I’ll have to take it personally.”
“There are more answers here. I just have to find them.”
“An underwater city. Great…”
“This neighborhood used to be so much better without this Kingdom shit.”
Round Start
“Never show weakness. Ever.”
“Pick something nice to kill them with. it’s the least we can do.”
“I don’t care if there are five of them or fifty of them. Let’s go!”
“The dimensional fabric here is thin. I’ll tear through.”
“ざこ better watch their backs.”
(“Minnows better watch their backs.”)
“Don’t stop fighting. You must keep going, even if you are the only one.”
“I’ll pick them apart. You clean up whatever’s left.”
“Move in after I strike. That’s when they’re weak.”
Last round won
“They forgot who they’re dealing with.”
“That wasn’t terrible.”
“Keep after them!”
“I like you guys a lot better when we don’t lose.”
Last round won while in the lead
“They must have a death wish or something.”
“They should give up now, save us the effort.”
“How did every piece of trash end up on the same team?”
Making a comeback
“That’s it. Keep going!”
“This isn’t over!”
“Hm, their luck ran out.”
Last round in the half
“Spend your money now. There’s no bank in hell.”
“Spend your money now. There’s no bank in hell.”
Match Point
“Let’s end this.”
“Let’s clean up. We’re done here.”
Spike forgotten
“Anyone gonna get the spike?”
“Hey! You forgot the spike!”
Call for a buy
“I’m buying.”
“I’m buying.”
Call for a save
“I’m saving.”
“I’m saving.”
Offer to buy for allies
“I can buy for you. What do you want?”
“I can buy for you. What do you want?”
Request weapon
“I need a drop.”
“I need a drop.”
Barrier Down
“They want more of me? Fine.”
“I’ll turn this around.”
“You all have guns. Now use them!”
“Get them out of here.”
“I’m afraid this might get rough.”
“Don’t let them get up.”
“They’re tough. おもしれぇ.”
(“They’re tough. Interesting.”)
“No more games.”
“Keep hitting them.”
“Give them nothing!”
“Just try and get past me.”
“Now they’ve pissed me off!”
“Jump ’em!”
“I’ll cut through.”
“Try not to die.”
“Hit them when they’re not looking.”
Kill“Anyone else?”
“Don’t get up.”
“Bad luck.”
“Killed them.”
“Lights out.”
“Back off.”
“You’re done.”
(“Drop dead!”)
“Don’t mess with me.”
(“This minnow..”)
“Get out of my way!”
Last kill
“Your biggest mistake was that you pissed me off.”
“It’s my Earth. Now get out!”
“Dead is a good look for you.”
“You died last. Good job(!)”
“Sorry. This world’s taken.”
Last kill melee
“Wow. You really suck.”
Last kill enemy MVP
“You tried to be a hero. Great job(!)”
One kill remaining (game-mode specific)
“One left.”
“One left.”

Each Agent have certain voicelines that resonate with their characters and firmly adhere to the locations from which these individuals hail.

Skye Valorant Voice Lines

This is post about voice lines for Skye in Valorant. Let’s listen to the voice lines of Skye through: Agent Select and Abilities.

Skye Voice Lines

Skye Quotes

Actions Quotes
Pick “Alright! Where’s the fight?”
Buy Phase
Match Start
“Remember everyone, if we survive, woodworking class tonight in the mess hall. Nimble hands, nimble minds…”
“Not used to working with humans. Usually just me and my pack. I guess it’s worse if you guys get shot, yeah?”
“Okay, let’s get going. This work won’t take care of itself.”
“These guys keep taking our Earth. Let’s kick ’em out and get back to our lives.”
“Anyone I catch slacking off has to join my morning run tomorrow. Wake up’s at four, sound good?”
“Everyone good if my pets run around out here? I don’t do leashes. Should be alright.”
“I can feel what this place used to be. It’s dying! What a damn shame…”
Round Start
“I’m no doctor, but I can patch a bullet hole or two. Let me know if you need healing.”
“If you see one of my creatures, it’s a good thing, alright? You’ll figure out what they do eventually.”
“Just some good old hard yakka, standing in between us and victory.”
“These parasites aren’t gonna take one step past this place.”
“I feel something over there. Can’t place it…. Like us, but…different…”
“Another fight? Clean slate! Let’s leave whatever happened, in the past.”
“We move as a unit, okay? Last thing I need is some hero messing things up.”
“Tell you what. A day working the farm, would do these fellas good.”
“Make sure to follow my pack in. They’ll lead us right to the enemy.”
“We know what we’re doing. Trust each other and we’ll be fine.”
“Don’t sit down! We’re not done yet.”
Last round won
“No wukkas, mate! Just keep it up.”
“Keep that fire, yeah?”
“Keep that focus. More o’ that, and we’re outta here!”
“That’s a good run.”
Last round won while in the lead
“We’re going off like a cut snake!”
laughs “Well I reckon morale’s gonna be pretty low over there.”
“Stay keen. They don’t have to be good to be dangerous.”
Making a comeback
“They think they put us in the dirt! They’re gonna find out we weren’t buried! Just planted.”
“There’s the toehold. Now just dig in and climb up.”
“Now we’re on the right path. Let’s keep going!”
Last round in the half
“Don’t save anything. Last chance to use our stuff.”
“Don’t save anything. Last chance to use our stuff.”
Match Point
“One more. Then first shout’s, on me!”
“Come on, squad. Gotta play that whistle!”
Spike forgotten
“Well, I mean someone’s gotta grab the spike, right?”
“Look, I know I didn’t grab the spike, but none of you did either! So it’s not just my fault.”
Call for a buy
“I’m gonna buy.”
“I’m gonna buy.”
Call for a save
“I’m gonna save this time.”
“I’m gonna save this time.”
Offer to buy for allies
“Who needs something?”
“Who needs somethin’?”
Request weapon
“Help a girl out, would ya?”
“Help a girl out, would you?”
Barrier Down
“We’re not equals. Let’s go!”
“Shut and lock the door.”
“Let’s get this win.”
“We gotta get our land back.”
“Pull your socks up!”
“They can’t get an inch!”
“Don’t let me down now, yeah?”
“Let’s go for the throat.”
“Keep them out.”
“Push them out.”
“Don’t give them ground!”
“I got yous, okay?”
“Time to mobilize my pack.”
“Find the weak point, and break it.”
“One less.”
“Sleep tight.”
“One down.”
“One dead.”
“Taken out.”
“Look at that.”
“Knocked ’em.”
“Piss off!”
“Done with.”
“Didn’t think I was that quiet!”
“That’s three.”
“That’s three.”
“Four down.”
“Four down.”
Last kill
“No drama.”
“We’re done here.”
“That’s the last of ’em.”
“I think that’s it.”
“That’s done. Quick break.”
Last kill melee
“Well that’s a knife.”
Last kill enemy MVP
“See? Not that scary.”
One kill remaining (game-mode specific)
“Last one!”
“Last one!”

Each Agent have certain voicelines that resonate with their characters and firmly adhere to the locations from which these individuals hail.

Breach Valorant Voice Lines

This is post about voice lines for Breach in Valorant. Let’s listen to the voice lines of Breach through: Agent Select and Abilities.

Breach Voice Lines

Breach Quotes

Actions Quotes
Pick “Stand in my way. I dare you.”
Buy Phase
Match Start
“Guns in my face? Just another Tuesday.”
“Nothing fancy, uh? We go in, we crush them, we get out.”
“The faster we do this, the faster I get paid.”
“We treat this like any other job. No more, no less.”
“They’re not intimidating. They’re stupid. Big difference.”
“Been pulling jobs like this for years. Risky? Sure. But never boring.”
“I don’t need these arms to fight, but they’re fun. Might as well use ’em.”
“These cowards aren’t ready for me. No one ever is.”
“Look at this place! Kingdom has more money than they know what to do with! I wonder where they keep it…”
Round Start
“They think they’re so secure.”
“If you’re not being shot at you’re doing something wrong!”
“I’ll do my job, you do yours.”
“Trust me, they’ll know what hit ’em.”
“We doing this or what?”
“Come on! Get me in the line of fire.”
“They think they’re better than us. I can tell.”
“Time to take these arms for a spin.”
“They’re not getting the message. leave it to me, I’ll rough them up.”
“Just swapping in new fusion cells…okay, my arms are good! We can go.”
“I hate waiting. Let’s do this!”
Last round won
“Oh yeah, there’s the adrenaline.”
“I’ve been itching for a fight.”
“You see an insect, you crush it.”
“You flinch, you lose.”
“Push ’em ’til they break!”
“Keep them off balance!”
Last round won while in the lead
“They can run, or get run over. Their choice.”
“They don’t get to surrender, keep swinging!”
“This isn’t a fight, it’s stealing lunch money.”
Making a comeback
“I’m done playing.”
“Their crew got sloppy. Punish them.”
“The fools gave us a window. Smash through it!”
Last round in the half
“Spend what you got.”
“No point saving. Spend it all.”
Match Point
“We got them beat. Knock ’em out!”
“Let’s put them in the ground.”
“Let’s finish this already!”
Spike forgotten
“Where the hell’s the spike?”
“Too eager! Forgot the spike…”
Call for a buy
Call for a save
Offer to buy for allies
“I’m feeling generous. Who needs a buy?”
“I’m feeling generous. Who needs a buy?”
Request weapon
“I need a drop.”
“I need a drop.”
Barrier Down
“Break through.”
“They want a fight? Let’s fight.”
“I don’t have all day.”
“Stomp ’em!”
“Attack us, come on!”
“Hit them back!”
“I take what I want.”
“Punch in.”
“Crush them.”
“Keep up the pressure.”
“Mow ’em down!”
“Behind me.”
“Let’s have some fun.”
“Don’t let up.”
“I’m ready.”
“Keep up!”
“Hit them fast, hit them hard.”
“Take ’em.”
“Too late!”
“Too late.”
Breach laughs
“You’re nothing.”
“No match.”
“Three out.”
“Three out.”
“Make it four.”
“Make it four.”
Last kill
“Not one left.”
“We bring enough body bags?”
“Quit your tiptoeing. They’re all dead.”
“Kill everyone, and our job gets a whole lot easier.”
Last kill melee
“Never been in a knife fight, have you?”
“I fight dirty.”
Last kill enemy MVP
“In a fair fight I’d still kill you.”
“No one beats me! No one…”
One kill remaining (game-mode specific)
“Game time!”
“Game time!”

Each Agent have certain voicelines that resonate with their characters and firmly adhere to the locations from which these individuals hail.

Reyna Valorant Voice Lines

This is post about voice lines for Reyna in Valorant. Let’s listen to the voice lines of Reyna through: Agent Select and Abilities.

Reyna Voice Lines

Reyna Quotes

Actions Quotes
Pick “They have no idea how heartless I am.”
Buy Phase
Match Start
“It doesn’t matter what this place used to be. Now it’s just another graveyard.”
“Ah, what hope do these criaturas have? I almost pity them.”
(“Ah, what hope do these creatures have? I almost pity them”)
“Are those our enemies? Huh. This won’t take long.”
“I’ve stood over so many corpses. A few more, does not matter.”
“This enemy’s nothing special. Still human, still mortal.”
“I will drain the life from our prey. That’s all they’re good for.”
“I have lied, beaten, killed to survive. I will kill again and again if it means one more day.”
sighs “This poor place. It clings to life. A city after my own heart”
Round Start
“As much as this world hurt me…it’s mine…and I will kill to defend it.”
“The enemy only looks composed. Their hearts tell a different story.”
“I’m the last thing they’ll see before they die. Lucky them.”
“They’re just batteries…and I need a recharge.”
“Their lives are so meaningless. Might as well give them to me.”
“Look your enemy in the eye. It helps with accuracy.”
“Stay alive! I want their life, not yours.”
“They don’t have a single life worth saving.”
“Deep breaths everyone. Your hearts are pounding.”
“My city needs me. I can’t be away for long. Let’s end this quickly…”
“Ah, the symphony of death. Don’t worry, you get used to it.”
Last round won
“We showed them their place. Now keep them there.”
“You see? They’re flawed. Ordinary.”
“That should humble them.”
“Feels good, doesn’t it? Now do it again!”
Last round won while in the lead
“If you’ve never seen a massacre, this is what it looks like.”
“They’re losing heart. I can feel it.”
“They’re starting to panic. I can feel their pulse quickening from here.”
Making a comeback
“Ah, those fools just wasted their advantage.”
“They couldn’t kill us. Now, they’re dead.”
“Time for them to kneel.”
Last round in the half
“Don’t be cheap. Spend it all before it’s gone.”
“Don’t be cheap. Spend it all before it’s gone.”
Match Point
“Their head is in the guillotina, now pull!”
(“Their head is in the guillotine, now pull!”)
“Stamp out their last breath.”
Spike forgotten
“How did we forget the spike?”
“How did we forget the spike?”
Call for a buy
Call for a save
Offer to buy for allies
“What do you need?”
“What do you need?”
Request weapon
“Need a drop.”
“Need a drop.”
Barrier Down
“Break them.”
“They forget their place.”
“At least they kept it interesting.”
“They want to die? Let them.”
“I get what I want.”
“Take everything.”
“Take control.”
“Let’s remind them who we are.”
“We are ready for them.”
“I will rip their hearts out.”
“Bleed them dry.”
“For you, hermanita.”
(“For you, little sister”)
“Embarrass them.”
“No prisoners.”
“Cower, run!”
“We win, we survive.”
“Let’s watch ’em struggle.”
“You’re done.”
“Poor wretch.”
“Don’t resist.”
“You’re nothing!”
“You’re nothing!”
“No need to suffer.”
“You disappoint me.”
“You disappoint me.”
“Out of my way!”
“Three souls.”
“Three souls.”
“Four dead.”
“Four dead.”
Last kill
“You were barely worth the effort.”
“Don’t worry, your life won’t go to waste.”
“All dead, scoffs, and I’m still hungry.”
“Be grateful I killed you quickly.”
“You were pitiful.”
Last kill melee
“Hello darling.”
Last kill enemy MVP
“You are so disappointing.”
“How sad. You’re just like everyone else.”
One kill remaining (game-mode specific)
“It’s playtime.”
“It’s playtime.”

Each Agent have certain voicelines that resonate with their characters and firmly adhere to the locations from which these individuals hail.

Phoenix Valorant Voice Lines

This is post about voice lines for Phoenix in Valorant. Let’s listen to the voice lines of Phoenix through: Agent Select and Abilities.

Phoenix Voice Lines

Phoenix Quotes

Actions Quotes
Pick “Just take a seat, I got this.”
Buy Phase
Match Start
“Don’t worry guys, they say I’m a prodigy. Not my words! Not my words, baby!”
“Let’s make this quick bro, I got things to do.”
“Yes, yes, it’s me, autographs if we survive, yeah?”
“Relax, settle down, I’ve got this. And I’m not leaving until we’re done out here, yeah?”
“When I’m done, they’ll be nothing more than ash.”
“Keep a healthy distance! I burn hot!”
“Okay fam if any of you die I’ll be vex so just keep alive, yeah?”
On Attack
“All this for some radianite? It’s mad. Let’s get it and be done!”
On Defense
“Yo, let’s stop these guys, for real. No one gets past me again.”
“Man this weather is not on. Anyone got a jacket?”
“Really? You dragged your fire guy underwater? Fam, you’re killing me!”
Round Start
“Remember, stay out of the fire. Super high level tactic, remember that, yeah?”
“I’m twitchy here, let’s go already.”
“Look, don’t start restin’. There’s still work to do.”
“You want me serious?? You got it!”
“Y’all better keep up!”
“This is crazy, it feels like we’ve been doing this forever. Anyone else feel like that? Just me? Okay…”
“New fight, new tactics, keep it fresh yeah?”
“Buy stuff, kaching, lil’ skkkrrrr, then we’re done, yeah?”
“Their MVP is mine. Let’s do this!”
“You man ready for a light show?”
Last round won
“Feels good to stretch my wings.”
“That was easy!”
“They’re still fightin’? After seeing what we can do? Not wise.”
“I’m kinda feeling myself right now, y’all better keep up!”
“Do they still want it? Mad guys…”
Last round won while in the lead
“Aaaayyyy, I like this game!”
“Damn, this is fun! Let’s keep it going.”
“Who else is havin’ a great time? Just me? Tssk, aaahhh, I’m gutted!”
Making a comeback
“Knock me down, I’ll get right back up.”
“Oh, okay! We back in it now!”
“They’re in for a rude awakenin’.”
Last round in the half
“Either spend all your money, or give it to me. Good cause/calls either way.”
“Spend it now, or it’s gone!”
Match Point
“We win this battle, we win this war. Let’s do it!”
“One more win…and were going out for drinks lads!”
Spike forgotten
“You’re kiddin’, right? Fam, get the spike!”
“Someone get the spike.”
Call for a buy
“I’m buyin'”
“I’m buyin'”
Call for a save
“I’m savin'”
“I’m savin'”
Offer to buy for allies
“Anyone need something?”
“Anyone need something?”
“Anyone need something?”
Request weapon
“I need a drop.”
“I need a drop.”
Barrier Down
“Keep it hot!”
“Stop them! This is our turf!”
“Knock ’em down!”
“Gotta plug those holes, guys!”
“Let’s get the advantage.”
“They’re not gonna get an inch!”
“Bring it up!”
“They should stop tryin’!”
“Let’s turn this around, squad!”
“We got it this time!”
“Let’s push ’em out.”
“Let’s keep it rollin’!”
“Let me show you how the boss does it.”
“I got you, bruv!”
“Don’t hold back.”
“Let’s go!”
“Sorry bro!”
“Target down.”
“Get outta here!”
“You’re out.”
“Put down!”
“That’s done.”
“No you don’t!”
“Sit down!”
“Head’s up!”
“Look sharp!”
“Walk it off, G!”
“Eh, what’re you doin?!”
“Oh you ain’t comin back!”
“They’re super dead!”
“Pay attention!”
“Triple, baby!”
“Triple, baby!”
Last kill
“You tried, ahaha, I’d stop that!”
“Easy mate. There can only be one hero.”
“I got it! Yeah!”
“That’s it, break time!”
Last kill melee
Phoenix laughs
Last kill enemy MVP
“Uhhh, I can’t see your guy.”
One kill remaining (game-mode specific)
“Game point, bruv!”
“Game point, bruv!”

Each Agent have certain voicelines that resonate with their characters and firmly adhere to the locations from which these individuals hail.

Sage Valorant Voice Lines

This is post about voice lines for Sage in Valorant. Let’s listen to the voice lines of Sage through: Agent Select and Abilities.

Sage Voice Lines

Sage Quotes

Actions Quotes
Pick “I am both shield and sword.”
Buy Phase
Match Start
“My purpose is my gift. Be not afraid to accept it.”
“I will defend you all with my power and with my life.”
“This place. I can feel its pain, it aches for redemption.”
“I wasn’t strong enough before. But now, now I am strong enough for us all.”
“I will soothe this turmoil. With fire if I must.”
“The blossom wavers in strong wind. Yet I am no flower.”
“This place is a testament to science. A testament to folly.”
Round Start
“My power does not ebb. Ask for aid, and you shall receive.”
“Look at me, and know that I am by your side.”
“I know…what must be done.”
“Prepare yourselves. We fight once again.”
“Stand tall. We are Valorant. We are fighters!”
“Together, we will bury them under their transgressions.”
“Let them try to get through me.”
“Even with numbers, anything can still happen. Remember that.”
“Once more into battle. I’m not tired. Are you?”
“Time to stock back up.”
“What will it be this time? Have any patterns emerged yet?”
Last round won
“Commendable. Again!”
“Continue to fight. Continue to win!”
“That was good, but we are not done.”
“We won because we were focused! Keep that!”
Last round won while in the lead
“Continue on our path. It is righteous.”
“This is why we are a team.”
“Phenomenal! We trained for this.”
Making a comeback
“We will claw our way back, up to the light!”
“They stumble. Now is our chance!”
“We have come back from worse. Let’s go!”
Last round in the half
“We cannot keep our goods after this. Spend all.”
“We cannot keep our goods after this. Spend all.”
Match Point
“A single battle between us, and victory.”
“Usher them towards their eternal rest.”
Spike forgotten
“The spike is still in base.”
“We need the spike for our mission.”
Call for a buy
“I’m buying.”
“I’m buying.”
Call for a save
“I’m saving.”
“I’m saving.”
Offer to buy for allies
“Anyone need anything?”
“Anyone need anything?”
Request weapon
“Can someone get this?”
“Can someone get this?”
Barrier Down
“Tip the balance in our favor.”
“Fulfill our mission.”
“Trust in my healing.”
“This, is where we win.”
“We can overcome them.”
“We can push them back.”
“Keep them out.”
“Tighten our defenses.”
“Continue to overwhelm them.”
“Let us take the lead here.”
“We are immovable.”
“March through them.”
“We go!”
“As one!”
Kill“You fought well.”
“Return to dust.”
“Enemy removed.”
“Enemy down.”
“Opponent killed.”
“One dead.”
“Good attempt.”
“Stand down.”
“Train harder.”
“Message sent.”
“Quiet now.”
“Three down.”
“Three down.”
“Four down.”
“Four down.”
Last kill
“Do not fight us.”
“You were in our way.”
“Last enemy taken out.”
“Your tactics failed.”
“They were not good enough.”
Last kill melee
“Slip away, quietly…”
Last kill enemy MVP
“You were a boulder. I am a mountain!”
One kill remaining (game-mode specific)
“Just one more!”
“Just one more!”

Each Agent have certain voicelines that resonate with their characters and firmly adhere to the locations from which these individuals hail.

Cypher Valorant Voice Lines

This is post about voice lines for Cypher in Valorant. Let’s listen to the voice lines of Cypher through: Agent Select and Abilities.

Cypher Voice Lines

Cypher Quotes

Actions Quotes
Pick “Nothing stays hidden from me. Nothing.”
Buy Phase
Match Start
“They’re scared. I don’t need cameras to see that.”
“Nobody escapes me. But they’ll try.”
“I wonder if they have any parts I can salvage. Hmm, implants? I need those!”
“Ah, okay, this is good! I’ve got new gadgets to try out…”
“I must survive to protect my family. I can’t lose them. I can’t feel that pain again…”
“Let’s see what I have to use. Pictures of their children? Wow, way too dark.”
“I will stop anyone who tries to come through. I must keep my secrets with me.”
“The back alleys, or the streets of war. There is no difference. Just nicer toys.”
“I’m prepared to die for this mission, though I’d really rather not.”
On Attack
“It’s decided. Their radianite belongs to us, you see? No ethical dilemma. ماشي مُشكِل.”
(“It’s decided. Their radianite belongs to us, you see? No ethical dilemma. No problem.”)
“Think of it this way. The more radianite we take from them, the less I borrow from all of you. Extra incentive.”
On Defense
“These impostors threaten everything! Nora, نقدرش نخليهم يشوهوا الغزال ديالي.”
(“These impostors threaten everything! Nora, I can’t let them hurt my beloved.”)
“I detect an incursion into our world? Ha, no, the other team is just very noisy!”
“What has Kingdom done to this town?! However pretty their lies are, they’re just sucking my city dry!”
“Imagine all the information once kept here, lost in seconds! Ah, خسارة!”
(“Imagine all the information once kept here, lost in seconds! Ah, what a loss!”)
“Ah, I’ve always wanted to pry my way in here. Don’t mind if I just leave some…gifts…behind.”
Round Start
“They’re usually distracted once I reveal them. Make sure you take advantage.”
“Where will they go this time?”
“One of my cameras is broken!…Oh, wait…okay. It’s fine.”
“They will scurry…and then they will die.”
“I can’t see them yet. But I can feel them getting ready.”
“Give me a moment. I need to set back up.”
“If they try something, I’ll see it.”
“Will they try the same old tricks?”
“We know more than we did before. Let’s use that.”
“I find them, I kill them. Simple as that.”
“Now remember, wipe the prints from your guns. It’s just good crime scene etiquette.”
Last round won
“They’re on the back foot, let’s deliver another blow!”
“An injured dog bites hard. Careful.”
“Good work, friends! Keep using my vision to your advantage.”
“Find them again. Kill them again.”
Last round won while in the lead
“We’re doing good. Let’s do better. Just for fun.”
“Blink, and they’ll catch up. Stay alert.”
“Wonderful! It’s great to see how frightened they are.”
Making a comeback
“Let us use our sight to our advantage.”
“Don’t worry. The house always wins.”
“Their confidence begins to crack. أناشَ فْتْ, ah, I can see it.”
(“Their confidence begins to crack. I saw it, ah, I can see it”)
Last round in the half
“We lose all our money after this. Might as well use it.”
“Spend like there is no tomorrow! Because there just might not be…”
“Nothing will be saved after this. Use it.”
Match Point
“I saw their desperation. Let’s use that.”
“Let’s close up shop. I have things to do.”
Spike forgotten
“Are we going to get the spike?”
“The spike is still in base.”
Call for a buy
“I’m buying.”
“I’m buying.”
Call for a save
“I’m saving.”
“I’m saving.”
Offer to buy for allies
“I have money if you need.”
“I have money if you need.”
Request weapon
“I need this.”
“I need this.”
Barrier Down
“They have nowhere to hide.”
“Let me find you again.”
“Don’t get cozy.”
“That radianite must be ours!”
“We must keep them out.”
“My eyes will tip the balance.”
“I will find them.”
“Let’s knock them down!”
“My intel is their obstacle.”
“They crash against our wall.”
“We must shore up our defenses!”
“I must weave my web better.”
“I will find you.”
“I will find you.”
“Okay. Let’s get set up.”
“We…will reveal their secrets.”
“Where are you?”
“Now, where to set up shop?”
“يلا مشينا.”
(“Hurry, let’s go.”)
Kill“No hard feelings.”
“Put down.”
“Enemy down.”
“Hostile removed.”
“One down.”
“One dead.”
(“Take care.”)
“ب السلامة.”
“My eyes are better than yours.”
“Trick shot.”
“Knock knock.”
“صاحبي اسكت”
(“Silence, my friend”)
Enemy revealed by utility
“Only I could see you hide. Don’t worry.”
“I saw you scurry.”
“You were probably afraid.”
“Three out of five.”
“Three out of five.”
“Four out of five.”
“Four out of five.”
Last kill
“Oops, no one to interrogate!”
“Squashed the last bug.”
“Wiped clean.”
“Okay, time for a break.”
“Okay, they’re dead. Take what’s useful.”
Last kill melee
“You should have been looking more closely.”
Last kill enemy MVP
“I am Prometheus! And you are just…a god.”
“I saw your secrets. They made you weak.”
One kill remaining (game-mode specific)
“One rat left.”
“One rat left.”

Each Agent have certain voicelines that resonate with their characters and firmly adhere to the locations from which these individuals hail.

Killjoy Valorant Voice Lines

This is post about voice lines for Killjoy in Valorant. Let’s listen to the voice lines of Killjoy through: Agent Select and Abilities.

Killjoy Voice Lines

Killjoy Quotes

Actions Quotes
Pick “Relax. I’ve already thought of everything.”
Buy Phase
Match Start
“I built literally everything on this battlefield. Ja, even the things that might kill us. What? You want me to say sorry?”
“Okay, I put together some data on our last six combat missions. Did you read it? Did anyone…read it? Oh God…can anyone here read?”
“Don’t worry team. If you die, I have your memories backed up at base! Heh, just kidding, just kidding…or am I…”
“Swarm grenades? Check. Killer robots? Check- oh, hah, don’t worry. They’re only killer when I say so.”
“If I’m not stressed, then you should not be stressed. I mean, look at me. Cool as a cucumber. laughs Ja, that’s a thing Americans say, right?”
“These imposters actually think they can beat my tech? Ah, let’s test that theory.”
“Why is no one wearing the pulse monitors I gave you? Honestly, I ask for a few readouts and you think I’m Doctor Frankenstein…”
On Attack
“Let’s make this extraction quick. After this I’m going clubbing five timezones away, and a girl needs a moment to change.”
“Oh! Oh! What if I sabotaged their defuser to speed up the timer instead! Oh man, how funny would that be!”
On Defense
“Stealing our radianite is one thing, but I swear if they touch my coffee mug collection, I will erase them from existence.”
“Meine güte! How many spikes do they have anyway? That tech’s not cheap.”
(“My goodness! How many spikes do they have anyway? That tech is not cheap.”)
“If this town had let me install my defense matrix we wouldn’t have to be here! Ugh, oh well, I’ll clean this up myself.”
“Alpha this, Omega that, scheiße, who named these universes?! A und B would work perfectly well. We would be A, of course.”
(“Alpha this, Omega that, shit, who named these universes?! A and B would work perfectly well. We would be A, of course.”)
Round Start
“Don’t die. If you need help figuring out how, just ask!”
“Where are we going this time? Remember what worked in the past.”
“Their tech is only as good as their skill, and there, we have them beat!”
“Everyone makes fun of German efficiency, haha. Just keep laughing as you use all my gear…”
“You can trust my bots. They only malfunctioned that one time and, honestly, she won’t miss that finger.”
“Don’t stress if I die. It was great knowing you all. Also, delete my hard drive.”
“I can hold an area pretty well myself. Make sure to cover the angles I can’t.”
“Remember, your weapon is only a tool. You can’t just shoot, you have to think!”
“They look like us, but are they us? I have so many questions.”
“Everyone note down your observations, then let’s run it again.”
“Is everyone’s tech still working? Double check it please.”
Last round won
laughs “They’re thinking so hard, I can smell their circuits frying”
“Good! One step closer to being back in pajamas.”
“Good. Analyze, then improve.”
“They should probably reevaluate their approach.”
Last round won while in the lead
“Let’s see. Battles are won by geniuses. And I am a genius. Sooo…”
laughs “I knew this would be easy but…meine güte!”
(laughs “I knew this would be easy but…my goodness!”)
“I evaluated their strategy. It’s a joke!”
Making a comeback
“There we go. Finally, cracking their code.”
“Their stale tactics would only work for so long.”
“Oh, this is a much better trajectory!”
Last round in the half
“Last round to use our creds and abilities. Don’t waste your firepower!”
“Last round to use our creds and abilities. Don’t waste your firepower!”
Match Point
“Oh, we’re almost done? Cool, hehe, cool cool cool.”
“Once we win, just dump all your tech in my lab. I’ll fix it up.”
Spike forgotten
“Ugh, do I have to attach legs to the spike now?”
Call for a buy
“I’m buying.”
“I’m buying.”
Call for a save
“I’m saving.”
“I’m saving.”
Offer to buy for allies
“I’ve got money, need something?”
“I’ve got money, need something?”
Request weapon
“Can I get this?”
“Can I get this?”
Barrier Down
“Just cool down, we’re good enough to win!”
“We’re not their equal.”
“Their defense…uhh…could be better.”
“Find the leverage, and wedge it open.”
“Nice and easy.”
“Reevaluate tactics.”
“Keep you heads on.”
“Keep doing what you do best!”
“We can’t keep doing the same things.”
“Tactics beat firepower. Use that.”
“We can keep them out.”
“I anticipated us winning.”
“Keep it cool. That’s how you survive.”
“Quick peeks now.”
“Time for a field test.”
“Don’t overthink it, that’s my job.”
“Auf Wiedersehen!”
“Enemy down.”
“One down!”
“Variable removed.”
“That’s done.”
“Got one!”
“Impeccable kill.”
“Perfect accuracy.”
“Power’s out.”
laughs “Oh, okay.”
“Be smarter.”
“Got three!”
“Got three!”
“Now four!”
“Now four!”
Last kill
“Let me just swipe those biometrics.”
tuts “You tried.”
“Who could’ve predicted this? Alright, I did.”
“They’re all dead? I have more tests to run!”
Last kill melee
“Have to keep it fun, you know?”
Last kill enemy MVP
laughs “Is this their best?!”
One kill remaining (game-mode specific)
“Final test!”
“Final test!”

Each Agent have certain voicelines that resonate with their characters and firmly adhere to the locations from which these individuals hail.

Omen Valorant Voice Lines

This is post about voice lines for Omen in Valorant. Let’s listen to the voice lines of Omen through: Agent Select and Abilities.

Omen Voice Lines

Omen Quotes

Actions Quotes
Pick “I am the beginning. I am the end.”
Buy Phase
Match Start
“If I must live in this nightmare, my enemies might as well join me.”
“They fear death, they should fear so much more than that.”
“Make the right choice, even if it calls for sacrifice.”
“Who will they cry for, once they know they’re going to die?”
“Do they know what it means to be…truly…afraid? I’ll show them.”
“Ugh, how many must I kill before I am restored. More, always more!”
“I already feel their hope dying and we haven’t even begun. This will not take long.”
“Split. Ah, they don’t know the meaning of the word.”
Round Start
“I’ll make them remember…they’re only human.”
“My burden never ends.”
“I feel the strain. Block it out, Omen.”
“Their backs will be towards at least one of us.”
“Look for my shadows, they will hide you.”
“Wait until I blind them to strike.”
“I will take back what is mine.”
“They think they know pain? They can’t begin to comprehend it.”
“Strike at their weak points. If one link breaks the rest will follow.”
“I survived obliteration. I will survive them.”
“That was terrifying.”
Last round won
“Good. Keep your focus.”
“Again. Hurt them again.”
“Kick them when they’re down.”
“I can feel their panic rising. Drive it into them.”
Last round won while in the lead
“Their fear blinds them.”
“Sad fools standing in our way.”
“Their nightmare is becoming real.”
Making a comeback
“Keep yourself together. You can’t fall apart now.”
“I feel like myself. Catch them. Again.”
“We are not done.”
Last round in the half
“Spend everything. We keep nothing.”
“Spend everything. We keep nothing.”
Match Point
“I know how this will end.”
“Put them to sleep.”
Spike forgotten
“Can’t even remember the spike.”
“We don’t have the spike!”
Call for a buy
“I’m buying.”
“I’m buying.”
Call for a save
“I’m saving.”
“I’m saving.”
Offer to buy for allies
“I can buy.”
“I can buy.”
Request weapon
“I need this.”
“I need this.”
Barrier Down
“I must hold together.”
“Hold our ground.”
“Watch them falter.”
“Give them no ground.”
“Cut their walls down.”
“Do you smell their panic?”
“We can’t stumble now.”
“I will break the balance.”
“I must endure.”
“They’re weak. Good.”
“Keep it together.”
“I am not just a shadow.”
“I will be their nightmare.”
“I am everywhere.”
“Claw through them.”
“It begins.”
“I will rip the light from them.”
“Cower, run.”
“Snuff them out.”
“Let go.”
“Give in.”
“No more.”
“You were a mistake.”
“To dust.”
“Three killed.”
“Three killed.”
“Four dead.”
“Four dead.”
Last kill
“It ends. For now.”
“Five dead.”
“It is finished.”
“Petty things.”
“Rest. It is done.”
Last kill melee
“You didn’t see that coming.”
Last kill enemy MVP
“Still just human.”
“You thought you could escape my nightmare?!”
One kill remaining (game-mode specific)
“One more.”
“One more.”

Each Agent have certain voicelines that resonate with their characters and firmly adhere to the locations from which these individuals hail.

Viper Valorant Voice Lines

This is post about voice lines for Viper in Valorant. Let’s listen to the voice lines of Viper through: Agent Select and Abilities.

Viper Voice Lines

Viper Quotes

Actions Quotes
Pick “No one can hold their breath forever.”
Buy Phase
Match Start
“Only five of them? Pity I brought enough poison for fifty. You can’t say I’m not prepared…”
“Use my poison to your advantage, I don’t deploy it for kicks…”
“I wonder if these ones will beg. They all do… after a while…”
“They call me a monster. Shall I prove them right?”
“Bodies decompose after twelve hours in acid. There’s no reason I know that…”
“Let’s take from them what they took from me… everything!”
“They are not important. Let’s move through them… like smoke through lungs…”
On Defense
“I was saving my best poison for a special occasion but our guests came all this way. It’s the least I can do.”
“The lies we’ve told this city. Just to pry it open and suck it dry.”
“I knew some of them, the people here. Good scientists…”
“This dome won’t protect the city forever. They wanna survive? Stop hiding!”
Round Start
“My priority is their suffering.”
“I’ll choke their sight.”
“Make them beg.”
“I hear them scream.”
“Who to smother first?”
“Look them in the eyes when you kill them.”
“They will die. Hopeless… and afraid.”
“Remember, nobody’s a hero when they’re crying for air.”
“If any of you die I lose a bet with Brimstone, so don’t embarrass me like that, please.”
“They’re nothing but flies.”
“No one will remember them.”
“If you lose focus, you die. Breathe when it’s over.”
Last round won
“Good work, keep going.”
“Aahh, this is what I live for.”
“Keep kicking them down.”
“Some vermin are born to die… like rats in a lab.”
Last round won while in the lead
“It’s hard not to play with my food.”
laughs “Oh, if only I could always feel like this…”
“Again. Don’t stop! I want them in pieces!”
Making a comeback
“Oh it’s personal now…”
“They had their fun. Now it’s my turn.”
“Time to kneel.”
Last round in the half
“Can’t take anything with us after this. Go for broke.”
“We can’t take anything with us after this.”
Match Point
“They’re in the coffin. Time to bury them.”
“One last push. Let’s make them hurt.”
“We end them here, we end them forever.”
Spike forgotten
“Idiots, the spike! Now!”
“Someone get the spike!”
Call for a buy
Call for a save
“I’m saving.”
Offer to buy for allies
“Funds to spare.”
“Need a loan?”
Request weapon
“Anyone have funds to spare?”
“Anyone have funds to spare?”
Barrier Down
“We will hurt them.”
“Hurt those who hurt us.”
“Enough playing with our food.”
“Keep them back.”
“They keep clawing at our wall. Pathetic.”
“Bury them.”
“Leave no trace of them.”
“Stop their advance.”
“Their hope is their poison.”
“Hopeless mice.”
“Hold them under.”
“I will not lose my home again!”
“Let’s go.”
“I want to see you crawl.”
“Breathe deep.”
“Isolate them, and kill them.”
“Isolate and exterminate.”
“Kill them.”
“Let’s choke them.”
“I’ll take everything from them.”
“Breathe deep.”
“Put down.”
“Enemy down.”
“Enemy down.”
“Get out of my way.”
“Get out of my way.”
“One down.”
“One down.”
“Leave us.”
“They’re dead.”
winces “Ouch.”
“What a way to die.”
“Dead fool.”
“Dead fool.”
“Not worth the bullets.”
“Three down.”
“Three down.”
“Four down.”
“Four down.”
Last kill
“What a way to die.”
“What a way to die.”
“We’re done here.”
“You wanted to be a hero, didn’t you?”
“You wanted to be a hero, didn’t you?”
“Well, you tried.”
“Back where you belong… in the dirt.”
“This is everything I wanted…wasn’t it?”
Last kill melee
“Didn’t need a gun for that one.”
Last kill enemy MVP
“That was their best? Pathetic.”
One kill remaining (game-mode specific)
“One left.”
“One left.”

Each Agent have certain voicelines that resonate with their characters and firmly adhere to the locations from which these individuals hail.

Brimstone Valorant Voice Lines

This is post about voice lines for Brimstone in Valorant. Let’s listen to the voice lines of Brimstone through: Agent Select and Abilities.

Brimstone Voice Lines

Brimstone Quotes

Actions Quotes
Pick “They think I’m an old dog? Heh, I’ll show ’em just how many tricks I know.”
Buy Phase
Match Start
“No one die on me! We’re all going home.”
“They can throw the whole playbook at us. I’ve seen it all before.”
“I can’t close the settings menu on my bracer. How do I…oh…got it.”
“Different battlefield, same crap.”
“They’ve got one ugly lookin’ crew. No offense to any of us.”
“Failure is the great teacher. So let’s teach ’em somethin’!”
“Okay kids, we’ve got company. Pretend you all get along.”
“Alright team, let’s go write this war story shall we?”
On Attack
“Let’s ready up! We’re here for radianite, and we’re not leaving ’til it’s ours.”
On Defense
“They picked the wrong day to mess with our world.”
“What did Kingdom get itself into this time?”
“I would hate working here. You couldn’t pay me to sit at a desk.”
Round Start
“Pay attention. Might learn something.”
“No more doubts. We’re ready.”
“Let’s ruin their day.”
“I’ll teach ’em to respect their elders.”
“Shoot the bad guys! How’s that for a plan?”
“Stay in range of my stim beacon, and we’ll mow them down.”
“Ugh, who am I kiddin’. My knees are gonna kill after this.”
“Remember to talk to each other out there. If we communicate, we win.”
“Drink some water, reload your mags, and let’s get back out there.”
“My smokes can block the enemy’s line of sight. Once they’re blind, we move.”
Last round won
“Just like we practiced.”
“That’s the way.”
“Good! Again.”
“Damn right we crushed it!…ugh…even as I was saying it…when Jett says it…you know what, forget it…”
Last round won while in the lead
“What do they think this is, a backyard scrimmage?”
“Keep taking this seriously, even if they aren’t.”
“What are they doing over there?! When the play’s not working, call an audible!”
Making a comeback
“Now we’re landing haymakers!”
“Punch us in the teeth, we spit back blood.”
“Finally off the ropes.”
“Never count out the underdog.”
Last round in the half
“If you saved, spend it.”
“Half time! Don’t save a thing.”
Match Point
“You’ve earned this win, let’s make it official!”
“Finish ’em off!”
“The day is almost ours, take it!”
Spike forgotten
“I like the enthusiasm, but no one grabbed the spike!”
“Anyone wanna get the spike?!”
Call for a buy
“Grabbing gear’.”
“Grabbing gear’.”
Call for a save
“I’m saving.”
“I’m saving.”
Offer to buy for allies
“I’ve got cash, anyone need something?”
“I’ve got cash, anyone need something?”
Request weapon
“Need equipment.”
“Need equipment.”
Barrier Down
“They’ve got nerve!”
“Who do they think they are?”
“Cut ’em down to size!”
“This ain’t what they signed up for.”
“Don’t get rusty.”
“Rein ’em in!”
“Light ’em up!”
“Stay sharp.”
“Have at ’em.”
“It’s our turn.”
“Time to take this hill.”
“Watch and learn.”
“You know what to do.”
“Safeties off.”
Kill“Taken down.”
“Outta here.”
“Down you go.”
“Enemy down.”
“Who trained you?”
“See ya!”
“Now we’re cookin’.”
“Down ‘n’ out.”
“Still got it.”
“On the money.”
“Right between the eyes.”
“Like butter, baby.”
“Cut down.”
“That’ll work.”
“That’s three.”
“That’s three.”
“And four.”
“And four.”
Last kill
“That’s the lot of ’em.”
“Bagged ‘n’ tagged.”
“Not one left standing.”
“Okay, time for a protein shake.”
“We got five, that’s bingo.”
Last kill melee
“Sometimes you gotta get your hands dirty.”
“I don’t need a gun.”
Last kill enemy MVP
“Not so tough after all.”
One kill remaining (game-mode specific)
“Finish it up.”
“Finish it up.”

Each Agent have certain voicelines that resonate with their characters and firmly adhere to the locations from which these individuals hail.

Overwatch Zenyatta voice lines & voice actors

This is post about voice lines & voice actors for Zenyatta in Overwatch. Let’s listen to the voice lines of Zenyatta through: Abilities, Chatter, Call-Outs, Mission-Specific, Eliminations.


Overwatch Zenyatta voice lines



Be one with the universe.
Be reborn.
Embrace tranquility.
Free your mind.
Gaze into the Iris.
Open your mind.
Walk in harmony.
(To Bastion) We are as one, my friend.
(To Genji) We walk in harmony, my student.
(To Orisa) We are as one, my sister.
Bask in the shadow of doubt.
Darkness falls.
There is chaos within you.
There is disquiet in your soul.
You are your own worst enemy.
(To Genji) I know the doubts that plague you.
(To Orisa) You have much to learn.
Experience tranquility. (self and friendly)
Pass into the Iris. (hostile)


True self is without form.
Amid discord, we will find tranquility.
A chance to focus.
A closed mind is already defeated.
A disciplined mind is your most dependable ally.
A warrior’s greatest weapon… is patience.
Consider only victory. Make defeat an impossibility in your mind.
A momentary setback.
A temporary setback.
Adversity is an opportunity for change.
Overconfidence is a flimsy shield.
Pain is an excellent teacher.
Repetition is the path to mastery.
The cycle begins anew.
The outcome is not preordained.
I am made whole.
I am restored.
My systems are restored.
I am on fire.
I am on fire… but an extinguisher is not required.
I feel the warmth of the Iris flowing through me!
Energy flows through me.
My spirit is strong.
Now to strike.
I feel greatly empowered.
I feel unstoppable!
A momentary setback.
I welcome adversity.
Excellence is its own reward.
The cards have selected me.
Your recognition honors me.
Our enemies return.
I return.


Zenyatta is here.
I see a sniper!
Enemy detected.
The enemy is here.
A turret lies before us. It is quite real.
A turret lies in our way.
The enemy possesses a teleporter.
We must locate their teleporter.
The enemy’s teleporter is here. Destroy it.
Behind you.
Get out of there!
I need help.
I require assistance.
Falter now and we will succumb to defeat.
Victory is within our grasp. Hold strong.
Time grows short, attack.
Time is an illusion, but the illusion is about to run out.
We must focus our attack upon the objective.
We must wrest victory from the jaws of time.


Our objective will soon belong to the enemy.
Destiny has drawn me to the objective.
I am becoming one with the objective.
I am taking the objective, join me.
The payload must be moved.
The payload rests idle.
Becoming one with the payload.
My path has converged… with that of the payload.
The payload and I move as one.
The payload proceeds on its path, as must we.
The payload moves closer to the threshold of our defeat.
The payload moves like a stone down the mountain side.


A lesson in humility.
Do not be discouraged, everyone begins in ignorance.
Hatred is not strategy.
If you do not bend…you break.
In anger, you defeat only yourself.
One cannot survive on strength alone.
You must learn from your mistakes.
You refuse to learn.
Your weakness…is revealed!
(vs Genji) I win this round, Genji.
(vs Genji) The master still has a few tricks.
(vs Hanzo) A life of moderation is best.
(vs Junkrat or Lúcio) Chaos begets more chaos.
(vs Lúcio or Tracer) Move too quickly, and you overlook much.
(vs Cassidy, Pharah, or Reinhardt) Justice is defined by the hand that claims it.
(vs Orisa) Being eager to learn is not the same as learning.
(vs Reaper) Hatred is not strategy.
(vs Reaper or Soldier: 76) Revenge is not justice.
(vs Roadhog or Zarya) Ignorance is the sure path to defeat.
(vs Sombra) Those who think they are all-knowing know nothing of what they do not.
I feel neither joy nor remorse amidst such death.
A glimpse of mastery.
I see a pattern developing.
The universe shall embrace you.
The turret is no more.
The turret no longer exists.
The enemy’s teleporter is no more.
A lesson in humility.
You refuse to learn…
You will not be harming my student.
In repetition, strive for perfection!
You have ushered them to paradise.
(Friendly Genji eliminates enemy) Well done, Genji!
To hold a grudge is unhealthy… for you.
Our enemies have been eliminated… but they will return.
The enemy team has been eliminated.
The enemy team is not in existence… for now.

Overwatch Zenyatta voice actors

Feodor Chin.

Overwatch Zarya voice lines & voice actors

This is post about voice lines & voice actors for Zarya in Overwatch. Let’s listen to the voice lines of Zarya through: Abilities, Chatter, Call-Outs, Mission-Specific, Eliminations.


Overwatch Zarya voice lines



Barrier up.
Barrier activated.
Bring it.
Give me your best shot.
Ready for battle.
Barrier’s on you, go.
Get in there.
You’re covered.
Charging up.
That’s more like it.
Just a scratch.
Is that all you’ve got?
That tickles.
Don’t be shy, hit me.
Don’t hold back.
(100%) Maximum charge!
Ogon’ po gotovnosti! (self and hostile)
Fire at will! (friendly)
Gravity kills.
That’s the power of attraction.
Feel the gravity.


Together, we are strong.
We will crush them!
Be sure to stretch before engaging in rigorous physical activity.
Don’t just stand around, do something.
Just like in training. Visualize, then execute.
Give it your all!
We all have our jobs to do.
(During New Year) My new year’s resolution? Peace on Earth.
(During New Year) My new year’s resolution? 5-1-3.
A temporary setback.
Give me another shot.
Haha! Practice makes perfect.
I am still in the fight!
I will never surrender.
Just like in training.
Perserverance is the key.
This fight is not over.
Uh uh. I am not a good loser.
Bez truda ne vytashchish’ i rybku iz pruda.
Vek živi, vek učis’.
Much better.
I am healed.
A speedy recovery.
I am on fire.
I am on fire. I will lead us to victory.
I am on fire! Everyone follow me.
I am even stronger.
Now see what I can do.
I am strong!
My strength unleashed!
I am unstoppable!
Hard work is its own reward.
One hundred percent!
I do it for my country.
One of my best performances.
It is not over yet.
A second chance.
Don’t count me out!
They have been revived.


Zarya, ready for duty.
Zarya, reporting for duty.
Sniper, be wary.
Enemy contact.
Enemy turret ahead.
Find the teleporter.
They must have a teleporter.
Teleporter located.
Watch your back.
We’re out of time, attack.
We’re out of time, give it everything you’ve got.
This is it, push forward!
Push forward!
They are running out of time, we must hold them back.
They must not get past.
Just a little longer, turn them back.
Turn them back!


I am taking the objective, reinforce this position.
I claim this objective, stand with me.
Everyone, on the objective.
They’re taking the objective, concentrate our defenses.
Get on the objective, we cannot let it fall into their hands.
Push them back.
Escorting the payload.
I am moving the payload, fall in with me.
Let’s keep this moving.
Let us stop the payload together.
The payload is moving, halt their progress.
They are moving the payload, stop them!
The payload stopped, get it moving.
We need to get the payload moving.
Primary objective, move the payload


I am the champion.
Your team was depending on you.
I am just getting warmed up.
From Russia, with love.
Do you even lift?
Weak mind. Weak body.
Check out this gun!
I know you can do better than that.
Promising. But not good enough.
(Eliminating Bastion, Echo, Orisa, or Zenyatta) Never trust an omnic.
(Eliminating Zenyatta) That is for my people.
(Eliminating Sombra)Pest.
Mission complete.
I am at the top of my game.
I’m unyielding.
Onwards to victory!
That’s how we do it.
Enemy turret eliminated.
The enemy teleporter is destroyed.
The teleporter is destroyed.
I break you.
Take the pain.
This is strength!
Nice shot.
Well done!
I knew you could do it!
You’re a credit to the team.
(Friendly Reinhardt eliminates enemy) Not bad, old man.
Remember me?

Overwatch Zarya voice actors

Dolya Gavanski.

Overwatch Wrecking Ball voice lines & voice actors

This is post about voice lines & voice actors for Wrecking Ball in Overwatch. Let’s listen to the voice lines of Wrecking Ball through: Abilities, Chatter, Call-Outs, Mission-Specific, Eliminations.

Wrecking Ball
Wrecking Ball

Overwatch Wrecking Ball voice lines



Rolling out.
In transit.
Going down.
Clear impact area.
Combat mode engaged.
Weapons linked.
Scanning for targets.
Top speed reached.
Top speed.
Maximum speed achieved.
Speed maximum.
Full speed.
Activating shield.
Shield engaged.
Powering shields.
Area denied. (self and hostile)
Minefield deployed. (friendly)


Control link established.
Systems at the ready. Small mammal at the controls.
Weapons operational. Grapple primed. Hampster pumped.
Combat operations will begin soon.
The small mammal is impatient.
Hamster revived.
Ready for combat.
System initialized
*angry squeaking*
Erasing previous 30 seconds from memory.
System restored.
System Repaired.
Performance classification: On fire.
Systems operating at maximum.
Perfect synchronization.
Systems optimized.
Detecting excitement.
Combat effectiveness enhanced.
System m-malfunction.
Systems compromised.
Tallying votes. *clicking sounds* Epic.
5 votes received.
Tallying votes. *clicking sounds* Legendary.
10 votes received.
Enemy reviving.
Auto response: thank you.


Wrecking Ball online.
Enemy sniper. Recommend caution.
Enemies engaging.
Prepare for combat.
Enemy detected.
Targets approaching.
Enemy turret detected.
Behind you.
Alert! Time is running out. Victory conditions not met.
Alert! Time running out.
Alert! Very little time remaining.
Victory conditions almost met.
Victory probability increasing.
Nano-boost administered.
Systems overpowered.


Enemy has taken our flag.
Alert! Enemy has our flag.
Flag released.
Flag status: Dropped.
Enemy has dropped our flag.
Alert! Enemy has dropped our flag.
Increment score.
Flag status: Captured.
Enemy Score.
Alert! Enemy has captured our flag.
Flag returning to base.
Flag status: Returning to base.


The hamster sends his regards.
Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.
Vital signs not detected.
Unsafe position.
Beware of oncoming traffic.
Target terminated.
Close quarters combat routine executed.
Proximity clear.
The hamster is pleased.
Killing streak achieved.
Enemy team eliminated.
Enemy target: Not found. Enemy team: Not found.
Roadkill. Ha ha.
Speed bump detected.
*honking sound* Clear the lane.
He’ll sign an autograph later (environmental kill only).
My turf.
Get wrecked.

Overwatch Wrecking Ball voice actors

Jonathan Lipow.

Overwatch Winston voice lines & voice actors

This is post about voice lines & voice actors for Winston in Overwatch. Let’s listen to the voice lines of Winston through: Abilities, Chatter, Call-Outs, Mission-Specific, Eliminations.


Overwatch Winston voice lines



Coming through.
Pardon me.
Excuse me for dropping in.
Hello there.
Barrier activated.
Barrier up.
Shield up.
This will protect us.
Barrier failing!
Barrier’s running out.
I seem to have, uh, lost my temper.
I, uh, appear to have lost control.
Ahem. Uh, where were we?
Ahem. Pardon me.


Imagination is the essence of discovery.
A better world is possible today.
I’m looking forward to working with you all.
Together, we can solve any problem.
(New Years) My new year’s resolutions: Less peanut butter, more… bananas.
By my calculations, oh forget it, let’s move.
Further experimentation required.
Once more unto the breach.
Onward and upward!
Through the miracle of science!
Vital signs normalizing.
That’s better.
I’m on fire! Hahaha.
Damage output increased.
Weapon system optimized.
Feeling drained.
Every little bit counts!
It’s nice to feel appreciated.
Hehe, I’m just trying to do my part.
I gave it my best.
Enemies reengaging!
Haha, you’re a life saver.


Winston reporting.
Sniper! Be careful.
Enemy detected.
Enemies detected!
Turret ahead! Use caution.
They have a teleporter somewhere.
We need to locate their teleporter!
I’ve located the teleporter, destroy it!
Behind you!
Take cover!
I need a hand here!
I could use some help!
Uh, little help here?
Feeling powerful!
Feeling powerful, and I’m not even angry!
I’m feeling unstoppable!
By my calculations, our defenses will hold if we redouble our efforts.
Haha, countdown to defensive victory initiated.
Time’s running out, lets keep our defense up.
Uh, cursory evaluation indicates time’s running out.
Don’t worry, there’s still time.
If we work together, we can still turn this around.
Tactical analysis suggests we’re running out of time. Attack!
The odds are in our favor, press the attack!
We’re going to lose, press the attack!


Our enemies are taking the point!
We’re losing the objective!
I’m claiming this objective.
I’m on the objective. Rally to my position.
I’ve reached the objective, let’s coordinate our efforts.
Payload stalled.
We can’t let the payload just sit there.
Uh, we have to get this thing moving again.
We need to move the payload!
Escorting the payload.
You know what they say, a payload in motion stays in motion.
Payload in transit.
It appears the payload is moving.
They’re moving the payload!
We must intercept the payload.
We need to stop the payload!


Hmm. Survival of the fittest.
It’s only physics.
Now you are the endangered species.
One for the archives.
Would you like to donate your body to science?
(Eliminating Reaper) Don’t mess with my glasses.
(Eliminating Sombra) You, stay away from my computer systems.
I’m on a roll!
There’s no stopping me!
Look out world! I’m on a rampage!
Enemy turret neutralized.
Enemy teleporter destroyed.
Great shot! Haha.
Nice shot!
(Friendly Tracer eliminated) Tracer, no!
Their team’s down.

Overwatch Winston voice actors

Crispin Freeman.

Overwatch 2 Widowmaker voice lines & voice actors

This is post about voice lines & voice actors for Widowmaker in Overwatch 2. Let’s listen to the voice lines of Widowmaker through: Abilities, Chatter, Call-Outs, Mission-Specific, Eliminations.


Overwatch 2 Widowmaker voice lines



I see you.
Ah, there you are.
Come out.
Dans ma ligne de mire.
I see you, do you see me?
Allez, montre-toi.
Ah, je te vois.
Et voilà.
I have you in my sights.
My gift to you.
Oh. Did that sting?
Watch your step.
Ça pique, n’est-ce pas ?
La veuve tisse sa toile.
Un petit cadeau pour toi.
Attention où tu mets les pieds.
Merde !
No one can hide from my sight. (self and friendly)
Personne n’échappe à mon regard. (hostile)


One shot, one kill.
I aim to devastate.
I’m ready to kill.
Enough waiting around.
Ahh, Gérard.
I will draw them into my web.
Let’s try that again.
Huh, here I am.
Now, where were we?
Now you have my attention.
Locked and loaded.
C’est la vie.
Rendez-vous avec la mort.
Essayons encore une fois.
Je ne vais plus te lâcher.
Où en étais-je ?
Ah, that’s better.
I needed that.
Much better.
I’m on fire.
One after another.
I almost feel something.
ExpandRien ne peut plus m’arrêter !
You must like me.
Just what I needed.
ExpandComme c’est aimable de ta part.
Tsk tsk tsk.
I always hit my mark.
ExpandHm, par excellence.
ExpandHm, un vrai chef-d’oeuvre.
Be alert! They’re back.
Haven’t had enough?
Back for more?
You must really like me.
Hm, you must like having me around.


Widowmaker here.
ExpandWidowmaker, au rapport.
Sniper. Leave this to me.
Sniper… amateur.
Enemies in my sights.
Enemy turret ahead.
Enemy turret, destroyed.
Find the teleporter.
The enemy has a teleporter.
Enemy teleporter located.
Enemy teleporter destroyed.
Behind you!
I feel alive!
I cannot be stopped!
I am unstoppable!
They’re almost out of time.
Their time is running out.
Victory is so close, I can feel it!
We’re out of time, attack!
We’re running out of time!


Get on the objective.
We have to stop them.
We need to defend the objective.
Stop them!
I am taking the objective.
Let’s take the point!
This objective is mine.
I’m moving the payload.
Keep pushing forward.
ExpandPayload en route.
Let’s keep this moving.
Push forward
Make yourselves useful. Move the payload!
Move it!
Get the payload moving!


Ah, a thing of beauty.
The widow’s Kiss.
Go to sleep.
Shh, go to sleep.
Magnifique !
Now I feel alive.
À la vie, à la mort.
A beautiful death.
I think it’s time for us to see other people.
(vs Ana) You should’ve stayed dead.
(vs Ana) The world’s greatest sniper… formerly.
(vs Talon members) Our alliance is at an end.
(vs Cassidy / Soldier: 76 / Ashe) Pft, Americans…
(vs Pharah) Like mother, like daughter.
(vs Pharah) Grounded.
(vs Pharah) What goes up…
(vs Pharah) Huh, down to Earth.
(vs Tracer) Foolish girl.
(vs Reaper) Death becomes you.
(vs Reaper / Soldier: 76 / Reinhardt) A legend falls.
(vs Overwatch members / Hanzo) The enemies of Talon will be eliminated.
(vs Sombra) Not so clever now.
(vs Sombra) This time, I didn’t miss.
(vs Sombra) Big mouth, big target.
Smooth as silk.
Smooth as silk. (var)
It’s not you, it’s me!
Mm, revenge is sweet.
I don’t get mad, I get even.
The enemy team is down.
We have eliminated the enemy team, press the advantage.
Ah, music to my ears.
I could do this all day.
C’est si beau !
Le baiser de la veuve.
Je vais faire un carton.
Hm, fool.
Ugh, worthless.
*chuckles* Please.
Such artistry.
Nice shot!
(Witness Ana get a kill) Not bad, for second best.
(Witness Doomfist get a kill) You haven’t lost your touch.
(Witness Reaper get a kill)ExpandLa faucheuse claims another.
(Witness Talon ally get a kill) Talon strikes.
(Witness Tracer get a kill) I knew there was a reason I kept you around.
(Witness Moira get a kill) Talon’s finest.

Overwatch Widowmaker voice actors

Chloé Hollings.

Overwatch Tracer voice lines & voice actors

This is post about voice lines & voice actors for Tracer in Overwatch. Let’s listen to the voice lines of Tracer through: Abilities, Chatter, Call-Outs, Mission-Specific, Eliminations.


Overwatch Tracer voice lines



All right!
Caught you starin’!
Three time’s the charm!
Think thrice!
Back to the past!
Back we go.
Ever get that feeling of déjà vu?
Have we been here before?
How about a second chance?
I’ll take a redo.
Just in time.
Let’s try something else.
Let’s try that again.
Now, where were we?
Bomb’s tickin’!
Bombs away!
Here goes nothin’!
Here ya go!
Present for ya!
Special delivery!
(giggles) Thought of you!
Time to drop the bomb!
Time’s up!
Wait for it…
Winging it!
Locked on!
Nailed it!
Right on target.
You need a time out.
Ha! Smashing!
Out with a bang!
Someone set up you! *chuckles* The bomb! (rarely)
There she goes!
Tick tick, boom!


Cheers, love! The cavalry’s here!
Cheers, love! It’s time to save the world!
Let’s get to it already!
Oi! This is no time for standin’ around.
Look out world! Tracer’s here.
*giggle* Last one there’s a rotten egg!
Come on!
I’m back, baby!
Wait for me!
Well that just happened.
And she’s back in the game!
*exhale* Back to work!
Back in the fight!
Come on, everyone. Hurry back!
I always get there before everyone else…
I’m sure the reinforcements are coming.
Tsk! I’m chronically early!
Much better!
There we go!
Back in the fight!
All eyes on me!
I’m on fire!
I’m on fire! *laughs* Really!
I’m in the zone!
Thanks, love!
Much obliged!
No one’s gonna stop me!
I’m unstoppable!
Aww, thanks loves.
Aww… yeah!
What did I get?
What did I get?! What did I get?!
Nice save!
Ah, thanks, doc!
Aww, no fair!
This time, stay down!


Tracer here.
There they are!
Enemy detected!
Enemies coming right for us!
They’re coming right at us!
The enemy’s behind us!
On the left!
On the right!
Above us!
They’re attacking from above!
Below us!
They’re attacking from below!
Ooh, we’re outnumbered!
Enemy turret ahead!
Find their teleporter.
They’ve got a teleporter, we’ve got to find it.
They have a shield generator.
Found their teleporter!
I found the shield generator!
Behind you!
Get to cover!
*deep gasp*
We gotta push ’em back!
We can’t lose it now!
Hang on, everyone, we can do this!
Pick up the pace!
Come on! We’re gonna lose!
Clock’s ticking!


I’m on the objective!
The objective is mine!
Taking the point!
Defend the objective.
They’re taking the point.
Come on! Everyone on the point.
Let’s get this moving!
Ugh! Someone help me move this thing!
Payload’s ready to roll!
We’ve gotta stop the payload.
Ugh! It’s on the move again.
Payload’s moving.
Let’s get this thing moving!
Payload’s stopped.
What’s the hold-up?
I have the flag! Heading back to base.
I’ll be taking this!
They have our flag!
Get our flag back!
Just too fast for you!
You can’t catch me!
That’s enough of that!
I’ll be taking that!
Returning the flag to base.
Dropping the flag.
Someone else come pick up the flag!
Someone recover our flag!
They dropped our flag!


Aw, easy peasy!
Blimey, I’m good!
Get stuffed!
Ha! ‘ave some of that!
Ha! Bet that smarts!
Ha! Fantastic!
Ha! Tip-Top!
Ha ha! Cheers!
I’ll cheers to that!
Looks like you need a time out!
Nice one!
Nothin’ to it!
*laughs* Speed kills!
Take that!
You got what’s coming to ya.
(vs Ana) Sorry, cap!
(vs Reaper) (mockingly) Death comes!
(vs Sombra) No one likes a thief.
(vs Widowmaker) That felt good.
(vs Widowmaker) Squished!
(vs Winston) Sorry, big guy!
(vs Winston) It was beauty killed the beast.
Anyone else?
Can’t stop, won’t stop!
I’m on a roll!
One for you, one for you… (laughs)
Ooh, a lovely streak!
Queue up, loves!
What time is it? Streak time!
Who’s next?
Who’s next in the queue?
Ha ha! I’m chuffed.
Now that’s efficient!
That was wicked!
Wait till I tell ’em about that one!
Enemy turret down!
Enemy teleporter destroyed!
Enemy shield generator destroyed!
And stay down!
Down for the count.
Gave it the ol’ wollop!
Smashing, get it?
And off you go!
Ha ha! Right off the edge.
Have a nice flight!
Send postcards, love!
That’s all it takes? (chuckles)
(Friendly Cassidy eliminates enemy) You can be my wingman, anytime!
(Friendly Reinhardt eliminates enemy) Ho ho! Nice one, Reinhardt!
(Friendly Winston eliminates enemy) Winston! You’re an animal! *giggles*
(Friendly Winston uses Primal Rage) Uh-oh! Winston’s angry!
Aw, no!
Focus, Lena. Everyone’s counting on you!
(Friendly Genji is eliminated) It’ll take more than that to keep Genji out of the fight.
(Friendly Winston is eliminated) Come on, big guy!
(Friendly Winston is eliminated) Winston!
Gentle reminder: you started it!
Got ya.
I don’t start fights, but I always finish them.
That’ll show ya!
You gotta problem with that?
Enemy team eliminated!

Overwatch Tracer voice actors

Cara Theobold.

Overwatch Torbjorn voice lines & voice actors

This is post about voice lines & voice actors for Torbjorn in Overwatch. Let’s listen to the voice lines of Torbjorn through: Abilities, Chatter, Call-Outs, Mission-Specific, Eliminations.


Overwatch Torbjorn voice lines



I foresee great things for you!
Heh heh, I have big plans for you!
Oh, such potential!
Let’s get started.
Heheh! Let’s hear those guns! (old)
There she is. (old)
Come on, baby. (old)
My masterpiece! (old)
Ho ho ho, alright! Now,do what you were built to do! (old)
Turret deployed.
Oh! just look at you.
A thing of beauty.
I’d rather be the hammer, than the nail.
It’s just a scratch.
I’ll fix you up.
My turret’s under fire!
Ugh! My turret’s being destroyed!
Protect my turret!
Should have done a better job building it. (old)
My turret!
My baby!
I worked hard on that!
Armor, come get it!
Armor here.
Armor over here.
Armor’s just sitting there.
Armor up.
Come get your armor.
I’m overloading!
Turning up the heat!
Power overwhelming!
Working the bellows!
Time to let off some steam!
MOLTEN CORE! (self and hostile) (Removed)
MOLTEN FLOOR!(self and hostile)
Setting out the welcome mat! (Ally)


Build ’em up, break ’em down!
Tools in hand. Brain in gear.
Get ready.
There’s work to be done.
All this standing around when there’s work to be done…
Back to work.
Back to the drawing board.
I’m back.
Heh, time to roll up my sleeves.
Back in the fight.
Much better.
Back to work!
Stay out of my way! I’m in the zone!
I’m on fire!
Time to get my hands dirty.
Now that’s more like it!
I’m unstoppable!
Onwards to Ragnarok!
I’m feeling the power!
Haha! Right on!
What can I say? Best of the best!
Hahaha, will ya take a look at that!
Back to work!
They’ve come back!


Torbjörn! Ready to work!
There they are!
Turret ahead, not one of mine!
Enemy turret ahead! Piece of scrap!
Destroy the teleporter.
Find their teleporter.
They have a teleporter, find it!
Watch your back!
Just a little longer, keep up our defense!
We need to attack or we’re going to lose.
Do I have to do everything myself? Attack!
Time’s running out! Put your backs into it!
It’s not quitting time yet!


They’re taking the point! Stop them!
Everyone get on the point!
I’m at the objective, how about some support?
Securing the point.
I’m capturing the objective.
We’re supposed to be moving!
Grr, why have we stopped?
Let’s move this hunk of junk.
Moving the payload.
Stop the payload!


(with Rivet Gun) I think I’ve made improvements… to your face.
If ya can’t stand the heat, stay out of my way!
It’s always better to be the hammer than the nail.
You walked right into that one.
Haha. Sit down, and take a number.
(vs Bastion, Orisa, or Zenyatta) Back to the scrap heap!
(vs Bastion , Orisa, or Zenyatta) Back to the slag heaps!
(vs Brigitte) You need more seasoning.
(vs Brigitte) Papa knows best.
(vs Brigitte) Don’t tell your mother about this.
(vs Brigitte) Reinhardt teach you that?
(vs Brigitte) You still have a lot to learn.
(vs Symmetra) [laugh] Must be a bug in your system.
That’s what I made you for!
Whoops, did I leave that there?
Ha ha, a marvel of engineering.
Again, and again!
Ha ha, I designed that, y’know.
Do you appreciate my craftmanship?
Good, good!
Heh heh, hammer time!
If you want something done right, you gonna do it yourself.
One after another, and another and another!
Enemy turret down. Clearly not one of mine.
Enemy teleporter destroyed.
Too close.
(Friendly Bastion, Orisa, or Zenyatta eliminates enemy) Good shot! Well, for a machine.
(Enemy Reinhardt eliminated) I told you. The size of hammer doesn’t matter.
(friendly Brigitte eliminates enemy) That’s the Lindholm way!
(friendly Brigitte eliminates enemy) That makes me a proud papa.
(friendly Brigitte eliminates enemy) That’s my daughter!

Overwatch Torbjorn voice actors

Keith Silverstein.

Overwatch Symmetra voice lines & voice actors

This is post about voice lines & voice actors for Symmetra in Overwatch. Let’s listen to the voice lines of Symmetra through: Abilities, Chatter, Call-Outs, Mission-Specific, Eliminations.


Overwatch Symmetra voice lines



From light into being.
Turret deployed.
Turret online.
Aligning defense system.
Defenses in place.
Turret in place.
Sentry deployed.
Sentry Turret placed.
Sentry online.
ExpandPrakash se jeevan mein.
ExpandRaksha pranali sanrekhit karna.
My teleporter is online.
My turret was destroyed.
My defenses are weakened.
Intruder detected.
My sentry was destroyed.
ExpandYahí param vaastavikta hai! (self and hostile)
Reality bends to my will! (friendly)


The true enemy of humanity is disorder.
If everyone performs their function, victory is assured.
Do not deviate from the plan, and victory will be ours.
I will shape order from chaos.
Order will be restored.
A momentary lapse.
Death is an illusion.
My work is not complete.
I will correct my mistakes.
I will follow my path.
There is still much to be done.
Much better.
I am restored.
I am on fire.
An exceptional performance.
I have reached peak performance levels.
My full potential is unlocked.
My power grows.
System optimized.
Our fates are entwined.
Perfect alignment.
ExpandHam saamanjasya mein hain.
I am unstoppable.
There is nothing that will stand in my way!
A performance worthy of repetition.
Ah, that is the way!
As it should be.
I will show you the path.
They have revived.
They have returned to the fight.
A second chance.


Symmetra reporting.
I have located the enemy.
Enemy turret ahead.
The enemy possesses a teleporter, we must locate it.
We must locate their teleporter.
Enemy teleporter located, we must destroy it.
Take cover!
Behind you!
Do not let up, victory will soon be ours.
If we work in unison, our defense will be impenetrable.
Defend together! It will not be long now.
Attack now or we are defeated!
Secure the objective!
Time grows short but we will fight to the end.
Time is running out, we must not fail!
(Payload) Align our attack, move the payload.


I am at the objective, we must take it quickly.
I am claiming the objective, support me.
I am taking the objective, all is going according to plan.
We must hold the point against their attack!
Reinforce our defenses, we must turn them back!
Consolidate our defenses on the point!
Moving the payload, fall in behind me.
The payload moves, as must we.
The payload moves to its destination all according to plan.
The payload is moving! Converge upon it.
The payload is moving, we must pull together.
Together we must stop the payload, this is the way it must be.
We must stop the payload!
We must see the payload to its destination.
The payload has stopped, we must get it moving.
The payload has stopped, we must get our plan back on track.


Just as expected.
Order is restored.
The balance shifts in my favor.
Perception is your weakness.
Why do you struggle against your fate?
You are unworthy of the true reality.
Know your place.
You are trapped in your own mind.
This is the order of things.
That was for your own good.
You lack imagination.
You were not meant for greatness.
All according to plan.
(vs Lúcio) A punishment for your crimes.
(vs Talon members/Junkers/Lúcio) Order overcomes chaos.
Everything in its place.
A pattern develops.
This is the shape of things to come.
Enemy turret destroyed. An inferior design.
Enemy turret destroyed.
Enemy teleporter destroyed. Hm.
Get back.
Know your place.
You perform your function admirably.
A commendable effort.
Well executed.
ExpandWah, kya baat hai!
I had not forgotten you.
The enemy team has been eliminated.
All enemies eliminated.

Overwatch Symmetra voice actors

Anjali Bhimani.

Overwatch Sombra voice lines & voice actors

This is post about voice lines & voice actors for Sombra in Overwatch. Let’s listen to the voice lines of Sombra through: Abilities, Chatter, Call-Outs, Mission-Specific, Eliminations.


Overwatch Sombra voice lines



Initiating the hack.
Let’s get started.
Don’t mind me.
Iniciando el hackeo.
Stealth activated.
Back into the shadows.
Going off the radar.
ExpandNos vemos…
And I’m back!
Been here all along.
Heh, did I scare you?
Here I am.
Hey there.
Looking for me?
Miss me?
Somebody call?
Aw, ¿te asusté?
He vuelto.
Me extrañaste?
Qué onda?
Qué tal?
Ya volví.
Always plan an exit.
Always leave yourself a back door.
Be right back!
Beacon in place.
Hm… just in case.
I might need this later.
Translocator’s in place.
Translocator’s set!
ExpandAhorita regreso.
ExpandNo vaya a ser que lo necesite.
Catch you later.
Cheers, love! Hahaha.
Gotta go.
I’m out of here.
Meh, that party was boring.
See you later!
Tengo que irme.
I need this back.
Still need this.
Guess I won’t be using that.
I wasn’t using that, anyway.
That’s annoying.
That’s a waste.
Translocator’s destroyed.
Apagando las luces! (self and hostile)
EMP activated! (friendly)


Everything can be hacked… and everyone.
In my world, there are no secrets.
Hah, let’s get started. Got a lot of systems that need hacking.
Hm… I think I can make this worth my time.
I’m guessing there’s no chance we can take care of this quietly, is there?
I’m hoping for an easy mission. Don’t make this harder than it needs to be.
Looks like I have time to do some research.
So many targets, so little time.
ExpandGenial. Otro trabajo aburrido.
Easy in easy out, let’s get the job done.
Finally! Time for some fun.
Party’s started!
Expand¡Al fin! ¡Es hora de divertirme!
Expand¡Orale! ¡A darle con todo!
Expand¡A darle que es mole de olla!
Didn’t see that coming.
It’s all up from here.
Reboot and try again.
We all make mistakes.
ExpandHora de empezar de nuevo.
ExpandIntentemos otra vez.
ExpandMe agarraste en curva.
ExpandNo manches.
ExpandPodria haber salido mejor.
ExpandYa estoy lista para ese trago.
Ay, where’s my backup?
Guess we’re still redeploying.
Is everyone napping? What’s going on?
Agh! Little light on teammates right now!
Feeling much better.
ExpandMucho mejor.
Much better.
I’m on fire!
I’m on fire! Touch me, and you’ll get burned.
I’m en fuego! Ugh, I can’t believe I just said that.
You have good taste.
That’ll help you focus.
ExpandAsí me gusta.
Damn it!
Someone has to pull their weight around here.
I thought so.
Do I win a prize?
It was nothing.
I don’t think they got the hint.
Guess they haven’t had enough.
If I’m fighting, you’re fighting, too.


Sombra online.
Sniper! I’d keep my head down.
ExpandSniper! Ten cuidado.
Enemies on my radar.
ExpandEl enemigo está aquí.
ExpandEnemigo detectado.
Enemy turret here.
Find the teleporter!
Someone find their teleporter!
Located their teleporter.
They have a shield generator.
Found the shield generator.
Get to cover!
Behind you!
I am unstoppable!
No one’s going to stop me!
No more time to waste. Let’s get this done!
Hold out a little longer and we’re done here.
We’ve gotten this far, let’s not screw it up now.
We’re almost out of time, no slacking now.


They’re taking the objective! We should probably stop that.
The objective is compromised, let’s clear it out!
I’m securing the objective. Anyone want to join me?
Taking the objective. A little help would be appreciated!
Someone needs to get the payload moving!
The payload’s not doing much good sitting there.
We gonna get the payload moving, or what?
We need to get the payload back on track.
Payload’s on its way.
I’m moving the payload.
Payload’s moving. Let’s make sure someone stays with it.
Payload’s moving. Time to put a stop to that.
I have the flag.
Bringing the flag back to base.
Get our flag back.
We need to steal our flag back.
Sometimes, you just have to do it yourself.
That’s how it’s done.
That’s not exactly what we were going for.
Wonder if I can just hack the score?
Someone return our flag to base!
Guess they couldn’t stand the heat.
Dropping the flag.
Too much attention for me.
Ugh… I was feeling the heat.
Sending the flag back to base.
Returning the flag to base.


Amateur hour.
ExpandKudos for trying, güey.
Lighten up.
Sorry, but you didn’t make the cut.
That made my day!
This wasn’t your day.
We can still be friends, right?
Who invited the amateur?
You make great target practise.
You were boring me.
Ahí nos vidrios.
ExpandAhórranos tiempo y no te levantes.
Ay, pobrecita. (female)
Ay, pobrecito. (male)
Buenas noches.
Camarón que se duerme se lo lleva la corriente.
Es en serio?
Fue pan comido.
La próxima vez se más interesante.
Lo siento.
No caeré tan fácil.
No estás a mi nivel.
No te molestes!
Qué triste.
Te pasas de lanza.
ExpandTu esfuerzo no fue suficiente.
(vs enemy Baptiste) You know better than to turn your back on me.
(vs enemy Junkrat) Quiet, now.
Expand(vs enemy Lúcio) Sana, sana, colita de rana.
(vs enemy Reaper) Don’t take it so seriously.
(vs enemy Reaper) Smoked.
(vs enemy Reaper) *sigh* Sorry, Gabe.
(vs enemy Reaper, Soldier: 76 or Torbjörn) Ay… este gruñón.
(vs enemy Roadhog or Reaper) ¡Huy! ¡Que miedo!
(vs enemy Sigma) You need to focus, viejito.
(vs enemy Tracer) Taradita.
(vs enemy Widowmaker) Ah, I’m sure you’ll get me next time.
(vs enemy Zarya) Katya will be so disappointed.
*yawn* Are we still fighting?
Good warmup.
I know what I’m doing.
Seriously?! It’s like they aren’t even trying!
Ando en buena racha. ¡Fuera de mi camino!
Hasta parece que no se están esforzando.
Hay mas de dónde vino eso.
Ja! ¡Me la rifé!
Me hace lo que el viento a Juárez.
Didn’t even break a sweat!
Group bypass!
I always have the upper hand.
Multiple users down!
Watch and learn.
Enemy turret offline.
Enemy teleporter’s offline.
Hope you didn’t spend too much time on that.
I blew up the tire, if anyone was wondering.
A sucker for my punch.
Back off!
Down for the count!
I know Kung Fu.
Who said you can get this close?
You’re cuter up close.
ExpandQué gracioso.
*imitates falling sound*
Aww, did I do that?
It’s a long way down!
Misstep? More like “mistake”.
Right off the edge.
You really let me down.
De verdad me decepcionas.
Nos vemos!
I knew you were good for something.
Must be some reason I keep you around.
That’s more like it.
Hah, nada mal!
Buen tiro!
It’s hard to find good help these days.
What a waste.
Qué lastima.

Overwatch Sombra voice actors

Carolina Ravassa.

Overwatch Soldier 76 voice lines & voice actors

This is post about voice lines & voice actors for Soldier 76 in Overwatch. Let’s listen to the voice lines of Soldier 76 through: Abilities, Chatter, Call-Outs, Mission-Specific, Eliminations.

Soldier 76
Soldier 76

Overwatch Soldier 76 voice lines



Get over here and heal up!
Anyone need some healing?
Come here and get stabilized.
Fields down.
Biotic field activated.
Everyone, heal up.
Time to heal up.
Heal up here.
Team, heal up here.
Never leave a teammate behind.
I’ve got you in my sights. (self and hostile)
Tactical Visor activated. (friendly)
Target rich environment.
Clean sweep.
I love the smell of pulse munitions in the morning.
I could do this with my eyes closed.


We’re all soldiers now.
Every soldier needs a cause.
We made this mess. Time to clean it up.
Still playing Soldier, I see. (selecting Soldier multiple consecutive games)
Quit screwing around and get ready to move!
Try not to get yourselves killed out there.
Let’s get this done!
Let’s move out!
Move out!
I don’t quit ’till the fight’s done.
I’m not a young man anymore.
Knock me down, and I’ll keep getting back up.
Mission ain’t over yet.
No rest for the weary.
Not dead yet.
The war goes on.
This old dog’s learned a few tricks.


Soldier: 76 reporting for duty.
Sniper! Get your head down or lose it!
Sniper! Keep your heads down.
Enemy contact.
Enemy turret sighted.
Find that damn teleporter.
Find their teleporter.
I’ve found their teleporter.
Watch your backsides!
Watch your six!
Hold out a little longer!
Keep your heads down – we’ve almost got this.
They ain’t winning on my watch. Push them back!
Push the attack now, we’re gonna lose!
I don’t tolerate defeat, get on the attack now!
No one else is going to do it for us. Attack!


Defend the point!
Get these jokers off my point.
Objective is under attack – get on it!
Locking down the objective. Rally to me!
I’m taking the objective, get over here!
Securing the objective.
Anyone else wanna do their jobs today? Move the payload!
That payload’s not going to deliver itself, move it!
Why are we stopped? Get the lead out and move this payload!
Back in my day we’d have this payload delivered already.
Form up on the payload. Move it out!
Payload’s secure, move out!
Payload’s on the move, intercept it.
Payload on route… Stop it!
That payload’s not going anywhere.


Age before beauty. Guess you’re coming in third.
And stay down.
I don’t play by the rules anymore.
Huh. Only gets better with age.
Should’ve kept your head down.
Tactical necessity.
Target down.
We all got it coming.
You don’t wanna go to war with me.
You’ve got a lot to learn.
(vs Reaper) Someone had to do it.
(vs Reinhardt) Always too overconfident.
(vs Tracer) You need to learn to focus.
(vs Winston) Your hesitation is your weakness.
You ain’t seen me angry.
The mission’s all that matters.
The fight ain’t over yet.
I’m just getting started.
Enemy turret destroyed.
Enemy teleporter destroyed.
At ease.
Lights out.
Are you trying to impress me?
Not bad.
(Friendly Pharah eliminates enemy) Got your aim from your mom, I see.
As though the numbers weren’t already against us!
*sigh* Damn it.
Hold fast! Success depends on us!
I’m used to working alone.
It’s on me now.
Not good.
You fought with honor, kid.
(Friendly Tracer is eliminated) You won’t be forgotten.
An eye for an eye.
I’ve got a long memory.
Enemy team down. Push forward now!
The enemy team’s out of commission.

Overwatch Soldier 76 voice actors

Fred Tatasciore.

Overwatch 2 Sojourn voice lines & voice actors

This is post about voice lines & voice actors for Sojourn in Overwatch 2. Let’s listen to the voice lines of Sojourn through: Abilities, Chatter, Call-Outs, Mission-Specific, Eliminations.


Overwatch 2 Sojourn voice lines



Railgun charged!
Railgun powered and ready to fire.
Railgun charge holding.
Railgun still at full power.
Coming through!
Breaking them down!
Clear out!
Going somewhere?
Hold it.
Not so fast.
Stay put!
What’s the rush?
You’re falling apart.
This ends now! (self and enemy)
It’s go time! (team)
Target down.
Who’s next?
You’re done.
That’s two.
Two down.
Canadian hospitality.
Cleaning house!
I warned you.
On a roll.
Cooling down.
Cybernetics regulating.
Let’s get back to basics.


We’re in this together. All of us.
Clear heads, sharp eyes.
Everything’s online, functionality looks good… one last diagnostics check couldn’t hurt.
Follow my lead. I’ll make sure this goes smoothly.
I thought my time in the field was done… but I guess you can’t predict everything.
Make sure you’re ready. Who knows what we’ll find out there.
No nonsense. We do this clean, copy?
Plan to win, or expect to lose.
The best-laid plans have backup plans.
You count on me, I count on you.
Hustle up!
Let’s get this done.
Look alive out there!
Come on, Vivian… get yourself together!
Gonna need a new paint job after this.
Hitting the ground running.
If they won’t quit, neither will I.
Might have to adjust my approach.
What am I missing?
Backup is still on the way.
Team’s still re-deploying.
Waiting on reinforcements.
Feeling better.
Nothing a quick repair won’t fix.
Efficient design at work!
I’m on fire!
Ha! I’m on my game, now!
That feels much better.
I’ll make it worth your while.
That’s the stuff.
Thanks. I’ll return the favor.


Sojourn online.
There’s the enemy turret! Take it out!
On your six!
Let’s kick this up a notch.
Close ranks and hold the line! They don’t stand a chance!


Capturing the point.
Taking the point. Fall in, team.
This is our objective now!
I want that payload moving, stat!
No time for games. Let’s move this thing.
Payload’s stalled. Get on it.
Come on, let’s move this payload.
Nice work, team. Keep it moving.
We’re on our way.


Enemy down.
I expect better from you.
I’d stay down.
It really was the honor of a lifetime.
Not your finest hour.
Right on the money.
That’s just embarrasing.
That’s that.
Rethink your strategy, lieutenant. (defeating enemy Reinhardt)
Outsniped. (defeating enemy Widowmaker)
Keep dreaming. (defeating enemy Winston)
And you thought I was rusty!
Doesn’t get better than that.
Maximum firepower. Good effect.
Next time, think twice.
Pinpoint accuracy.
You make it too easy!
Cybernetic innovation at its finest.
I’m just getting started.
Precision and control.
What else you’ve got?
Enemy turret eliminated.
Old-fashioned, but effective.
You’re in the way.
Enemy down… FAR down.
Take the hint.
Don’t test me.
I’ve got your number.

Overwatch Sojourn voice actors

Cherise Boothe.

Overwatch Sigma voice lines & voice actors

This is post about voice lines & voice actors for Sigma in Overwatch. Let’s listen to the voice lines of Sigma through: Abilities, Chatter, Call-Outs, Mission-Specific, Eliminations.


Overwatch Sigma voice lines



Activating the barrier!
Barrier in place!
Creating a barrier.
Observe the barrier!
Back to me!
Retrieving the barrier!
To me!
Barrier integrity failing!
Barrier is about to break!
Barrier is fracturing!
Barrier is under attack!
Barrier is under heavy fire!
Barrier is unstable!
Barrier won’t hold together!
Barrier experiment failed!
Barrier is out of existence!
My barrier is destroyed!
The barrier no longer exists!
Give me a moment! One moment!
Give me a moment to think!
Look at this pattern!
This pattern!
The equation… What was that equation again?
(Absorbing Hanzo’s ultimate) The dragon has been consumed.
(Absorbing Cassidy’s ultimate) Draw.
(Absorbing Mei’s ultimate) I felt a chill.
(Absorbing Pharah’s ultimate) Justice has embraced me.
(Absorbing Tracer’s ultimate) Not fast enough.
(Absorbing Zarya’s ultimate) Gravity is shackled.
(Absorbing Zarya’s ultimate) I have harnessed the harness.
What an impact!
Wholly predictable.
Het universum zingt voor mij! (self and hostile)(English: The universe sings for me!)
What is that melody? (friendly)
And they all fall down!
No one escapes gravity!
To dust, you shall return!


There is no obligation for the universe to make sense to you.
Why seek answers when we do not know the question?
A lovely day for field research.
[Distracted humming] Oh. I see. [Clears throat]
Double… triple… quadruple check your math!
Soon we will see if the hypotheses are correct.
We need a moment to ensure all our equations are correct.
Ah, we zullen dat varkentje wel even wassen.(English; Let’s get this started.)
(English Literal: We’ll wash that piggy.)
Begin the experiment.
Je weet nooit hoe een koe een haas vangt.(English; You never know how things will turn out.)
(English Literal: You never know how a cow catches a hare.)
Let’s test these hypotheses.
An unexpected but not unwelcome development.
Huh. Haven’t we done this before?
If only the answers were simple.
No, that wasn’t right at all.
Stardust to stardust.
That music… it’s playing again.
The breakthrough was near. I could feel it.
The equations were correct… The problem must lie elsewhere.
The universe is a fascinating place, isn’t it?
The universe is magnificent, isn’t it?
What is that melody?
A marked improvement.
Condition restored.
Feeling much better.
Ik voel me stukken beter.(English: I feel much better.)
Much better.
Everything is falling into place!
I’m on fire!
Ik ga als een speer!(English: I’m on a roll!)
(English Literal: I’m going like a spear.)
Not to be academic, but I believe one would call this ‘being on fire’.
The universe flows through me.
What a curious feeling.
What is this power?
It cannot be stopped!
With power, such possibilities!
Nee, dat klopt niet helemaal!(English: No, that’s not quite right!)
No, no, no!
This does not compute!
Verdorie!(English: Darn it!)
It seems we have a consensus.
Simple arithmetic.
My theories are confirmed.
Peer reviewed.
Impossible… an enemy returns!
A scientific miracle!
Ah, where was I?


Sigma present.
Evidence suggests a sniper ahead.
Enemies in our orbit.
Enemy turret ahead.
The enemy has a teleporter.
There’s the enemy teleporter!
Behind you!
If we continue upon this trajectory, a less than satisfying outcome is a certainty.
Haha! A breakthrough is near! Just keep it together. Keep it together… keep it together… keep it together…
This may yield a positive outcome, we must hurry!


Claiming the objective.
On the objective. Gather at this position.
The objective must be taken.
A payload in motion stays in motion, whereas a payload at rest stays at rest.
Hm, an interesting question. How to make the payload move once again?
The payload must move, or… no, no! It will move. It will.
A payload in motion stays in motion.
A payload in motion stays in motion… excepting a number of circumstances, of course.
Ah, the payload moves in accordance.
The payload moves towards its predicted outcome.
The payload progresses. Excellent, excellent.
Halt the payload’s momentum!
Bring the payload to a stop!
Bring the payload to a stop.
We must halt the payload’s momentum.
Flag acquired!
Transporting the flag.
Do not lose that flag!
We need that flag; it must be recovered!
Recover the flag!
In principle and execution.
Theory in practice.
The enemy has our flag! Stop them!
Returning the flag to base.
Flag recovered. Taking it back to base.
Giving up possession of the flag.
Dropping the flag.
Our flag has been dropped.
They’ve dropped the flag; let’s recover it.


Entity terminated.
Ik ben met mijn neus in de boter gevallen.(English; Jackpot!)
(English Literal: I have fallen nose first into the butter.)
It’s just so simple!
Like Newton and the apple.
Surely there is a more elegant solution.
The mysteries of the universe are open to you now.
The theories are correct!
(vs Mei) You’re just a scientist.
(vs Moira) Poor practices
(vs Winston) Give Dr. Winston my regards.
(vs Winston) Nu komt de aap uit de mouw.(English; The monkey is out of the bag.)
(English Literal: Now the monkey comes out of the sleeve.)
(vs Zarya) The Tobelsteins’ work remains flawed. Tragic.
An elementary application.
I’d rather not.
Like the impression of a dying star.
The universe is magnificent, isn’t it?
What is this violence?
Ah! The results are reproducible!
Haha! A welcome recurrence.
Haha! I’m sensing a pattern!
The experiment produces consistent results. We should continue.
Even de lakens uitdelen!(English: Calling the shots for now!)
The data pool increases.
Enemy turret theory disproven.
Enemy teleporter eliminated.
I’d rather not.
Oh, pardon?
That’s it.
(Moira) Always nice to see a colleague at work!
(Moira) A pleasure to see a colleague at work.
Simply brilliant!
*laughs* At last.

Overwatch Sigma voice actors

Boris Hiestand.

Overwatch Roadhog voice lines & voice actors

This is post about voice lines & voice actors for Roadhog in Overwatch. Let’s listen to the voice lines of Roadhog through: Abilities, Chatter, Call-Outs, Mission-Specific, Eliminations.


Overwatch Roadhog voice lines



Come here.
Get down.
(when used on Pharah, Mercy or Echo) Grounded.
Here little piggy.
Squeal for me.
I’m gonna make you squeal.
*maniacal laughter*


I’m a one-man apocalypse.
Apocalypse ain’t over.
I’m in no rush.
Fired up!
What are you looking at?
Stay out of my way.
Why are we here?
Roadhog rides again.
Back for more.
Rollin’ out.
Ah. Better.
*laugh* Yeah!
I’m burning rubber.
I’m on fire!
Oh goodie.
No way!
*laughs* Now that’s more like it!
I’m a prime specimen.
Only thing you can count on in this broken world.


Roadhog time.
I see them.
Enemy turret here.
Find that damn teleporter!
Find their teleporter.
Where’s the teleporter?
Found their teleporter.
Get down!
I am unstoppable!
Come over here!
We’re gonna win.
We’re losing. Attack!
Out of time. Attack!


You’re in my house. Get out!
They’re taking the point.
I’m taking the point.
Point is mine, property of Roadhog.
I’m attacking!
Get on the attack — now!
Why’s the payload stopped?
Payload moving out.
Payload Moving.
Stop the payload.
Stop that payload.
Stop them.


(vs Bastion or Zenyatta or Orisa) Scrap ’em!
Sit down!
Hurts so good.
No pain, no gain.
(vs Junkrat) I’m tired of hearing your voice.
(vs Junkrat) Finally… quiet.
(vs Junkrat) Peace and quiet.
(vs Reaper or Soldier 76) Nice mask.
I need my space.
Enemy turret destroyed.
Enemy teleporter destroyed.
Go on, ask me what the other one says.
It says left.
(Friendly Junkrat eliminates enemy) About time you did something useful.
(Junkrat is eliminated) Someone finally shut him up.
Less work for me.
*Laughter* YEAH!
I’m the one who gets even.
The enemy team’s down.

Overwatch Roadhog voice actors

Roadhog Josh Petersdorf.

Overwatch Reinhardt voice lines & voice actors

This is post about voice lines & voice actors for Reinhardt in Overwatch. Let’s listen to the voice lines of Reinhardt through: Abilities, Chatter, Call-Outs, Mission-Specific, Eliminations.


Overwatch Reinhardt voice lines



Don’t worry my friends. I will be your shield.
Don’t worry my friends. I am your shield!
Come out and face me!
Is that the best you can do?
Ah, get behind me!
I will hold the line.
Bring! It! On! I LIVE for this!
Barrier, activated!
Barrier is giving out!
I can’t hold forever!
Barrier is failing!
Barrier won’t hold forever!
Barrier destroyed!
End of the line!
Hahahahahaha! Got you!
Goh! Gahh, I’ll feel that in the morning…
Puh! Ugh, I’m not as young as I used to be.
Hammer DOWN! (self and hostile)
For the Crusaders! (friendly)
No lying down on the job!
And stay down!
Don’t bother getting up.


Justice will be done.
Together, we’ll strike them down!
Ah, my friends, what’s with all this standing around? There’s glory to be won!
We shall prove ourselves in glorious combat!
(During Winter Wonderland) Who’s feeling the holiday spirit?
Again! AGAIN!
Back into the fray.
This is not over.
There’s still fight in me yet.
I will not give up the fight.
Back and ready for more!
There is still more to my tale!
Haha! Still kicking!
Wait for me!
Ah. I feel like a new man.
MUCH better.
I’m on fire!
I’m on fire! Come here and get burned.
You honor me!
Let’s fight!
Are you ready? Here I come!
I feel powerful!
I am unstoppable!
Ah, impressive, if I do say so myself!
One hundred percent German power!
What a performance!
I am the champion!
They’re back for more.
They’re back in the fight!
I’m back!


Reinhardt at your service.
Sniper! Fight toe-to-toe, you coward!
I have found the enemy. Come and face me!
Enemy turret ahead!
Our enemies have a teleporter.
I found the enemies’ teleporter.
Behind you!
Steel yourselves! Push them back!
Make every second count. Crush their defenses.
We are out of time, attack.
We don’t have much time, push forward!


They have come to claim what is ours! Don’t let them!
The enemy is at our doorstep. Drive them back!
They are on taking point. Throw them back!
I am capturing the objective, try and stop me!
The objective is mine, join me if you will.
Taking the objective! Join me in glory!
The payload has come to a halt, get it moving!
There’s no glory in a stalled payload!
Our duty is to move the payload. Get to it!
I’m escorting the payload, let’s keep it moving!
Moving the payload. Join me!
Hold them back! We will keep them from their destination.
Stop the payload!
They are moving the payload, we must stop them!
Bringing the enemy flag back to base!
I have the flag! Clear the way!
They have stolen our flag!
We must get our flag back!
The flag is ours!
I have claimed the flag!
That is not accepatable!
We must not allow that to happen again!
They’ve dropped our flag! Return it to base!
Our flag is free! Someone grab it!
Someone take up the flag!
Dropping the flag!
I have secured our flag!
Returning the flag!


Do I have your attention yet?
I’m just getting started!
Too strong!
Ah. This old dog still knows a few tricks.
Haha. Got you!
Feel my power!
When all you have is a hammer, everyone else is a nail.
Out of my way!
I’m not even close to done! Ahahaha.
Enemy turret destroyed.
Enemy teleporter destroyed.
I slay dragons.
Not strong enough.
(Teammate eliminates enemy) Leave some glory to me.
(Teammate eliminates enemy) Well done, my friend!
(Friendly Pharah eliminates enemy) Ana would be proud!
(Friendly Torbjörn eliminates enemy) Well done, my diminutive Swedish friend!
(Friendly Brigitte eliminates enemy) Well struck, Brigitte!
Agent down!
Everyone, hold the line!
I will hold the line!
Our comrade has fallen. Rally to me!
(Friendly Torbjörn eliminated) Torbjörn! I will avenge you!
I owed you one.
Challenge… accepted.
The enemy team is eliminated, we have the advantage!

Overwatch Reinhardt voice actors

Darin De Paul.

Overwatch Reaper voice lines & voice actors

This is post about voice lines & voice actors for Reaper in Overwatch. Let’s listen to the voice lines of Reaper through: Abilities, Chatter, Call-Outs, Mission-Specific, Eliminations.


Overwatch Reaper voice lines



Death comes.
From the shadows.
Die! Die! Die! (self and hostile)
Clearing the area. (friendly)


Death walks among you.
You can’t escape death.
Let’s just get the job done.
The reckoning draws near.
What are we waiting for?
I’m ready for action.
Time to kill.
Death comes for all.
Just stay out of my way.
I’ll do this alone if I have to.
Ready for combat operations.
Let’s try that again.
This is my curse…
I will get my revenge.
This time, I’ll finish the job.
That which doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger.
Vengeance shall be mine.
Back from the grave…
The grave cannot hold me.
Move out.
I’m good to go.
I’m patched up.
I’m in the zone.
I’m on fire.
I’m unstoppable.
I’m on fire! Better stay out of my way.
Just how I like it.
*Evil Laughter*
Damn it.
(Menacing Laughter) Hahahahaha.
Finally some recognition.
(when teammate is resurrected) Get up.
(when teammate is resurrected) Get back in the fight.
They’re back.
They’ve returned.


Reaper here.
Enemy sighted.
Enemy turret ahead.
Watch your back.
Get to cover.
I feel alive!
I am unstoppable!
Everything’s going according to plan, keep up the defense.
Time’s running out, let’s keep them back.
The hour of judgement is upon us!
The end draws near.
We’re going to lose! Attack!
Let’s finish this.


Get over here and defend the objective.
They’re taking the objective.
We’re losing the objective.
I’m claiming the objective.
The objective is mine.
Get that thing moving!
Why are we stopped?
Keep pushing forward.
Moving the payload.
Move it out!
Move this thing out!
The payload is mine.
Stop them!
Stop them dead.


The darkness consumes.
I don’t think so.
Not even trying.
Death becomes you.
Target eliminated.
That was a tactical error.
Your death makes me stronger!
(vs. Junkrat or Roadhog) You can’t be serious.
(vs Ana) You chose your side.
(vs Bastion, Orisa, Zenyatta or Echo) Tin cans, a dime a dozen.
(vs Cassidy)You never were a good student.
Should have paid closer attention.
I didn’t teach you all my tricks.
You always did have a high opinion of yourself.
(vs Reinhardt or Torbjörn) Never liked you much.
(vs Soldier: 76)This is how it should have been.
You always did have a high opinion of yourself.
(vs Reinhardt, Winston, Torbjorn, Genji, Cassidy, Soldier: 76, Tracer, Mercy, Ana) Another one off the list.
(vs Winston)Stupid monkey.
Still trying to play hero, monkey?
(vs Sombra)Actions have consequences.
Make a lot threats and someone’s going to shut you up.
You never fooled me.
Too smart for your own good.
Not so smart now.
(vs Mercy) No mercy.
(During Winter Wonderland)Peace on earth…
Merry Christmas.
Happy Holidays.
(During Lunar New Year) This wasn’t a good year for you.
Better stay out of my way.
I am the angel of death!
Target practice.
Enemy turret destroyed.
You’ve gotta be kidding me.
(Ally eliminated enemy) Heh, not bad.
(Friendly Sombra eliminates an enemy) Nice to see you doing your job for once.
You didn’t think I’d forget about you.

Overwatch Reaper voice actors

Keith Ferguson.

Overwatch Pharah voice lines & voice actors

This is post about voice lines & voice actors for Pharah in Overwatch. Let’s listen to the voice lines of Pharah through: Abilities, Chatter, Call-Outs, Mission-Specific, Eliminations.


Overwatch Pharah voice lines



That’s three directs.
That’s three hits.
That’s three in a row.
Three hits.
Three hits confirmed.
Four hits.
Four hits confirmed.
Four in a row.
Make it four.
Revise that. Four.
Scratch that. Four.
That’s four directs.
Direct hits stacking up.
Still can’t miss.
That’s a streak!
Aerial positioning underway.
Establishing aerial position.
Increasing altitude.
Taking off.
Taking to the air.
Up and away.
Clearing the area.
Concussive out.
Get back.
Move back.
I don’t think so.
En route!
On the move!
Justice rains from above! (self and hostile)
Rocket Barrage incoming! (friendly)
Justice is done. (self and hostile)


I will protect the innocent.
Strike from above.
All systems checked out, ready for combat maneuvers.
Forget regulation. After this mission, I’m throwing a party.
No one’s a natural. We all have to put in the work.
Pre-flight checklist complete. Running clean and hot.
Remember your training, and we’ll get through this just fine.
System check initiated. Green across the board, I’m ready for action.
There is always room for improvement.
The first time I flew this suit, I crashed. I don’t crash anymore.
My New Years resolution? Take some time off.
My New Years resolution? Actually take that time off.
Always more to learn.
Back into the fray.
Back in action!
Back online.
Coming off the bench.
I don’t stay down.
I don’t want to talk about it.
I will not fail again.
Let’s show ’em some air power.
Making another approach.
My team needs me!
OK, my head’s in the game.
Ooh, I’m gonna shove them in a locker.
Raptora systems online.
Returning to battle.
Shake it off.
The skies await.
Time to kick some tail.
Hey, where is everybody?
Need reinforcements. Can I get an ETA?
We’re still redeploying, huh?
Health restored.
Much better.
I am on fire!
I am on a roll.
I’m on top of the world!
Operating at maximum efficiency.
Systems at max.
I am empowered.
I will not waste this opportunity.
Thanks for the assist.
Clear skies ahead.
That’s how we do it.
After action report: unstoppable.
I served with distinction.
Enemies reengaging.
I’m not done yet.
I’m back.


Pharah, reporting.
Pharah, on guard.
Sniper detected.
Enemy contact.
They outnumber us. Keep it tight.
We’re outnumbered. Be advised.
Turret detected.
Locate the teleporter.
They have a teleporter.
I’ve located their teleporter.
Come taste my power!
I am unstoppable!
Systems at max!
You’d better stay out of range!
It’s nearly over, keep up our defense!
Their time is running out. Push them back!
They’re almost out of time, hold on and we win.
Time is running out. Press the attack!
We don’t have much time. Don’t let up!
We’re out of time. Everyone, attack now!


Defend the objective!
Defend the point, strike as one!
Work together! Push them back!
I’m taking the objective. Converge on me.
In range of the objective, form up on me.
Securing the objective.
Come on, team. Push the payload!
Get the payload moving! We can do this!
The payload is stopped. Let’s get it moving!
We must work together. Move the payload!
I have secured the payload. Let’s move!
Let’s keep the payload moving.
Moving the payload, fall in behind me!
The payload has been secured.
Stop the payload!
They’re moving the payload, stop them.
We need to stop the payload.
I have the flag! Heading back to base.
Flag’s secure. Cover me!
Enemy has taken our flag. Cut them off!
Converge on the enemy flag carrier!
Enemy flag captured.
Pharah scores! Anyone else want a turn?
Forget about it, just get the next one.
We’ll get it back.
They dropped the flag! Get on it!
Flag is free! Someone recover it!
Flag dropped. Someone, pick it up!
Jetisonning the flag.
Returning the flag to base.
Securing our flag


Ha ha, got one.
I always get my prey.
Justice served.
Kill confirmed.
Over and out.
Picked off.
Right on target.
Taken down.
Tango, down.
Target, down.
Target eliminated.
That’s how it’s done!
When I’m hitting my shots, you can’t touch me.
You made a tactical error.
You weren’t watching the skies!
You’re not going anywhere.
(vs Reinhardt) Ooh! Sorry, Reinhardt!
(vs Cassidy) Got you this time, Cole.
(vs Widowmaker) Don’t mess with my family.
(vs Brigitte) I’m taking this round, Brigitte.
A clean kill.
Maximum impact!
Perfect hit!
Messy, but we got it done.
Cleaning up.
Clearing the board.
Hostiles eliminated.
I’m hitting everything today!
Operating at maximum efficiency.
Targets neutralized.
They don’t give these suits to just anyone.
Was there any doubt?
You’re outclassed.
Everyone has a plan until a rocket hits them in the face.
Multiple hits confirmed.
We strike again and again!
Enemy turret down.
Enemy turret destroyed.
Enemy teleporter destroyed.
Hard contact!
My fists don’t miss, either.
Stay down.
That had to hurt.
Forgot your parachute?
Get off my map.
Going down…
Look out for that first step.
Mind the gap.
Touch the sky.
Where’s your jetpack?
(Friendly Ana eliminates enemy) Mum, you’re amazing!
(Friendly Reinhardt eliminates enemy) Reinhardt, you still got it!
I’m impressed.
Friendly, down.
Keep together!
I always get my prey.
Now, we’re even.
Right back at you!
This round goes to me.
Enemy team neutralized.

Overwatch Pharah voice actors

Jen Cohn.

Overwatch Orisa voice lines & voice actors

This is post about voice lines & voice actors for Orisa in Overwatch. Let’s listen to the voice lines of Orisa through: Abilities, Chatter, Call-Outs, Mission-Specific, Eliminations.


Overwatch Orisa voice lines



I will not move.
I’m not moving.
Fortifying defenses.
Standing ground.
Holding position.
Establishing defense point.
Routing navigation systems to defense.
Engaging fortifications.
Defense mode activated.
Not budging.
Digging in.
Don’t move.
Stop right there.
Not so fast.
You’re not getting away.
You are advised to move behind my barrier.
Barrier activated.
For your own safety, get behind the barrier.
For your safety, please move behind the barrier.
I recommend moving behind my barrier.
This will be your shield!
Please move behind the barrier.
Barrier status critical.
Caution. Barrier has taken heavy damage.
My barrier won’t hold forever.
My barrier is failing. Recommend moving to safety.
Warning: barrier failing.
Barrier integrity compromised.
Barrier destroyed. Please move to safety.
Barrier destroyed.
Cease your resistance! (self and hostile)
Team up for special attack. (friendly)
I told you to stop resisting.


Your safety is my primary concern.
Only in unity will we find strength.
For optimal chance of survival, stay in range of my barriers.
Executing pre-combat routines. Optimizing strategy.
I will simulate our upcoming mission to identify all possible outcomes.
I must rejoin my team.
I still have a job to do.
Archiving combat data.
I’m still new at this.
System restart initialized.
Analyzing previous combat performance.
I am not ready to be deactivated.
Installing updates.
Updates installed.
System health stabilizing.
Systems restored.
Systems repaired.
System integrity restored.
Your aid is appreciated.
Thank you.
I’m on fire. Please, do not contact emergency services.
I’m on fire.
Exceeding expected combat values. Recording performance for future analysis.
Weapon systems optimized!
Damage output increased!
Lethality level increased.
I feel unstoppable!
System output overloaded!
System malfunction.
Error detected.
Thank you. But I still have much to learn.
I was only following my programming.
Running post-match diagnostics.
Performance analysis: Epic!
Performance analysis: Legendary!
I’m still getting the hang of this.
Saving record of exceptional combat performance.
Enemies reviving. Prepare to re-engage.
Was that the Iris?


Orisa online.
Alert! Sniper located.
Sniper detected. Threat level: lethal.
Enemy visually confirmed.
Enemy detected. Straight ahead.
Enemy detected to our rear.
Enemy detected on the left.
Enemy detected on the right.
Enemy detected above us.
Enemy detected below us.
Behind you.
Enemy turret located.
Primary task: find the enemy teleporter.
Enemy teleporter located.
Enemy teleporter destroyed.
Enemy shield generator located.
Enemy shield generator destroyed.
Current combat simulations indicate high probability of victory.
Our enemy’s chances at success are lowering. Victory is imminent.
Analysis of recent performance trends indicates victory is likely.
If we continue upon this trajectory, victory is assured.
We have no choice but to attack. Time is running out!
Mission window closing. We must achieve victory quickly.
A repeat of our past performance will lead to our defeat.
We must improve or we will be defeated.


The enemy is taking the objective. Repel them in an orderly fashion.
Unauthoried personnel detected at the objective.
Intruders have breached the objective.
Our objective is under attack. Disperse the enemy immediately.
Taking possession of the objective.
Taking control of the objective. Any resistance will be dispersed.
Securing the objective. Backup requested.
Initiating objective capture routine.
The payload’s stopped. Has it malfunctioned?
The payload is stopped in a no-stopping zone! Please move it immediately!
We must get the payload moving again.
Payload has stalled.
Commandeering the payload.
I am moving with the payload.
Moving the payload to the destination.
I am escorting the payload. Assistance requested.
The payload is moving. Reroute all personnel to stop it.
The payload must be halted.
We must capture and impound the payload.
Enemy is moving the payload.
I have the flag. Heading to base.
I have taken the flag. Initiating capture routines.
We must get our flag back.
Recover our flag.
We must secure our flag immediately.
The enemy has taken possession of our flag.
Flag capture protocol completed.
Enemy flag captured. New instructions?
We need to increase our flag security protocols.
We must not let that happened again.
Enemy has lost possession of our flag.
Priority objective: recover the flag.
Dropping the flag.
Relinquishing the flag.
I have sent our flag back to base.
Our flag is safe.


I told you to stop resisting.
Vital signs negative.
Threat neutralized.
You were warned.
I am programmed to avoid violence, however, I have made an exception.
(vs Doomfist) For Numbani.
You are advised to cease your resistance.
Stay there. The authorities will collect you soon.
Saving record for future analysis.
Are you in distress?
System operating at maximum potential.
Empathy module: not responding.
Exceeding standard performance metrics.
Enemy turret neutralized.
Enemy teleporter destroyed.
Fist bump!
Stand back!
Excuse me!
(Friendly Reinhardt eliminates an enemy) Reinhardt, you are amazing!
(Friendly Reinhardt eliminated) Reinhardt, I will avenge you!
(Friendly Zarya eliminates an enemy) Zarya, I wish to learn from you.
Now I can delete you from my memory.

Overwatch Orisa voice actors

Cherrelle Skeete.

Overwatch Moira voice lines & voice actors

This is post about voice lines & voice actors for Moira in Overwatch. Let’s listen to the voice lines of Moira through: Abilities, Chatter, Call-Outs, Mission-Specific, Eliminations.


Overwatch Moira voice lines



Allow me.
Injured again?
I am restoring you.
I will rebuild you.
Restoring you.
Repairing the damage.
You seem in need of aid.
Your injuries are fascinating.
Regenerating your cellular structure.
This will improve your condition.
Science saves the day!… Again.
Táim do do leigheas.
Táim do dheisiú.
Lig dom cabhrú leat.
You grow weak.
Your strength ebbs.
Your strength fades.
Your power is mine.
Strength flows from you.
I will unmake you.
I will draw the strength from your body.
Your body decays.
Oh my… yes…
*cackles* Such a flawed creation.
Tell me how this feels.
Ar fheabhas!
Tá ag teipeadh do neart.
Tá tú ag leagú.
Get into position!
Allow me to repair the damage.
This will restore you.
This will heal you.
I cast this forth.
A touch from afar!
My will made real.
This is my will.
The power of destruction!
ExpandSeo é mo thoil.
(rarely) Swiftly.
(rarely) Gone…
Surrender to my will! (self and friendly)
Géill do mo thoil! (hostile)


Science will reveal the truth.
Humanity is shackled. I will find the key.
The true struggle is for the superiority of ideas.
It is not my preference to see to matters personally, but I will see them done.
No need to mess about.
The struggle for martial superiority is so tedious. The superiority of ideas… that is the coin of my realm.
eannachtaí na Feile Pádraig.
There was a flaw in my approach.
I must reflect upon this.
That changes my thinking.
Perhaps a new methodology is required.
When faced with a setback, we must challenge our assumptions.
I’m not dead yet.
We must all make sacrifices in the name of science.
New beginning, new thinking.
I am restored.
That’s much better.
My condition is improved.
I will not be denied!
I’m on fire! All evidence supports this claim.
I’m on fire. You’d be wise to stay out of my sight.
Táim uilechumhachtach!
My power grows.
I am optimized.
A welcome improvement.
Giorraíonn beirt bothar.
I feel unwell…
To be expected.
Pure class.
This was the only plausible outcome.
Do not underestimate me.
Our enemies return.
An ominous portent.


Moira, by your side.
Moira is here.
Sniper! We must be cautious.
I’ve sighted the enemy!
The enemy gathers here.
They advance straight at us.
They’re coming directly at us.
Enemies to our rear.
They’re attacking from behind!
Enemy on our left.
Watch our left side.
The enemy is on our right.
The enemy approaches on the right.
Our enemies are above us.
They’re above us!
Watch for enemies below us.
The enemy is below us.
Enemy turret within my sight.
The enemy has placed a turret here.
Behind you!
Get out of there!
Clear the area.
Take cover!
I require assistance!
I am under attack!
Help me!
My power is overwhelming!
I feel unstoppable!
Our inevitable victory beckons.
Slowly they realize that failure is all that awaits them.
Victory is within our grasp.
Their inevitable defeat is becoming reality.
Our time grows short.
Our time runs short, we must increase our efforts.
We must make haste.
It all comes down to this.
What time we had is fading.


If we are to progress, we must claim the objective.
This objective must be ours.
Find their weakness and claim the objective.
The enemy is laying claim to our objective.
They’re taking the objective.
Our enemies believe that they can take our objective. They are mistaken.
We must defend our objective against their attacks.
The payload moves towards our desired outcome.
The payload moves with certainty.
We must ensure the payload’s progress.
That we should fail in stopping the payload has no reasonable explanation.
They’re making gains. We must limit them to our benefit.
We must keep our enemies from further progress towards their goal.
Why are we stopped?
The payload has been stopped. We must get it moving again.
It appears we have suffered a minor setback.
I am taking possession of the flag.
Recover the flag.
We must recover our flag,
They have our flag, we must take it back.
Someone recover the flag.
It was inevitable.
Was the outcome ever in doubt?
An undesirable outcome.
Let’s not allow this to become a habit.
Our flag is free.
I’ve relinquished the flag.
Leaving the flag here.
Returning the flag to base.
Dispatching the flag to base.
I will see the flag safely back to base.


A small loss.
An evolutionary dead end.
As expected.
Evolution works quickly today.
Guinea pigs.
I will allow none to stand in the way of progress.
Thank you for your contributions.
This was the expected conclusion.
We are all born mad, some remain so.
You have served your purpose.
Your contributions to the furtherance of science are to be commended.
Your involvement in my research is at an end.
(vs Mercy)Our guardian angel.
(vs Mercy)Mercy is for the weak.
(vs Ana) Harridan.
Bíodh sin agat.
Gan mhaith.
Sin sin.
Is binn béal ina thost.
Éasca sin.
Slán go fóill.
Situational awareness could save your life– I recommend it.
Perhaps, next time, you should not stand in the way of the orb.
Huh. Simple geometry.
Right where I wanted you.
Effective positioning.
How conveniently arranged.
My keen analytical mind detects a pattern forming.
It was only to be expected.
Tá ag éirí go geal liom.
A significant amount of data to analyze.
Enemy turret is no more.
Calm yourself.
I admire your efficacy.
An expedient solution.
(rarely)(Seeing friendly Reaper get a kill with Death Blossom) Always with a touch of the dramatic.
We’re still within the margin of error.
Those who wrong me pay, in the end.
The enemy has been eliminated.
The odds have shifted in our favor.

Overwatch Moira voice actors

Genevieve O’Reilly.

Overwatch Mercy voice lines & voice actors

This is post about voice lines & voice actors for Mercy in Overwatch. Let’s listen to the voice lines of Mercy through: Abilities, Chatter, Call-Outs, Mission-Specific, Eliminations.


Overwatch Mercy voice lines



Did someone call a doctor?
Healing stream engaged.
I’m taking care of you.
I’ve got you.
Let me get you patched up.
Let’s get you back out there.
Patching you up.
Where does it hurt?
Heilstrahl aktiviert.
Ich kümmere mich um dich.
Mercy im Bereitschaftsdienst.
I’ve got you, Brigitte. (When used on Brigitte)
Taking care of you, Brigitte. (When used on Brigitte)
Reinhardt, where would you be without me? (When used on Reinhardt)
Damage amplified.
Damage boost engaged.
Powered up.
Schaden verstärkt.
Connection ongoing.
Maintaining connection.
I’m still here.
Still here.
Still with you.
I’m here.
I’m right here.
I’m with you.
On my way.
Right beside you.
You needed a doctor?
Your support has arrived.
Ich bin da.
Let’s get you back in the fight!
The battle continues!
This is not the end!
This is not your time.
We still need you!
Dein Schutzengel ist da! (hostile)
Der Kampf ist noch nicht vorbei! (hostile)
Heroes never die! (self and friendly)
Helden sterben nicht! (hostile)


I’ll be watching over you.
Don’t worry, I’ll be right behind you.
A moment to enjoy some peace and quiet… probably just a moment, though.
Always consult your doctor before engaging in strenuous activity.
*sigh* I’ll be busy soon enough.
I’ll enjoy the quiet while it lasts.
Must violence always be the solution?
Well, I suppose I’ll be patching you up as usual.
Be careful out there!
Keep an eye on your health and call for me if you need assistance.
Take a deep breath. Now, let’s achieve our objectives!
A clean bill of health.
A speedy recovery.
Ahh… The wonders of modern medicine.
Back in the fight.
Back to square one.
Good as new.
I must go where I am needed.
Now, where am I needed?
Starting over from the beginning.
Valkyrie online.
Die Wunder der modernen Medizin.
Immer unterbricht mich jemand bei der Arbeit.
All better!
Much better.
My prognosis is excellent.
That’s better!
I’m on fire!
I am operating at peak performance levels.
Operating at optimal levels!
Ah… so that’s how it feels!
I feel powerful!
Thank you.
I am unstoppable!
I feel empowered!
I feel unstoppable!
Not good.
It’s nice to be appreciated.
I am touched by your support.
I couldn’t have done it alone!
Enemies reviving.
Now this is a role reversal.
So that’s what it feels like!
We could all use a helping hand sometime!


Mercy on call.
Sniper! Be careful!
Enemy seen.
They’re attacking from the front.
Watch in front of us.
The enemy is behind us.
Watch behind us.
Enemies on the left.
Watch the left side.
Enemies on the right side.
Watch the right.
Enemies coming in from above.
Watch for targets above you.
They’re coming from below.
Be careful, they’re below us.
Enemy turret ahead! Watch yourselves.
Behind you!
Take cover!
Cover me!
Get them off me!
Help me!
I could use some assistance!
I’m being attacked!
I’m under attack!
They’re all over me!
ExpandIch brauche Hilfe!
Our time is running out. Everyone, get on defense.
Pull together. We can do this.
We’re out of time, attack!
We’re running out of time.


Defend the objective.
Protect the objective.
We need to defend the objective.
I am capturing the objective.
I’m taking the point.
Taking the objective.
Fall back.
Let’s get the payload moving again.
The payload’s stopped!
We need to keep the payload moving forward.
We need to move the payload.
I’m moving the payload.
Let’s keep it moving.
Protect the payload.
Protect the payload.
Stop the payload.
The payload is on the move.
I am in possession of the enemy flag.
Taking the enemy flag.
Hurry and recover our flag.
Our flag has been taken. Recover it!
Someone recover our flag!
Enemy flag captured.
I’m only doing my part.
That was not in the plan.
Our flag is free. Someone, return it.
The enemy has dropped our flag.
Dropping the flag.
Relinquishing the flag.
Recovering our flag and sending it back to base.
Sending the flag back to base.


Medic!… Wait, that’s me!
Patient discharged.
The prognosis is not good.
There’s no prescription to treat what you have.
Where does it hurt?
You’ve been discharged.
You are not looking well.
Auf einer Skala von eins bis zehn, wie fest tut es weh?
Hat jemand den Arzt gerufen?
Ich kann keine Wunder wirken! Na ja… meistens nicht.
Und, wo tut’s jetzt weh?
Now this must be a surprise to you.
I’m no angel!
Never knew I had it in me.
This does not look good for you!
The turret’s been destroyed.
Enemy turret neutralized.
Enemy teleporter destroyed.
Enemy shield generator destroyed.
Don’t let up on them!
Don’t stop now.
Great job.
Keep going – I’ve got you!
Keep it up.
We make a great team.
We are unstoppable!
Well done.
You’ve got this!
Say “ahh”!
You might not want to tell your friends about that.
It had to be done.
Nice shot.
Regrettable, but necessary.
Vital signs negative.
Well done.
Gute arbeit!
Schöner Treffer!
Patient entlassen.
Another patient for my operating table.
Damn it! I couldn’t get there in time.
I can see I’ll have my work cut out for me.
I lost him/her/them!
I’m sorry… I was too late.
Start a fight and this is what happens.
Noch ein Patient für meinen OP-Tisch.
(Friendly Genji is eliminated) Genji… I was too late!
I choose not to seek revenge.
Turn the other cheek.

Overwatch Mercy voice actors

Lucie Pohl.

Overwatch Mei voice lines & voice actors

This is post about voice lines & voice actors for Mei in Overwatch. Let’s listen to the voice lines of Mei through: Abilities, Chatter, Call-Outs, Mission-Specific, Eliminations.


Overwatch Mei voice lines



Ice wall, coming up.
Let’s see you get past this.
This will stop them.
Haha, watch this!
Blocking them off.
Zhè yàng kě yǐ dǎng zhù tā men.
Bīng qiáng, shēng qǐ lái ba!
Qǐ lái ba.
Qiáo qiáo zhè gè.
Yǒu běn shì jiù guò lái.
Shuāng dòng!
Oh my gosh!
Dòng zhù! Bù xǔ zǒu! (self and hostile)
Freeze! Don’t move! (friendly)
Anyone want a popsicle?
Don’t move!
Hey! Stay right there!
Bié dòng!
Dòng zhù ba!
Jiù dāi zài nà’er!


Our world is worth fighting for.
Come on, Snowball! They need our help!
I can’t wait to get started.
It’s good to get out of the lab.
Let’s gather some valuable data on this mission.
(During New Year) My new year’s resolution? Hmmm… I could do a better job controlling my temper.
I have to get back in the fight.
Everyone is counting on me.
Hey, wait for me!
That could have gone better.
This fight is not over yet.
ExpandDà jiā dōu zhǐ wàng zhe wǒ na.
ExpandHēi, wǒ yòu huí lái le.
ExpandDěng děng wǒ!
Healed up.
Much better.
I’m on fire!
I’m on fire! *giggle* Not really.
I’m on fire! Well, you know what I mean.
This is awesome!
Whoa! Look out! Here I come!
You’d better watch your step.
ExpandWǒ biàn qiángle!
ExpandWǒ gèng lìhàile!
Thumbs up to that!
Thanks everyone!
Oh… it was nothing, really.
Sometimes I surprise myself.
Get ready, they’re coming back.
You’re a lifesaver!


Mei checking in!
Sniper! Look out.
Enemies here.
Enemy turret ahead!
Hey, they have a teleporter. Help me find it.
Find the teleporter.
Hey! I found their teleporter.
Get to cover.
Behind you!
Everyone! Stay out of my way!
Nothing can stop me!
(very rarely) Nothing can stop Mei!
Come on everyone, just a little bit longer.
Everyone stick together! We can do this!
Our hard work will be for nothing if we don’t attack now.
We can’t let them win, come on everyone, attack!


Defend the point!
Our point is under attack!
They’re taking our point. Everyone work together!
I’m taking the objective.
I’m on the objective, come join me.
Setting up on the objective.
We need to move the payload.
Payload’s stopped, all hands on deck!
Hey! The payload stopped.
Moving the payload. Backup requested!
Payload’s on the move!
The payload is on the way!
The payload’s moving!
They’re moving the payload, let’s stop them.
We need to stop the payload!
I have the flag! On my way back to base!
Taking the flag back to base!
Oh, no… they taken the flag!
Come back with our flag!
Score one for us!
*giggles* I did it!
Aww… no fair.
It’s okay, we can just steal theirs back!
They dropped our flag!
Someone, pick up the flag!
Dropping the flag!
Someone else grab the flag!
Sending the flag back to base!
Now, what’s our flag doing out here?


Cold as ice!
Hey! Be reasonable!
I can take care of myself.
It’s nothing personal!
Ooh, sorry about that.
Oops! Sorry…
Serves you right.
That was cool!
You got iced.
ExpandAh, bào qiàn le.
ExpandÓ, duì bù qǐ le.
ExpandOoh, bào qiàn!
ExpandWǒ bú shì yào zhēn duì nǐ, bié wǎng xīn lǐ qù.
Hey! Stay out of my way!
ExpandWa! Zhēn hǎo wánr!
ExpandHái méi dǎ wán ne!
Enemy turret down!
*Giggle* Enemy teleporter down.
*Giggle* Shield generator destroyed.
Hmph, out cold!
You were asking for it!
Nice shot!
Way to go!
You’re amazing!
ExpandDǎ dé hǎo!
ExpandNǐ kě zhēn lìhài!
ExpandÓ, tài bàng le!
ExpandTài kùle!
(Friendly Winston eliminates enemy) Winston, you’re so awesome! Just like Sun Wukong!
I hate bullies!
ExpandWǒ tǎoyàn nǐmen qīfù rén!
Enemy team is down! Now is our chance!

Overwatch Mei voice actors

Yu “Elise” Zhang.

Overwatch Lucio voice lines & voice actors

This is post about voice lines & voice actors for Lucio in Overwatch. Let’s listen to the voice lines of Lucio through: Abilities, Chatter, Call-Outs, Mission-Specific, Eliminations.


Overwatch Lucio voice lines



Back off!
Get back!
Get lost!
Push off.
Step to this!
Too close.
Audio medic!
Feel that healing beat!
Heal up!
Healing boost!
Let’s get patched up.
Let’s get you healed up.
This is gonna make you feel better.
Yeah, time to heal up.
Aww, yeah! Move it!
Double time.
Gotta go quick!
Let’s do it faster.
Yeah, let’s pick it up!
Let’s hustle!
Let’s up the tempo.
Match this BPM!
Move to the beat.
Party time, let’s go!
Pick it up, pick it up!
Speed boost!
Speed it up, everyone!
Oh, oh, oh, time to accelerate!
Yeeeaah, let’s move it, people!
Amp up this beat!
Crank up the gain!
Ha ha, amp it up!
Ha ha, you want that louder?
Let’s get loud!
Louder this time!
Oh, this is my jam!
Oh, turn it up!
Oh, you’ll wanna hear this.
Pump up the volume!
Raisin’ the volume.
This is my favorite part.
Turn it up, turn it up!
Yeah, I’ll turn it up!
You feel that?
Ooh, you hear that?
ExpandAi sim.
Oh, let’s break it down! (self and friendly)
ExpandVamos esculachar!

And, slide!
Aw, yeah!
Oh, can’t beat this feeling!
Ha ha ha ha, YEAH!
Check this out.
Here we go!
I am loving this!
Nothing’s gonna stop me.
Oh, surf’s up!
You see this?


Come on, let’s bring it together.
We’re here to be heard!
*idle song* (plays rarely)
Another day, another mission. Man! I’m so excited.
Enough waiting around, let’s get out there.
Everyone ready?
Hey, break time’s over. Let’s get movin’!
I am ready to roll.
Let’s get this show on the road!
Let’s show them what we can do!
Look at this team. We’re gonna do great!
Pump up the bass! It’s time to roll out.
Settin’ my equalizer to absolute destruction.
(During New Year) My New Year’s resolution? Hm, new skates for all the kids in the neighborhood.
(During Christmas) This is the time of year to think about everything we have to be thankful for.
(During Valentine’s Day) It’s Valentine’s Day! Anyone need help making a mixtape?
All right. Here we go!
Everyone, move together!
Let’s get moving!
Let’s get this party started!
And the beat goes on!
Back in the mix.
I hope nobody saw that.
I’m just getting started.
Let’s take it from the top.
Uh, maybe I’ll try something different this time.
Uh… next track!
Switching tracks.
Uh, that was just a sound check.
This music stops for no one.
Time for a remix.
Time for an encore!
Time to change it up!
You know, it’s not always gonna be a top hit.
Am I supposed to wait for my team, or…?
Backup’s still comin’.
Let’s get the band back together.
Where’s the rest of the band?
Good as new.
I feel great!
Now that’s more like it.
Is it hot in here? Or is it just me?
Woo! Check this out, I am on fire!
Woo! I am on fire!
Woo, get hype!
Now that’s more like it.
We’re on the same wavelength.
Woo! Nothing’s gonna stop me!
That’s not right!
Thank you, thank you.
I make this look easy!
I am runnin’ this show!
Heads up, they’re back for more!
Oh. I guess they didn’t have enough.
I’m too young to die.


Lúcio comin’ at you.
Lúcio here!
Uh-oh! Sniper, keep moving.
Sniper! Check your head.
Here they come.
Found them!
They’re crashing the party.
They’ve got us outnumbered!
This is an uphill fight. Careful!
Check it! Enemy turret ahead!
Watch out for that turret!
I could use some help!
I’m under attack!
Little hand here?
Take cover!
Behind you!
Watch your back.
I am unstoppable!
Oh, there’s no stopping me now!
No way we’re gonna lose this. Hang on!
We got this, just a little longer.
We’re so close! Just hang in there.
Don’t give up, we can still win this.
Get on the attack, or it’s game over.
We have to pick it up, let’s attack!


Come on! We need to get in control of the point!
Let’s get them off our objective.
They’re taking the objective, let’s knock them back!
Ha ha! I am rocking this objective!
I’m at the objective! Anyone else comin’?
I’m on the objective, you comin’?
I’m takin’ the objective, you know you want some!
Party on the objective, who’s in?
Takin’ the objective, come on over!
Who else wants a piece of this objective?
Woo! I’m on the point!
C’mon! Let’s get that payload going!
Let’s get that payload going, people!
Payload’s stuck. Let’s get it rolling.
Someone get the payload moving again.
We need to get the payload movin’, pick up the pace!
Clear the way! The payload’s rollin’.
I’m on the payload and moving out.
Look at this payload go!
Moving with the payload.
Payload’s movin’, Lúcio’s groovin’!
Special delivery on the way!
This payload’s bumpin’!
Everyone, stop the payload!
No way they’re delivering that payload! Get on it!
Payload’s moving. Let’s shut this party down.
Who has the flag? Oh, that’d be me.
Could have sworn your flag was just there!
Get our flag back!
They have our flag! Oh, let’s get it back.
I’m making this look easy!
Lúcio scores!
Aw, come on!
We let you have that one.
Hey! Someone grab our flag!
Now’s our chance!
Dropping the flag!
Ditching the flag!
Flag’s on it’s way back to base!
That’s not where our flag is supposed to be.


Hah! Too good.
How you like that?
I could do this with my eyes closed.
I’m feeling some good vibrations!
Is this thing on?
Nailed it!
Right on target.
Sorry. Had to give you the hook.
That was the drop.
That was the sound of science.
That’s more like it.
That’s what I’m talkin’ about!
We have them heading to the exits.
When the music hits, you feel no pain.
You got the beat… down!
You having trouble keeping up?
You lost the beat.
You’re old news.
ExpandAh, garoto.
(vs Reaper) Does this make you a deadbeat?
(vs Symmetra) That’s for my family back home!
(vs Symmetra) The power of tech in the right hands.
(vs Symmetra) Stay outta Rio. That’s my turf.
(vs Symmetra) We did it better.
(vs Tracer) Got you this time.
(vs Zarya) Nuh-uh. I am not a fan of those beams.
Ears ringin’?
Hey, be flat!
That’s what I call, “pop”!
This bass hits hard!
Wave “goodbye!”
Oooh, this is going off!
Oh, got me jammin’ out!
Ha ha! Let’s keep it going!
I am ridin’ this high!
I must have this track on repeat!
I’ll play it again and again!
I’m feeling it!
I’m in the groove!
It goes to eleven.
Woo! Keepin’ it in time.
Woo! Nothing’s gonna stop me!
Today is really my day!
And the crowd goes WILD!
Did you see that?!
Sheesh, that was crazy.
Oh, what a moment to live for!
Do you remember that turret? Me neither.
Enemy turret destroyed.
Hope you didn’t work too hard on that.
Enemy teleporter destroyed.
I got the teleporter. That should slow them down.
Haha! Served.
Personal space!
Too close!
Whoa, hands off!
Whoo! Check yourself.
Hello and goodbye!
Oh, and what a play by Lúcio!
Oh, ho-ho, YES! Hah!
Pi-pi-pi pow!
See ya!
That’s what I was born to do, baby!
Ha ha ha, there goes the drop!
Have you been practicing?
I’ll take more where that came from!
Ouch! Yeah!
Nice one!
That was awesome!
Oh, no!
So not cool!
Ugh, major buzzkill.
We have to pull together!
I need to learn to let go… Pfft, next time!
Enemy team’s down, time to push!
The enemy team is down! Now’s our chance.

Overwatch Lucio voice actors

Jonny Cruz.

Overwatch Kiriko voice lines & voice actors

This is post about voice lines & voice actors for Kiriko in Overwatch. Let’s listen to the voice lines of Kiriko through: Abilities, Chatter, Call-Outs, Mission-Specific, Eliminations.


Overwatch Kiriko voice lines



(self and team)


I’ll find my own path.




Overwatch Kiriko voice actors

Sally Amaki.

Overwatch 2 Junkrat voice lines & voice actors

This is post about voice lines & voice actors for Junkrat in Overwatch 2. Let’s listen to the voice lines of Junkrat through: Abilities, Chatter, Call-Outs, Mission-Specific, Eliminations.


Overwatch 2 Junkrat voice lines

Overwatch Junkrat voice lines



I’ll just… leave this here.
Stop me if you’ve heard this one before.
This bomb’s for you!
You’ll like this one!
Here we go.
Ohoho, this’ll be good.
The hunter lays a trap for his prey.
Well, that’s a good spot.
Don’t move!
Hold still!
Oh, you really stepped in it, mate!
Watch your step!
Fire in the hole! (self and hostile)
Ladies and gentlemen, start your engines! (friendly)
Come out and play!
I love my job!
Rest in pieces.


It’s a perfect day for some mayhem.
Plenty of bombs to go around!
It’s hard to just sit around knowing there’s someone out there that needs to be blown up!
C’mon, c’mon, c’mon, I hate waiting!
Oh, don’t mind me, I was just takin’ five. Definitely not thinkin’ about blowin’ somethin’ up. No way! Eheh. Definitely not. …Okay, come on, maybe just a little something?
What a bunch of misfits and freaks we got here: I love it!
Remember, remember.. What the heck was I saying again?
I would kill for some Boba! Milk tea, half sweet!
I’ve got a leg up on the competition! Really, just one.
(New Years) My New Year’s Resolutions? I think I’d like to travel more.
Back for more.
If at first you don’t succeed… Blow it up again!
You won’t get rid of me that easily.
Well, that’s a fine-how-do-you-do! (hostile)
Hooley dooley…
Takes a lickin’, keeps on tickin’!
(After Total Mayhem elimination) Just how I drew it up.
(After Total Mayhem elimination) I love it when that happens!
(After Total Mayhem elimination) Planned it all along.
All patched up.
Much better.
Someone better get a fiery[1], because I’m on a roll!
I’m on fire! Well, more than usual.
I’m on fire! *giggles*
I’m on a roll! Get it? A roll!
Now we’re cookin’ with gas!
Now we’re talkin’.
Ho ho ho!
Ugh, damn it!
Piece of junk!
My genius is finally recognized!
Brings a tear to my eye!
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Hahahahaha! I won! I won! What did I win?
Looks like they were just playing dead.
Wooh! I owe you one.


Junkrat primed and ready!
Sniper! *whimpers in fear*
Over there, over there!
Enemy turret over there!
Find the teleporter.
They’ve got a teleporter somewhere.
Found their teleporter, time to blow it up.
I’m getting the feeling they have a shield generator.
I’m unstoppable!
There’s no one to stop me now!
Tick-tock, tick-tock. We’re gonna win!
We got this! Just hold on a little longer.
Start the victory timer, it wont be long now!
Clock’s ticking! Attack, ATTACK!
Time is money, friends – and we’re almost flat broke! ATTACK!
Tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock! Attack, attack, ATTACK!


That point belongs to us! Defend it!
The point’s under attack! Let’s give them something to think about.
They’re taking the point, time to blow it… them up! I meant them.
Mine, mine, mine! This is my point!
The point is mine, and you can’t have it!
I’m taking the objective, anyone else want some?
No! No! No! The payload’s stopped! Aaagh!
Why’s the payload stopped? Clock’s tickin’.
We don’t have all day. Move the payload!
Let’s keep this payload rolling.
Payload’s moving out. All aboard!
Moving the payload. Clear a path!
No, no, no, they’re moving the payload! Stop them!
Everyone, stop the payload!
We need to pump the brakes on the payload.
I have the flag! I have the flag!
I’ve got the flag! …Now what?
Enemy’s got the flag! Let’s… blow it up!
They’ve got our flag! After them!
Set off those fireworks, I’ve captured the flag!
Dun duh duh dun!
No way! How’d they do that?
What an unpleasant development.
Enemy dropped our flag!
Hm, guess they didn’t want it that much.
Dropped the flag. …My arms were getting tired!
I’m ditching the flag. Someone else can take it from here!
Flag’s going back to base!
Now, what’s that doing sitting around?


Heh, aiming’s overrated.
Bombs away!
Brings tears to me eyes!
Don’t lose your head!
Hahaha! Hole in one!
Hahaha! You’re blowing up!
Heh, aiming’s overrated.
Hey, where’d ya go?
I’m the evil Australian bomber what bombs at whenever he damn well pleases!
If I had a Ph.D, they’d call me Dr. Boom!
If ya can’t handle the heat, stay out of the kitchen!
Now that was beautiful!
Right on target!
Ya dipstick!
Yeah! Collateral damage!
(vs Bastion, Zenyatta, Wrecking Ball, Orisa or Echo). Ooo… Back to the scrap heap!
(vs Mercy) Never liked going to the doctor.
(vs Pharah). And on that bombshell…
(vs Reaper) Why so serious?
(vs Roadhog) Guess we know who’s really on top, don’t we?
(vs Winston or Orisa) Four legs aren’t better than one… (laughs)
*Vocalises the finale motif from Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky’s 1812 Overture*
And they said I’d never amount to anything.
Come out and play!
Everything I’ve worked so hard for is going up in flames!
I love my job!
It’s all coming up explodey!
Enemy turret just blew up. Hahahahaha!
Enemy teleporter scrapped.
Hands off the merchandise!
Outta my face, ya drongo!
Leave some for me!
Oh, that must have hurt.
Right on!
That was a good one, mate!
(Friendly Roadhog eliminates enemy) I could always count on you, mate!
(Friendly Roadhog eliminates enemy) I knew there was a reason I kept you around, and it wasn’t the sparkling conversation.
(Friendly Roadhog eliminates enemy) That’s what happens when you cross Junkrat and Roadhog!
(Friendly Roadhog eliminates enemy) That’s why I’m paying you that 25% share.
(Friendly Roadhog eliminates enemy) You show ‘em, Roadhog!
At this rate, I’ll be the last man standing!
Flamin’ galah!
I never liked them anyways.
It ain’t my day to die!
Where’d everybody go?
(Enemy Roadhog is eliminated) Hey! I’m the only one who gets to kill the big lug.
Revenge is a dish best served flaming hot!
Enemy team’s been wiped out!
The enemy team’s down for the count.

Overwatch Junkrat voice actors

Chris Parson.

Overwatch 2 Junker Queen voice lines & voice actors

This is post about voice lines & voice actors for Junker Queen in Overwatch 2. Let’s listen to the voice lines of Junker Queen through: Abilities, Chatter, Call-Outs, Mission-Specific, Eliminations.

Junker Queen
Junker Queen

Overwatch 2 Junker Queen voice lines



C’mon back, Gracie.
Gracie! Come!
Here, Gracie!
I need a knife!
I need ya’ Gracie!
My hand needs a knife in it.
To me, Gracie!
Where’s my knife?
Oi! Pick up your feet, ya’ drongos!
Shake the grit outta’ your knickers and move!
Stop mucking around and move!
Woo! Let’s go win this thing.
Time for the reckoning! (self and enemy)
Let’s take ’em to the Wasteland! (team)


My throne is where I say it is.
Are you lot ready for some bloodshed?
Before we go out there, I gotta’ warn ya’ I’m gonna yell at ya’ a lot. Not because I don’t like ya’ or because I care, or any of that, it’s just because… I’m really good at this.
Is this one a scrap or a heist? I wasn’t listening. Heh, heh.
So, here the plan. Do what I do, listen to what I say. And don’t screw this up!
The knife’s called Gracie, the axe is Carnage… and me? Ha ha, I’m your Queen.
Think you can keep up?
Everybody holds. Nobody runs.
Let’s go smash some heads!
Beat me? Like hell you will!
I’m gettin’ back in there!
Eh… I’ve got plenty of teeth left.
Looks like somebody wants the death penalty.
Lucky shot. My turn!
*growls* That… is IT!
That’s no way to treat your Queen!
There’ll be consequences for that.
Ya’ only lose if you stay down.
Is my team asleep or what?
Where is everyone? I need someone to shout at!
Where the hell is the rest of my team?!
Good stuff.
Much better.
All hail THE QUEEN!
No one can stop me!
Aww… I wanted a scar!
I owe you one.
All right!
Bloody hell!
Damn it!


I am the Junker Queen.
The Junker Queen stands with ya’
Get the sniper!
Gutless sniper ahead!
Come on, then!
Outnumbered? They’ve finally got a fair fight!
We’re outnumbered!
Enemy turret. Scrap it!
They built a turret!
Turret up ahead!
Behind ya!
Ha ha ha ha! Who wants their guts handed to ’em?
Ho-ho, mate! Here it comes!
None of you can stop me!
You’re in for it now!
Hold them back!
Push ’em back, or answer to me!
Move in and cut ’em down!
Time’s up! Get in there!


Claiming the objective. Get over here!
Fight here and fight hard!
Stop lagging about, and get over here!
Oi! Get on the payload, or I’ll nail you to it!
Oi, oi, oi! Hey, hey! Stick to the payload!
Why is my payload stopped?
I have the payload. Everyone, relax.
I’m on the payload. Get over here.
My payload’s moving. Pile on.


As the Queen decrees.
Aww, someone shot ya’ !
Aww, your blood’s all gone!
Come on. Fight back!
Give up!
Ha ha ha! And stay down!
Ha ha ha! Softie.
Harden up. It’s only buckshot!
Kneel before your Queen!
Oh. Are you done?
You got too close, didn’t ya’ ? !
You’re embarrasing yourself!
You’re scattered, mate.
Quit hiding behind your shield, big girl! (eliminating enemy Brigitte)
Ya’ look better than you fight. Shame. (eliminating another enemy Junker Queen)
Summer shack: avenged. (eliminating enemy Junkrat)
I warned you boys. Should have listened. (eliminating enemy Junkrat or Roadhog)
Down you go, big man. (eliminating enemy Reinhardt)
Put a dent in your armor there! (eliminating enemy Reinhardt)
Aww, champ! You’ve gone soft. (eliminating enemy Wrecking Ball)
Did that hurt? Ha ha, good.
Ha! Axe wins! You lose.
How’s that edge treating ya’ ?
Sharp enough for ya’ ?
Ya’ don’t play with Carnage!
Ha ha! Loot ’em and let’s go!
No champions here.
Nothin’ left but scrap.
Reckoning’s done. I win again.
Shoulda’ got out the way!
And I’m just. Getting. STARTED!
I’ve taken naps harder than you!
One by one by one! Come on! Come on!
Weak. You’re all weak!
You know you’re allowed to fight back, yeah?
You’re allowed to hit back!
Are any of ya’ even trying?
Ha ha! You’re makin’ this too easy!
How many of you drongos are there?
Lie down!
Thanks for bunchin’ up. Ha ha ha!
Turret… crushed!
Turret destroyed!
Down goes another pretender.
Ha! You call that a fight?
Ooh. Down goes another one.
Ooh… should’ve ducked!
Ugh… c’mon, mate. Try to keep up!
And down ya’ go!
And you’re dead. Next!
Can’t fly, can ya’ ?
Nobody beats gravity, mate.
Ha ha ha! You should have finished the job, mate.
I always come back.

Overwatch Junker Queen voice actors

 Leah de Niese.

Overwatch Hanzo voice lines & voice actors

This is post about voice lines & voice actors for Hanzo in Overwatch. Let’s listen to the voice lines of Hanzo through: Abilities, Chatter, Call-Outs, Mission-Specific, Eliminations.


Overwatch Hanzo voice lines



Marked by the dragon.
See that which is unseen.
See through the dragon’s eyes.
Unleash the storm!
Strike like lightning.
Have a taste of this.
The storm breaks!
Swift as the wind.
My arrows find their mark!
ExpandRyū ga waga teki wo kurau! (Self and Hostile)
Let the dragon consume you! (Friendly)
The dragon is sated.
You have been judged.
The dragon consumes.


With every death, comes honor. With honor, redemption.
Honor is all I have left.
I grow tired of waiting.
If you sit by the river long enough, the bodies of your enemies will float by.
It is time to act.
Strength does not come from physical capability, it comes from an indomitable will. (Rarely)
Try to keep up.
The dragon awakens.
My brother is dead. I killed him with my own hands.
I have lost my home and my brother. But I will not lose my honor.
(During Winter Wonderland) Perhaps two cakes this year. One to take home, and *laughs* one for a snack.
The battle begins.
A minor setback.
I am not deterred.
I will not be defeated so easily.
I must redeem myself.
I must reclaim my honor.
Start over, at the beginning.
Never surrender.
Nothing ventured, nothing gained. (Rarely)
I am healed.
I am restored.
I’m on fire!
My warrior spirit burns!
The dragon rages within me.
The dragon stirs within me!
I cannot be stopped!
I am unstoppable!
My power grows stronger.
The dragon awakens.
You honor me!
True mastery is the highest art.
Strive for perfection.
They have returned from death!
This time, I will not fail.


Hanzo, at your service.
The enemy is here.
Enemy turret ahead.
They possess a teleporter.
Their teleporter is here.
Behind you!
Victory is near! Hold fast!
Time is running out. Attack!
We cannot lose. Attack.
Time grows short, do not let it go to waste.
Steel yourselves! Time is running out.
Keep pushing forward!


They are taking the objective, stop them!
Stop them now! Clear the point!
I claim the objective!
I am taking the objective, join me.
Get the payload moving.
We must move the payload.
We cannot stop now. Move the payload.
I have taken the payload.
I am moving the payload.
The payload is moving, join me.
Stop the payload.


Hahahaha… perfect.
Hardly a challenge.
Is that the best you can do?
So predictable.
Never second best!
Target practice.
Hmph. Weakling!
You are nothing!
You will never amount to anything!
(on Genji) Just as when we were boys.
(on Genji) You were never my equal!
So much death.
They fall before me, one after another!
Again! And again!
The dragon hungers.
An inspired performance.
(During Winter Wonderland) My enemies fall like… snowflakes.
Enemy turret destroyed!
Enemy teleporter destroyed.
You have some skill then.
Well done!
A fine kill!
(Doomfist lands Meteor Strike) Such subtlety. (Rarely)
My allies falter, but I still stand.
The task falls to me…
This will not stand!
You do not want me for your enemy!

Overwatch Hanzo voice actors

Paul Nakauchi.

Overwatch Genji voice lines & voice actors

This is post about voice lines & voice actors for Genji in Overwatch. Let’s listen to the voice lines of Genji through: Abilities, Chatter, Call-Outs, Mission-Specific, Eliminations.


Overwatch Genji voice lines



Come on.
I am ready.
Try me!
Is that all? (With Blackwatch Skin)
ExpandJōtō da!
ExpandSono teido ka?
ExpandHonki o misete miro.
Right back at you. (Upon deflecting Dragonstrike)
Back at you, brother! (Upon deflecting Dragonstrike)
Ha! Good aim, Cassidy. (Upon deflecting Deadeye)
Think fast, Pharah! (Upon deflecting Barrage)
Rising Hammer… Intercepting Sword! (Upon deflecting Fire Strike)
Bastion, catch! (Upon deflecting a Configuration: Tank projectile)
Back at you! (Upon deflecting an enemy ultimate)
Cheers, Tracer! (Upon deflecting Pulse Bomb)
Just like in training! (Upon deflecting Pulse Bomb)
Calm down Winston! (Upon deflecting Primal Rage)
This is not a snowball fight. (Upon deflecting Blizzard)
Yes! (With Blackwatch Skin)
ExpandRyūjin no ken wo kurae! (self and hostile)
The dragon becomes me!
ExpandMizu no yō ni nagare.
Flow like water.


Mi o sutete mo, myōri wa sutezu.
Negaeba heiwa wa otozure yo.
Shi no nioi ka? Yoshi! Itsu demo koi.
Waga kokoro meikyōshisui.
Rin. Byō. Tō. Sha. Kai. Jin. Retsu. Zai. Zen.
Empty your mind. Focus on the task at hand.
Hitoshirezu kami no yurushi o machi shima ni, kokora tsure naki yo o sugusu ka na.Expand
Iku zo!Kanji: 行くぞ
English: Let’s go!
I return to the fight.
I will not falter.
I will not waste this chance.
Let us hope for a different outcome.
Waga tamashī wa mada moete oru.
Mō issen negaō.
Tatakai wa owaran.
Ahh… much better.
I am healed.
I am repaired.
I’m on fire!
My warrior spirit burns.
The advantage is mine.
My spirit grows strong.
I will not waste this chance.
Waga kokoro wa ryū no kokoro.
Seishin tōitsu!
Strength flows through me!
Chikara ga minagitte kuru!
I am unstoppable!
Most enjoyable.
It was nothing!
It is an honor.
Our enemies return.
You’ve rescued me again, Doctor Ziegler!


Genji here.
Genji is with you.
Sniper; be wary.
I have spotted the enemy.
Enemy sighted.
Enemy turret ahead.
Enemy teleporter detected.
Our enemies possess a teleporter.
Heh. I found the teleporter.
Our enemies have deployed a shield generator.
Behind you.
Watch yourself.
Take cover!
Victory draws near. Defend!
Defend as one. Victory is near.
The battle draws to its conclusion. We must attack.
Time is against us. Press on.


Our point is under attack. Let us welcome our guests.
Our point is under attack. Let us rid ourselves of these unwanted guests.
We are losing the objective! Push them back.
Our enemies have the upper hand for now. Let us turn the tables.
The objective is under attack.
I am taking the objective. Join me.
The objective is mine. Be quick about it.
We must press our advantage and seize victory.
The payload is stopped. And here I thought we had a plan.
Push the payload.
Push forward.
The payload moves. We must keep it safe.
Keep the payload in motion.
Stop the payload.
The payload is moving; stop it.
We need to stop the payload. Converge upon it.


An excellent fight.
Like cutting through silk.
Know yourself in the face of death.
Think upon your actions.
We will fight again!
ExpandNingen nado, toruni taranwa.
ExpandKono teido ka.
ExpandOre wa kaze da!
ExpandKaze yo.
ExpandOitsukeru kana?
ExpandOwari ni shi-te aru
(vs Hanzo) I am victorious this time, brother.
(vs Reaper) Mock death at your own peril.
(vs Zenyatta) I have the upper hand this time, Master.
My aim is unerring.
ExpandSenri no michi mo, hito ashi zutsu hakobunari.
Enemy turret destroyed.
Enemy teleporter destroyed.
The enemy teleporter is no longer our concern.
ExpandHah. Aho ga!
I learned that from my brother.
Honor the fallen.
ExpandKesshite hirumu na yo.
ExpandTajirogudenai zo.
ExpandYara reta ka.
(Friendly Hanzo is eliminated) I will avenge you, brother.
(Friendly Mercy is eliminated) Angela!
(Friendly Tracer is eliminated) Tracer!
(Friendly Winston is eliminated) Winston!
(Friendly Zenyatta is eliminated) Master!
ExpandHito o norowaba ana suru.

Overwatch Genji voice actors

Gaku Space.

Overwatch Echo voice lines & voice actors

This is post about voice lines & voice actors for Echo in Overwatch. Let’s listen to the voice lines of Echo through: Abilities, Chatter, Call-Outs, Mission-Specific, Eliminations.


Overwatch Echo voice lines



Adjusting angle of attack.
Boosting up.
Changing position.
Executing flight maneuvers.
Flight routine: Activated.
Going free!
Lifting off.
Mobility increased.
Moving up.
Taking off!
Beam activated.
Burning them down.
Finishing them off.
Focus with me.
Lock on my target!
Locking on.
Adaptive circuits engaged: [Targeted Hero’s Name]. (self and hostile)
Duplication initiated! (friendly)
(When Ultimate is ending) Personality duplication complete.
(When Ultimate is ending) Reverting personality: Echo online.
(When Ultimate is ending) Reversing personality module.


Echo here! It’s good to be back.
Personality synchronization: 100%. Good to be back.
Combat systems nominal. Shall we get started?
Operational protocols complete. Time to apply what I have learned.
Is everyone ready?
Keep to the plan, but be ready to adapt if necessary.
Nothing to worry about, unless there’s something to worry about, as Dr. Liao always said.
Focus on the objective. Minimize errors. Adapt to changing battlefield conditions. And good luck.
Mission underway. Prioritizing combat functions.
Back online.
I need to get back in there!
Learning from that one.
Neural adaptation complete.
Regeneration complete. Switching back to combat mode.
System reboot complete.
That was a learning experience!
Repairing internal circuitry.
Restoring health systems.
Stabilizing system core.
Overclocked and on fire!
So optimal!
Systems on fire!
Damage systems increased!
I like this!
Quite the boost!
Less than ideal!
Not good.
Adaptation successful.
Glad to be of assistance.
Oh, that’s too much!
I learned from the best.
Dr. Liao would be proud!
Just as Dr. Liao would have intended.
That worked even better than I thought!
Enemy is reviving!
They’re getting one back!
Thank you Dr. Ziegler!
Thanks for the second chance.


Echo here.
Enemy sniper!
Enemy sniper detected.
Enemy radar contact.
Enemy turret ahead!
Enemy turret detected.
Turret ahead!
Systems in overdrive!
Upgrade detected!
They’re on the back foot! Keep going!
This seems like it’s working! Don’t let up!
It’s not too late for a new strategy!
We’re running out of time! Should we try something different?


Beginning objective capture.
Capturing the objective. Additional support would be appreciated.
I’m taking the objective… wondering where everyone else is?
I could push if that would help.
In case you weren’t aware, the payload’s stopped!
We need to rally on the payload!
Payload’s moving forward.
The payload’s moving.
We’re making progress!
We need to contest the payload!


Firing on all cylinders!
I’ll do my part.
In case you were wondering, that’s a confirmed kill.
Kill confirmed.
Eliminate inefficiencies, maximize combat routines.
No time to cool down.
Someone called for air support?
Target’s down.
Targets locked and eliminated.
Target destroyed.
Target offline.
Update: Target destroyed.
You have to learn from your mistakes.
You’d better learn quickly if you want to keep up.
(with Focusing Beam) I finished them off!
(with Focusing Beam) Burned down.
(with Focusing Beam) Next target.
(with Sticky Bombs) Sometimes, a little patience is called for.
(with Sticky Bombs) Took a second.
(vs Genji) Sorry, Genji. I’ve been practicing.
(vs Cassidy) Not today, Cole.
Situation is under control!
An effective course of action.
Clearing the way!
Opening a path!
Saving replay for later analysis.
Enemy turret destroyed.
Enemy turret eliminated.
Oh! Ouch.
That probably hurt.
Watching Winston paid off.
Not a good idea.
I learned from the best.
I need to learn how to do that!
So that’s how you do that. I’ll add that to my repertoire.
Wow! Show me how you did that later!
(Seeing Cassidy get a kill) Nice shot, Cole.
(Seeing Cassidy get a kill with Deadeye) Where’d that tumbleweed come from?
(Seeing Winston get a kill) Quick thinking, Winston!
(Seeing friendly Cassidy get eliminated) Cole!
I learn quickly.
Let’s call it even.

Overwatch Echo voice actors

Jeannie Bolet.

Overwatch Doomfist voice lines & voice actors

This is post about voice lines & voice actors for Doomfist in Overwatch. Let’s listen to the voice lines of Doomfist through: Abilities, Chatter, Call-Outs, Mission-Specific, Eliminations.


Overwatch Doomfist voice lines



Rising uppercut!
Rising fist!
Meteor Strike! (self and hostile)
Incoming! (friendly)
No escape!
You can honor me.
You can run…
You’re not getting away!


Only through conflict do we evolve.
Our future will be forged in conflict.
Once the mission starts, no more messing around.
My work is not done.
It’ll take more than that to stop me.
I’m not even close to done!
I’ve been knocked down before.
I’m not finished.
The battle goes on.
I take it on the chin.
Defeat makes me stronger.
Lose the battle, win the war.
Much better.
That’s better.
Just what I needed.
I am on fire!
I’m in the rhythm.
I’m on fire! Anyone want a piece of me?
Move, or get run over.
As though I needed the help.
I like how that feels.
This will be over quickly.
Is that all?
You know my name.
You’re impressed! That’s natural.
What did you expect?
Didn’t have enough?


Doomfist here.
Sniper, keep your head down.
I found the enemy.
Spotted a turret.
Enemy turret ahead!
Behind you.
Take cover.
I am unstoppable!
I’m coming for you all!
Our enemies defeat is at hand, do not let up.
Time, our enemies are out of time.
Time is running out, we can not fail!
Achieve victory at all costs!


Get them off our objective, now!
Winners don’t lose their objectives.
They’re taking our objective!
I am securing the objective.
Everyone, get on the objective!
I’ll capture this objective myself if I have to.
Let’s get the payload moving.
Why is the payload stopped?
Is there a reason the payload isn’t moving?
I am personally seeing to the payload.
Moving the payload and nothing is going to stop it.
Winners stay on the payload.
Stop the payload!
Stop the payload, now!


History will forget you.
Don’t let me interrupt.
I haven’t even broken a sweat!
Stay down.
No chance!
Rethinking your life decisions?
Stay out of my way.
Is that all?
That’s it, yeah?
(vs old Overwatch member) Your time’s run out.
Come at the king, you better not miss.
(vs Zarya) Not strong enough.
(vs Moira, Widowmaker, Sombra, Reaper, Baptiste, Sigma)I expected more from you.
Remember your place.
(vs Tracer) I can read your every move.
(vs Winston) I win this time.
Don’t cross me.
You don’t want to get in the way of this.
Hahaha! I’m having a good day.
Does anyone else want to try me?
I’m just getting started.
Enemy turret destroyed.
Well done!
Less work for me!
Not bad.
More of that!
Needs improvement.
Why am I not surprised?
Why do I waste my time?
I didn’t forget about you…
I always have the last word.

Overwatch Doomfist voice actors

Sahr Ngaujah.

Overwatch D.Va voice lines & voice actors

This is post about voice lines & voice actors for D.Va in Overwatch. Let’s listen to the voice lines of D.Va through: Abilities, Chatter, Call-Outs, Mission-Specific, Eliminations.


Overwatch D.Va voice lines



APM jom ollyeo bolkka?
Defense Matrix activated!
Forward barrier activated!
Get through this.
I’m gonna have to shoot you down.
Initiating defense matrix!
Neutralizing projectiles!
Nothing gets past me!
Routing power to forward barrier.
Routing power to forward shields.
Time to raise my APM.
ExpandGunggeukgi chadan!
(Blocking Pharah’s ultimate) It’s a good thing I brought an umbrella.
(Blocking Soldier: 76’s ultimate) No hacks for you.
(Blocking Cassidy’s ultimate) I think your clock’s off.
(Blocking Roadhog’s ultimate) I think this pig’s a little under-cooked.
(Blocking Reaper’s ultimate) Maybe next time.
Boosters engaged.
Bunny hop.
Diving in!
Engaging thrusters!
Speeding up!
Taking off.
ExpandBuseuteo on!
Nerf this! (self and hostile)
Activating self-destruct sequence! (friendly)
All systems checked out.
Calling in the big guns!
Initializing systems!
MEKA activated!
Tokki online!
Suiting up!
D.Va, back in action!
Game on!
I’m back in the fight!
Let’s mech up this party.
Miss me?
Now I’ll show them.
Bailing out.
Gotta bail!
I’m out!
Pilot disengaging.
Sorry Dae-Hyun!
Tokki compromised!


I play to win!
Time to save the world? Game on!
I can’t wait to get into the fight!
All systems operational. D.Va, ready for combat.
Let’s shoot for a new high score!
Alright. Gameface: On.
Think you can keep up with me?
Ready, player one!
I’m going to own all these noobs!
Uh, was there a party I didn’t get invited to? Hmph!
My New Years Resolution? Catch up on all the games I need to play!
ExpandGeim sijak!
Game on!
Hey! Try and keep up, okay?
Stick with me, and I’ll cover you!
MEKA leads the way!
D.Va reengaging!
I’m back in the game.
I’m too young to die.
I’m not a good loser.
ExpandAu, jjajeungna.
ExpandHa! Igeon sagiya!
Press start to continue.
Extra life!
New game plus.
ExpandDasi han pan haebojago!
ExpandAjik son-i deol pullyeoseo geurae.
It’s quiet. Is everyone AFK?
Where is everyone?
Where’s my backup?
Healed up!
Fully operational!
ExpandDasi wanbyeokhage jakdonghanda!
I’m on fire!
Boom shakalaka! She’s on fire!
Systems running hot!
Weapon systems overloaded!
Weapons optimised!
Now that’s teamwork!
Now we’re talking!
Damage buff!
Aww yeah!
*giggles* I’ll take more of that!
Aww, you must like me.
Power up!
ExpandWanjeon joha!
HP Max!
Yeah! Pocket healer!
ExpandJungneunjul aranne!
ExpandSaengjon singoyo!
Damn it!
ExpandAa, yeolbanne!
Thanks for the love!
Thanks for your support!
That’s a star performance!
Save that for the Hall of Fame!
Aah… Okay, okay…
Come on…
*growls in frustration*
*grunts in pain*
[Deep gasp]
Aww, no fair!
Haven’t had enough?
Huge rez!


D.Va online.
Sniper! Don’t get caught!
Enemy spotted!
Enemy turret ahead!
Hey! They have a teleporter!
Enemy teleporter located.
Behind you!
Take cover!
You better get out of the way.
I am unstoppable!
Looks like another victory! Just a little longer.
We’ve got this, don’t let up now!
Time’s running out! Everyone, attack!
There’s no way I’m losing. Attack!


They’re taking the point. Time to get some kills.
Grr! Enemies on the point, let’s clear them out!
Enemies taking the point. Time to show my skills!
Check me out, securing the point!
This objective has my name written all over it.
Taking the point, don’t worry. I got this!
Minor set back, but we can still win this.
Fight’s not over yet. All we have to do is win this round!
Payload’s stopped. Let’s get it moving!
Why’s the payload stopped? Everyone, get on it!
New objective: get the payload moving.
Let’s get this payload across the finish line!
Payload moving. Let’s all work together.
Moving the payload, let’s party up!
Boo! They’re moving the payload.
Payload’s moving. Get on it.
Payload’s moving. Let’s knock ’em back!
Flag is in my possession.
I have the flag!
They’ve stolen our flag.
They have our flag. Get it back.
D.Va with the score!
Cap the flag!
Ta-ta ta-ta!
Oh, come on!
Let’s not let that happen again.
Someone! Pick up our flag!
Touch our flag! Quick!
Someone else take the flag.
Dropped the flag.
Flag’s going back to base.
Returning the flag.


Are you even trying?
Fact check: you’re dead!
Enemy down!
Get owned!
Hard countered.
How do you like that?
I still love you.
I thought you were going to be a challenge!
One for my highlight reel!
Shot down!
Target eliminated!
That one’s for my fans!
This rabbit fights back!
Top of the scoreboard!
Umm… you need aim training.
Who invited the rookie?
Wow… cringe!
ExpandEo? Yogeo in-gongjineung?
ExpandEomeo… an mian!
ExpandNeon nal igil su eobs-eo!
Don’t call me baby!
No mech, no problem!
Get dunked on!
Oof! Bad positioning.
High score for sure!
How’s my K/D?
I’m just getting started!
I’m just getting warmed up.
I’m on a roll!
I’m on the next level!
MVP? D.Va!
New record!
Now they’re just feeding!
All me!
Aw. Go next!
Enjoy that kill cam!
Oh, that’ll be play of the game! Just wait and see.
(imitates Athena) Play of the Game.
Pure skill!
Score multiplier!
Too spicy?
Woo, I hit the jackpot!
Enemy turret destroyed.
Enemy turret’s not gonna bother us anymore.
Enemy teleporter destroyed.
Don’t mess with me!
Smack down!
Take this!
Talk to the hand!
ExpandGeogi kkeojyeo!
Hah! Good luck climbing from down there!
How do you like that?
Safe travels!
Wow! You fell far!
You’re not on my level!
Nice shot.
Great teamplay!
Ooh… you’ve got some leet skills!
*giggles* I’ll take more of that!
ExpandNaiseu syas!
ExpandO~? Jom meotjinde!
Oops! Tunnel vision.
Revenge is sweet.
Enemy team kill.
The enemy team is down.

Overwatch D.Va voice actors

Charlet Chung.

Overwatch Cassidy voice lines & voice actors

This is post about voice lines & voice actors for Cassidy in Overwatch. Let’s listen to the voice lines of Cassidy through: Abilities, Chatter, Call-Outs, Mission-Specific, Eliminations.


Overwatch Cassidy voice lines



Don’t move.
Hold up now.
Huh ho, excuse me.
Now, hold on.
Pardon me.
Stay right there.
Woah there.
Can’t buck that off.
Got a burr in your side!
Got you.
Stick with it!
That’ll tan your hide.
That’s a bee in your bonnet.
You’re stuck.
It’s high noon. (self and hostile, when initially used)
Draw! (when firing)
Step right up. (friendly)
Easy pickings.
Left yourself wide open!
Like shootin’ fish in a barrel.
Like sittin’ ducks.
Right in my line of fire.
Someone call the undertaker.


Justice ain’t gonna dispense itself.
Someone needs to fill in this saddle.
I ain’t much for waiting around.
I’m not one for standin’ around.
Oh, we’re in the thick of it now.
One more mission, huh? I’m in.
Things were a lot simpler when I was robbin’ banks with the Deadlock Gang.
Well, it’s high noon somewhere in the world.
(During Winter Wonderland) Looking downright festive in these parts.
Any last words? Now would be the time to say ’em.
Get it done.
Get ready… here they come.
Let’s get a move-on.
Let’s get this show on the road!
Let’s show ’em what we’ve got.
Back in the saddle again.
Back into the mix.
It ain’t my time.
I’ve got unfinished business.
Let’s start over at the beginning.
This life’s never uneventful.
It’ll take more than that.
Well, now…
Coulda sworn there were some other jokers around here…
Feelin’ a bit lonesome. Where’s my team?
Let’s rustle up some reinforcements.
Yeah, we’re gonna need reinforcements.
All patched up.
I feel like a new man.
Just what the doctor ordered.
Much better.
I’m on fire!
Who’s got the hot hand?
You best head for the hills, I’m on fire.
That’ll do fine.
I feel like a man possessed.
Thanks, put it on my tab.
That’ll get it done.
Ain’t no stoppin’ me.
Buckle up, this gunslinger’s loaded!
By all means, try your luck!
I’m unstoppable!
There’s no stoppin’ me!
This is what I call power!
Damn it.
Mighty fine!
Much obliged!
All in a day’s work.
Time to ride off into the sunset.
Heh heh, they ain’t finished yet!
Thought I was a goner!
I’ve seen the light.
You look like you’ve seen a ghost.


The name’s McCree.
Saddle up.
Sniper. Keep your eyes peeled.
Bad guys, heads up.
They got us outnumbered. Keep that in mind.
We’re outnumbered. Stay sharp.
Enemy turret here.
There’s gotta be a teleporter around here.
Enemy teleporter spotted.
Behind ya!
Get your head down!
We’ve almost got this. Don’t screw it up!
We’re out of time. Move it!


Quit lollygaggin’ and get on the point!
Quit standin’ around and get on the point!
Smoke ’em out.
I’m staking my claim on the objective.
Taking the point. Who’s with me?
The point is mine. You’re welcome to join me.
This one’s mine.
Get this doggie movin’!
Payload’s stopped!
We need to keep this movin’!
We’re sittin’ ducks. Get this moving!
What’s the hold-up? Get that thing movin’!
I’ve secured the payload. Let’s move it out.
Payload’s movin’ out.
Payload’s secure, move out!
Payload’s under my control. Let’s move out.
Payload’s movin’. Time to intercept it.
Not another step. Throw ’em back!
Target’s movin’. Let’s get on it.
Train’s leavin’ the station. Best get on it!
I’ve got the flag.
I got the flag in my custody.
Get our flag back!
We need to throw the breaks on that flag carrier.
The flag is ours.
Score one for the good guys.
Not how I would have drawn it up.
Well, that’s a fine how-do-you-do.
They dropped our flag! Someone, pick it up!
Looks like it was too hot to handle.
Someone else come pick this up.
Droppin’ the flag.
Cleanin’ up and sending the flag back to base.
Returning the flag to base.


All in a day’s work.
Call that a fair fight?
Chew on that.
Dead on.
Dead to rights.
Happy trails.
I never miss my mark.
Never had a chance.
Never much liked you.
No payment required. This one’s on the house.
No shoes, no service.
Quit makin’ yourself an easy target.
Read ’em and weep.
Ooh! Right where it hurts.
See that?
The ‘ol razzle-dazzle. (headshot)
Too slow.
You don’t know when to quit.
You gotta work on that aim.
You had it comin’.
You needed killin’.
You really underestimatin’ me?
You tangled with the wrong man.
You’ll need more grit than that.
Not every fight’s a fair one. (secondary fire)
That’s how you fan the hammer. (secondary fire)
(vs Ashe) Didn’t have to be this way.
(vs Ashe) Always was the better shot.
(vs Moira or Doomfist) Long overdue.
(vs Reaper) Someone had to do it. Seems fitting it’d be me.
(vs Soldier: 76) Thought I saw a ghost…
(vs Widowmaker) Don’t like shooting a lady. But for you, I’ll make an exception.
(vs Genji or Tracer) Not fast enough.
Ahh… that still hits the spot, Ana. (Nano-Boosted by a friendly Ana)
Head in the clouds, but you’re grave’s down here. (against Pharah using Jump Jet)
You know you just… hang there when you do that?! (against Pharah using Barrage)
*chuckles* Thanks for the vantage, doctor. (against Sigma using Gravitic Flux)
Hah! Now what were you doing there? (against Sombra using Stealth)
Keep ’em coming!
I’m on a roll.
Move ’em up, get ’em out!
No one can hold me down.
No stoppin’ me.
Ready to throw in the towel?
Set ’em up, knock ’em down.
Trigger finger’s still itchin’.
Cleanin’ them up nice.
It’s a bone orchard out here!
Plenty more where that came from.
Y’all had it comin’.
Enemy turret destroyed.
Enemy teleporter destroyed.
Hey! Hands off the merchandise.
I love a good brawl.
Smarts, don’t it?
That’ll learn ya.
*chuckles* You’ll feel that one tomorrow.
(vs Ashe) Makes us about even.
Farewell and good riddance.
Off the cliff ya go.
Ha! That’ll teach ya.
(teammate eliminates enemy) Nice one!
(teammate eliminates enemy) Remind me to stay off your bad side.
(teammate eliminates enemy) Oh, that’s a beauty!
(Hanzo eliminates an enemy) Pretty handy with that bow.
Just a matter of time.
Payin’ you back in kind.
This is a reckoning.

Overwatch Cassidy voice actors

Matthew Mercer.

Overwatch Brigitte voice lines & voice actors

This is post about voice lines & voice actors for Brigitte in Overwatch. Let’s listen to the voice lines of Brigitte through: Abilities, Chatter, Call-Outs, Mission-Specific, Eliminations.


Overwatch Brigitte voice lines



Come on, everyone!
Get in!
I’ll lead the way.
That’s how you do it!
Together now!
ExpandFölj mig!
ExpandKom igen allihopa!
Feeling better?
Fixing you up.
Good as new!
Helping you recover!
Here! For you!
Here! Take this!
I’ll take care of you.
I’ve got you!
Let me help you with that.
Let me patch that up.
Let me take care of that for you!
Looking better already!
Patching you up.
Sending care your way.
Special delivery!
That should be better!
You’ll feel better soon.
(Mercy) My turn to take care of you, Angela.
(Reinhardt) Patching you up, Reinhardt.
(Torbjörn) I’ve got you, papa.
ExpandBättre så?
ExpandDu mår bättre snart.
ExpandJag fixar dig.
ExpandJag hjälper dig.
ExpandJag tar hand om dig.
ExpandSå gott som ny.
Get behind me!
I will shield you!
I’ll cover you.
I’ve got you covered!
My shield’s up!
Raising shield!
ExpandJag täcker dig!
ExpandSkölden är uppe!
ExpandTa skydd bakom mig!
Shield’s buckling!
Shield’s holding!
Shield’s taking damage!
Barrier won’t hold much longer!
Barrier’s not in good shape!
My barrier can’t take much more!
My barrier is about to go!
Barrier down, get back!
My barrier’s down!
ExpandAlla till mig! (hostile)
Rally to me! (self and friendly)


I am Brigitte Lindholm. I will be your shield!
I will prove myself!
I will be your shield!
Breaking me down just builds me up.
Don’t be afraid to ask for help out there.
Here we go again. Shields up!
I could’ve used a little more time to get ready.
Last minute check. Everyone squared away?
Work together and we’ll make it through.
Let’s get to work.
Everyone ready? Let’s do this!
Okay, here we go!
Back in the fight.
Back to the drawing board.
I can do better than that.
I’ll remember that for next time.
No place to go, but up.
No sweat, just try again.
Practice makes perfect. Not to mention some bumps and bruises.
Ready for more.
That wasn’t the plan.
This is all part of the learning process.
This might need a few adjustments.
This is not the end of the world.
Taking my medicine!
Much better.
ExpandInte en skråma.
I’m on fire! Come on, try me!
Maybe you should just stay out of my way.
It’s automatic!
Now we’re in business.
Keep it coming.
That feels good.
Don’t get in my way!
I am unstoppable!
Who’s ready to take some punishment?!
Aw, thanks everyone!
Just doing my part.
Now that’s a vote of confidence!
Can’t argue with that!
Glad we’re all in agreement.
One’s coming back!
Ready for another round!
Thanks, Angela.


Brigitte at your service!
Brigitte here.
Sniper! Get behind something!
Sniper! Watch out!
There they are!
Enemy’s over there!
We’re outnumbered. Careful!
Enemy turret ahead!
Enemy turret ahead! One of Papa’s beloved creations.
They have a teleporter somewhere.
They’re using a shield generator.
The teleporter’s over here!
Found their shield generator.
Take cover!
Behind you!
Help me!
I’m under attack!
I’m under fire!
Taking heavy fire!
I’m taking damage!
They’re on me!
Just a little bit longer, and we win this.
We’ve got to hold our ground, everyone!
We’re running out of time!
Keep the pressure on! We can’t let up now!


I’m taking the objective, come on over!
I’m planting my flag on the point!
Knock them off the objective!
We need to sweep them off the point!
Payload’s moving out, keep it covered.
The payload’s under my protection!
Payload is on its way.
Payload’s moving. We should put a stop to that.
Everyone, get on the payload!
We need to stop the payload.
Why’s the payload stopped?
Get that payload moving.
Payload’s stopped. Is something broken?
I have the flag.
Taking the flag back to base.
We lost our flag!
They have our flag! Get after them!
Special delivery!
Yeah! Score one for us.
Oh, come on!
That’s wasn’t supposed to happen.
Someone pick up our flag.
They dropped the flag, now’s our chance!
I’m giving up the flag.
Dropping the flag.
Our flag’s secure.
Sending the flag back to base.


And that’s what I’ve learned.
Don’t underestimate me.
Had enough?
I could do this all day!
I hope you weren’t holding back!
I’ve been working on that.
I’ve got this.
I’m getting good at this.
I’m getting used to this.
I’ll be waiting if you wanna try again.
I’ll knock some sense into you!
One at a time, that’s what the old man says.
Sometimes I still surprise myself.
That felt pretty good.
Try something different next time.
Were you taking me seriously?
You can do better than that.
You looked like you needed a break.
You need to clean up your act.
You should rethink your strategy.
You should sit this one out.
You should’ve yielded!
You’re wasting my time.
Expand(vs Junkrat) Skogstokig.
(vs Reinhardt) Got you this time, Reinhardt!
(vs Torbjörn) Sorry, papa!
(vs Wrecking Ball) I’m more of a cat person.
Back off!
Get back!
Step off!
That’s how you push back!
The best offense is a good defense.
There’s more than one way to use a shield.
This shield isn’t just for defense!
Turning defense into offense!
You might want to keep your distance.
Bet you didn’t see that coming!
I can still reach you! (enemy in mid-air)
I see you over there!
Shouldn’t have come so close!
ExpandBort från mig!
I really wiped them out.
I’m on a roll!
My hard work pays off!
Not a bad streak!
You’re making this easy for me!
An efficient use of my energy.
How inspirational!
Practise pays off!
Thanks for lining up for me!
Enemy turret destroyed.
Sorry papa, back to the scrapheap!
Enemy teleporter out of commission.
That’s the end of their shield generator.
Enemy shield generator destroyed.
Be serious.
Get outta here!
There’s more where that came from.
ExpandTagga ned.
Beginner’s luck.
Goodbye. Ha ha!
I love doing that…
I meant to do that.
Pow! Right off the edge!
Rocket Flail: working as intended.
See ya!
ExpandFick iväg!
You’ve been practicing!
I always had faith in you.
I didn’t forget about you.
Be careful who you mess with.

Overwatch Brigitte voice actors

Matilda Smedius.

Overwatch Bastion voice lines & voice actors

This is post about voice lines & voice actors for Bastion in Overwatch. Let’s listen to the voice lines of Bastion through: Abilities, Chatter, Call-Outs, Mission-Specific, Eliminations.


Overwatch Bastion voice lines



Woo woo woo whee woo whee!
(Reconfiguration noises)


Bwee, hoo hoo, bwoo.


Woo, boo doo boo doo doo doo doo!
Wooooooo woo dee doo woo!


Boo doo boo doo!
Woo, wow! (“Thank you!”)

Voice Lines

Doo-woo! (fun beep)
Beepleleleh. (cute beeps)
Boo boo doo de doo. (beeps)
Bweeeeeeeeeeoh. (long beep)
Bwoo chirr chirr chirr chirr chirr chirr chirr! (churring beeps)
Dah-dah weeeee! (trumpeting beeps)
Dun dun boop boop-boop boop bwooooooooooom. (silly beeps)
Dweet! Dweet! Dweet! (alarmed beeps)
Hee hoo hoo hoo-wee, hee hee hoo hoo hoo-wee. (taunting beeps)
Sh-sh-sh dwee! (hushing beeps)
Zwee? (curious beep)
Whoo-vweeeeee heheheh. (excited beeps)
Doo-do-doo dee! (fanfare beeps)
W-w-wooooo…? (scared beeps)
Oooooooooooo… (trilling beeps)
Dwee doo hoo. (beeps “Deck the Halls”)
Bwoo bwoo bwoo. (beeps “Jingle Bells”)
Woop doo woo dun woop dun doo. (idle humming)
Doo wee doo wee woo! (celebrating beeps)
Dwee wee woh. (tweeting beeps)
Zwee-ah weee doo woo. (trilling beeps)
Zwing zwing zwing. (intense, high-pitched beeps)
Bew-woo bew-woo (enthusastic beeps)
Doo dun dun woo, doo dun wooo (beeps the Overwatch theme)
Zur zur ee num (chanting beeps)

Overwatch Bastion voice actors

Chris Metzen.

Overwatch Baptiste voice lines & voice actors

This is post about voice lines & voice actors for Baptiste in Overwatch. Let’s listen to the voice lines of Baptiste through: Abilities, Chatter, Call-Outs, Mission-Specific, Eliminations.


Overwatch Baptiste voice lines



All better, for now.
Fully healed.
I thought you needed a hand.
ExpandTire pou geri!
You’re fully healed.
A round of healing!
Don’t worry about a thing.
Everyone feeling better?
How about a little extra healing?
Let’s see a smile!
Looking good!
Regen burst activated.
Regen up!
Stay alive for me!
Take your medicine.
This should keep you alive. For a little while, at least.
You all looked like you needed some healing!
You’re going to be fine.
Get in here!
Get inside!
Get in the Immortality Field.
Step inside, stay alive.
Immortality bubble’s down.
Immortality field destroyed!
Immortality field down.
Immortality field’s down. Watch yourself!
Getting to the high ground.
Going up!
Light them up! (self and friendly)
ExpandVide bal sou yo! (hostile)


No dying on my watch.
Another day, another battlefield.
Everyone sign their life insurance policies?
I’ve done things I’m not proud of. Time to start making up for it.
Imagine the worst possible outcome. Now… avoid that.
Locked and loaded. Who’s ready to get this done?
Remember, if you want me to heal you, stand very still. But also, avoid their bullets.
Statistically speaking, I usually get most of my team back alive, but, who’s counting?
This looks like a team that’d get into trouble. Good thing I came along, hm?
Try to keep yourselves in one piece. I don’t mind an easy ride.
Buckle down! Get it done!
Look out for each other, ’cause I’m only human.
ExpandAnn kòmanse bagay yo.
ExpandMwen pare pou m kòmanse!
Another go, maybe?
It’s not over yet.
Maintain that positive attitude.
My heart’s still beating, so, let’s go.
Someone’s looking out for me.
That could have gone better.
Woo! It’s not my time.
Well, it could be worse.
ExpandAnn kenbe atitid pozitif lan.
ExpandAnn eseye sa ankò.
ExpandSe tankou’m gen yon moun k ap veye sou mwen.
This time… let’s all attack at once.
Where is everybody?
Where’s my backup?
I’m in fighting condition.
Ahh, that’s better.
Ahh, much better.
I’m on fire!
Is it hot in here, or is it just me?
ExpandMwen pran nan dife!
My turn.
Let me show you how it’s done.
Bad news for you!
I am unstoppable!
No stopping me!
ExpandMwen pa santi anyen!
Come on!
A job well done.
Nice and easy, just how I like it.
You thought I was out of this line of business, n’est-ce-pas?
Someone has to keep you alive!
Your appreciation is deafening!
Pick yourself up, dust yourself off.
I guess it wasn’t my time.


Baptiste here.
Enemy sniper!
Watch for that sniper!
Get ready for a fight!
Targets in sight!
Careful! We’re outnumbered!
We’re outnumbered!
Enemy turret up ahead.
Enemy turret ahead. Looks dangerous.
Enemy has a turret.
Cool heads, steady hands. We’re almost there.
Hold position! We’ve got this!
Clock’s running down! Attack!
Push forward! It’s not over yet.


Defend the objective!
Personally, I wouldn’t let them take the point, but… your choice.
They’re taking our objective. Might want to try to stop that.
Capturing the objective.
Capturing the objective! Haha, said the medic.
I’m taking the point. Join me!
Let’s get the payload moving again, yeah?
Payload’s stopped. Not exactly what we were going for…
If I could make a suggestion? We should get the payload moving.
Good job, team. Let’s keep it going.
Payload’s moving!
We’re on the move.
Here comes the payload! Let’s put a stop to that.
They’re moving the payload. That’s the opposite of what we were going for.
We need to stop the payload!
Haha, the flag is mine! Taking it back to base.
I’ve got the flag.
They have our flag!
We must take back our flag.
Enemy flag captured.
Haha! Got it!
Let’s not let that happen again.
That should not have happened.
I’ll take that off your hands.
Returning the flag to base.
Dropping the flag.
Flag down; someone else come get it.
The enemy has dropped our flag. Now’s our chance!
That’s an opening. Take our flag back!


And stay down!
Barely broke a sweat.
Can’t save them all.
Cause of death: medic.
Have you considered a different line of work?
I call that a professional courtesy.
I don’t think you’re going to make it.
I think we got off on the wrong foot.
I’m doing two jobs at once, here!
It’s not your day today.
No cure for that.
Heh heh, no wasted effort.
Pain means you’re alive! Until it doesn’t.
See what happens when you mess with me?
That was satisfying.
This is why you hire a professional!
Well, you tried your best.
We’re not all cut out from the trenches.
(eliminating male character) Was you or me, brother.
(eliminating female character) Was you or me, sister.
ExpandBon effort.
ExpandMmm… Ou pa twò bèl non?
ExpandPap pran san ankò.
(vs. Talon) Stop coming after me.
Don’t hate a man for his success.
Felt good when I woke up in the morning.
Surviving and thriving.
They’re going to need more medics.
Don’t ask me where I learned that trick.
I never waste my shots.
So fatal!
I’ve got you handled.
ExpandBon repo.
Make sure you nail your landing.
Say hi to the ground for me.
Watch your step.
We’ll just say, you tripped.
You go down when you least expect it!
I always liked working with you.
ExpandBèl esè!
ExpandBon bagay!
(Friendly Sombra eliminates enemy) I always did like you.
Ahh… don’t think I can heal that.
That will make things more difficult.

Overwatch Baptiste voice actors

Benz Antoine.

Overwatch Ashe voice lines & voice actors

This is post about voice lines & voice actors for Ashe in Overwatch. Let’s listen to the voice lines of Ashe through: Abilities, Chatter, Call-Outs, Mission-Specific, Eliminations.


Overwatch Ashe voice lines



Dynamite out!
Fire in the hole!
Here it comes!
Hey, catch!
She’s gonna blow!
Smoke ’em outta there.
Take a step back!
Get outta here!
Back off!
B.O.B! Do somethin’! (self and hostile)
Get in there, B.O.B. (ally)
Enough, B.O.B.
I can always count on you, B.O.B.


My name’s Ashe. We’re playing by my rules now.
My business, my rules.
I’m the last one you’ll ever cross.
Nice to spend some time in the clubhouse.
Not my idea of the good life.
I’m callin’ the shots.
Follow my lead.
Get in the saddle, and let’s ride.
Do what I say and this’ll go nice n’ smooth.
I’m gonna get you for that.
Not lettin’ that stand.
You’re gettin’ me riled up.
Let’s clean up this mess.
They are gettin’ on my nerves.
Time to change things up.
That was not in the plan.
Nothing wrong with a little self improvement.
Let’s work together this time?
Where’s everybody?
Where’s my backup?
Patched up.
That’s better.
Whew! Much better.
Get too close to the sun, you’re gonna burn!
I’m on FIRE!
There’s no stoppin’ me once I get into a rhythm!
Let me handle it.
I get the idea.
Just point me in the right direction.
I am feeling UNSTOPPABLE!
Now I’m feeling GOOD!
Oh, come on!
You haven’t seen anything yet.
Just gettin’ started.
Now you know what it’s like to work with the best.
What d’you expect?
They’re back for more!
Enemy’s being revived!
I owe you one.


Ashe here.
Enemy sniper! Get ya head down!
Enemy sniper! Keep your eyes open.
Watch out for that sniper!
Spotted them.
Eyes on the bad guys.
Enemy turret up ahead!
We need to take out that turret!
They’re on the ropes! Let’s put them out of their misery.
We have this in the bag!
We’re outta time, let’s get this done!
It’s now or never!


They’re taking our objective!
Don’t let them take the objective.
Let’s fortify that objective!
The objective’s mine.
Better get on the objective. You don’t wanna miss out, do you?
I’m taking the objective.
What is going on? Get that payload movin’.
What is everyone doin’? We need to move the payload!
Can somebody get the payload movin’?
Payload’s in my possession and movin’ out.
I’ve got the payload and I’m movin’ out.
Payload’s on the way.
Let’s put that payload into reverse.
Put the brakes on that payload!
Get that payload turned around, pronto!
Flag’s mine.
Bringin’ the flag back to base.
Get our flag back.
They have our flag!
Score one for us.
Just showing ya how it’s done.
That is not how we drew it up.
That was not the plan!
Our flag’s out in the open!
They dropped our flag, let’s get it back!
Dropped the flag.
Lost the flag. Damn it!
Flag’s heading back to base.
Safe and sound!


Courtesy of the Deadlock Gang.
Dead as a doornail.
Don’t mess with an original.
Don’t waste my time.
Have a nice day.
I stick up for my crew.
Know your place.
Nice try, honey.
Ridin’ ahead of the herd.
Right on schedule.
Right on the money.
You have to watch out for the one percent.
You need to learn the rules.
(vs Cassidy) It’s always gonna be this way.
(vs Cassidy) Now who’s the better shot?
(vs Cassidy) There’s only one way you get to leave the gang.
(vs Cassidy on Horizon Lunar Colony) See ya, space cowboy.
(after killing an enemy D.Va or Lúcio) Squid needs more seasoning.
Woo! That was fun.
Wanna try again?
Oh, that’ll leave a mark.
Gets the job done.
Better safe than sorry.
See ya later.
Outta my space.
You just went, “boom”!
Count ’em up!
Do I have to do everything myself?
Ha ha ha… better get diggin’, B.O.B.!
Leave this to me.
Let me show ya how it’s done.
You can all just take it easy!
Don’t all volunteer at once, now!
Now that gets the blood pumping!
They don’t call me an outlaw for nothin’.
Enemy turret’s down.
I’m not afraid to get my hands dirty.
Ugh, get out of my way.
You picked the wrong fight.
Aww, gone with the wind…
I’m at the top of my game. You’re headed to the bottom.
Keep your distance.
See ya later.
Can’t put a price on good help.
You should join my crew.
I guess that’s that…
I need some better help.
It is hard to find good help these days.
Fixed your flint.
I settle my scores.
It’s nothing personal, just the way things go.
You knew what you were gettin’ into.

Overwatch Ashe voice actors

Jennifer Hale