This is post about voice lines & voice actors for Baptiste in Overwatch. Let’s listen to the voice lines of Baptiste through: Abilities, Chatter, Call-Outs, Mission-Specific, Eliminations.

Overwatch Baptiste voice lines
All better, for now. |
Fully healed. |
I thought you needed a hand. |
ExpandTire pou geri! |
You’re fully healed. |
A round of healing! |
Better? |
Don’t worry about a thing. |
Everyone feeling better? |
How about a little extra healing? |
Let’s see a smile! |
Looking good! |
Regen burst activated. |
Regenerated! |
Regen up! |
Stay alive for me! |
Take your medicine. |
This should keep you alive. For a little while, at least. |
You all looked like you needed some healing! |
You’re going to be fine. |
Get in here! |
Get inside! |
Get in the Immortality Field. |
Step inside, stay alive. |
Immortality bubble’s down. |
Immortality field destroyed! |
Immortality field down. |
Immortality field’s down. Watch yourself! |
Getting to the high ground. |
Going up! |
Light them up! (self and friendly) |
ExpandVide bal sou yo! (hostile) |
No dying on my watch. |
Another day, another battlefield. |
Everyone sign their life insurance policies? |
I’ve done things I’m not proud of. Time to start making up for it. |
Imagine the worst possible outcome. Now… avoid that. |
Locked and loaded. Who’s ready to get this done? |
Remember, if you want me to heal you, stand very still. But also, avoid their bullets. |
Statistically speaking, I usually get most of my team back alive, but, who’s counting? |
This looks like a team that’d get into trouble. Good thing I came along, hm? |
Try to keep yourselves in one piece. I don’t mind an easy ride. |
Buckle down! Get it done! |
Look out for each other, ’cause I’m only human. |
ExpandAnn kòmanse bagay yo. |
ExpandMwen pare pou m kòmanse! |
Another go, maybe? |
It’s not over yet. |
Maintain that positive attitude. |
My heart’s still beating, so, let’s go. |
Someone’s looking out for me. |
That could have gone better. |
Woo! It’s not my time. |
Well, it could be worse. |
ExpandAnn kenbe atitid pozitif lan. |
ExpandAnn eseye sa ankò. |
ExpandSe tankou’m gen yon moun k ap veye sou mwen. |
This time… let’s all attack at once. |
Where is everybody? |
Where’s my backup? |
I’m in fighting condition. |
Ahh, that’s better. |
Ahh, much better. |
I’m on fire! |
Is it hot in here, or is it just me? |
ExpandMwen pran nan dife! |
My turn. |
Let me show you how it’s done. |
Bad news for you! |
I am unstoppable! |
No stopping me! |
ExpandMwen pa santi anyen! |
Come on! |
Damn! |
A job well done. |
Nice and easy, just how I like it. |
You thought I was out of this line of business, n’est-ce-pas? |
Someone has to keep you alive! |
Your appreciation is deafening! |
Pick yourself up, dust yourself off. |
I guess it wasn’t my time. |
Baptiste here. |
Enemy sniper! |
Watch for that sniper! |
Get ready for a fight! |
Targets in sight! |
Careful! We’re outnumbered! |
We’re outnumbered! |
Enemy turret up ahead. |
Enemy turret ahead. Looks dangerous. |
Enemy has a turret. |
Cool heads, steady hands. We’re almost there. |
Hold position! We’ve got this! |
Clock’s running down! Attack! |
Push forward! It’s not over yet. |
Defend the objective! |
Personally, I wouldn’t let them take the point, but… your choice. |
They’re taking our objective. Might want to try to stop that. |
Capturing the objective. |
Capturing the objective! Haha, said the medic. |
I’m taking the point. Join me! |
Let’s get the payload moving again, yeah? |
Payload’s stopped. Not exactly what we were going for… |
If I could make a suggestion? We should get the payload moving. |
Good job, team. Let’s keep it going. |
Payload’s moving! |
We’re on the move. |
Here comes the payload! Let’s put a stop to that. |
They’re moving the payload. That’s the opposite of what we were going for. |
We need to stop the payload! |
Haha, the flag is mine! Taking it back to base. |
I’ve got the flag. |
They have our flag! |
We must take back our flag. |
Enemy flag captured. |
Haha! Got it! |
Let’s not let that happen again. |
That should not have happened. |
I’ll take that off your hands. |
Returning the flag to base. |
Dropping the flag. |
Flag down; someone else come get it. |
The enemy has dropped our flag. Now’s our chance! |
That’s an opening. Take our flag back! |
And stay down! |
Barely broke a sweat. |
Can’t save them all. |
Cause of death: medic. |
Have you considered a different line of work? |
I call that a professional courtesy. |
I don’t think you’re going to make it. |
I think we got off on the wrong foot. |
I’m doing two jobs at once, here! |
It’s not your day today. |
No cure for that. |
Heh heh, no wasted effort. |
Pain means you’re alive! Until it doesn’t. |
See what happens when you mess with me? |
That was satisfying. |
This is why you hire a professional! |
Well, you tried your best. |
We’re not all cut out from the trenches. |
(eliminating male character) Was you or me, brother. |
(eliminating female character) Was you or me, sister. |
ExpandBon effort. |
ExpandMmm… Ou pa twò bèl non? |
ExpandPap pran san ankò. |
(vs. Talon) Stop coming after me. |
Don’t hate a man for his success. |
Felt good when I woke up in the morning. |
Surviving and thriving. |
They’re going to need more medics. |
Don’t ask me where I learned that trick. |
I never waste my shots. |
So fatal! |
I’ve got you handled. |
ExpandBon repo. |
Make sure you nail your landing. |
Say hi to the ground for me. |
Watch your step. |
We’ll just say, you tripped. |
You go down when you least expect it! |
Bravo! |
I always liked working with you. |
ExpandBèl esè! |
ExpandBon bagay! |
(Friendly Sombra eliminates enemy) I always did like you. |
Ahh… don’t think I can heal that. |
That will make things more difficult. |
Overwatch Baptiste voice actors
Benz Antoine.