This is post about voice lines & voice actors for Cassidy in Overwatch. Let’s listen to the voice lines of Cassidy through: Abilities, Chatter, Call-Outs, Mission-Specific, Eliminations.

Overwatch Cassidy voice lines
Don’t move. |
Easy. |
Hold up now. |
Huh ho, excuse me. |
Now, hold on. |
Pardon me. |
Stay right there. |
Woah there. |
Can’t buck that off. |
Got a burr in your side! |
Got you. |
Stick with it! |
That’ll tan your hide. |
That’s a bee in your bonnet. |
You’re stuck. |
It’s high noon. (self and hostile, when initially used) |
Draw! (when firing) |
Step right up. (friendly) |
Easy pickings. |
Left yourself wide open! |
Like shootin’ fish in a barrel. |
Like sittin’ ducks. |
Right in my line of fire. |
Someone call the undertaker. |
Justice ain’t gonna dispense itself. |
Someone needs to fill in this saddle. |
I ain’t much for waiting around. |
I’m not one for standin’ around. |
Oh, we’re in the thick of it now. |
One more mission, huh? I’m in. |
Things were a lot simpler when I was robbin’ banks with the Deadlock Gang. |
Well, it’s high noon somewhere in the world. |
(During Winter Wonderland) Looking downright festive in these parts. |
Any last words? Now would be the time to say ’em. |
Get it done. |
Get ready… here they come. |
Let’s get a move-on. |
Let’s get this show on the road! |
Let’s show ’em what we’ve got. |
Back in the saddle again. |
Back into the mix. |
It ain’t my time. |
I’ve got unfinished business. |
Let’s start over at the beginning. |
This life’s never uneventful. |
It’ll take more than that. |
Well, now… |
Coulda sworn there were some other jokers around here… |
Feelin’ a bit lonesome. Where’s my team? |
Let’s rustle up some reinforcements. |
Yeah, we’re gonna need reinforcements. |
All patched up. |
I feel like a new man. |
Just what the doctor ordered. |
Much better. |
I’m on fire! |
Who’s got the hot hand? |
You best head for the hills, I’m on fire. |
That’ll do fine. |
I feel like a man possessed. |
Thanks, put it on my tab. |
That’ll get it done. |
Ain’t no stoppin’ me. |
Buckle up, this gunslinger’s loaded! |
By all means, try your luck! |
I’m unstoppable! |
There’s no stoppin’ me! |
This is what I call power! |
Damn it. |
Mighty fine! |
Much obliged! |
All in a day’s work. |
Time to ride off into the sunset. |
Heh heh, they ain’t finished yet! |
Thought I was a goner! |
I’ve seen the light. |
You look like you’ve seen a ghost. |
The name’s McCree. |
Saddle up. |
Sniper. Keep your eyes peeled. |
Bad guys, heads up. |
They got us outnumbered. Keep that in mind. |
We’re outnumbered. Stay sharp. |
Enemy turret here. |
There’s gotta be a teleporter around here. |
Enemy teleporter spotted. |
Behind ya! |
Get your head down! |
We’ve almost got this. Don’t screw it up! |
We’re out of time. Move it! |
Quit lollygaggin’ and get on the point! |
Quit standin’ around and get on the point! |
Smoke ’em out. |
I’m staking my claim on the objective. |
Taking the point. Who’s with me? |
The point is mine. You’re welcome to join me. |
This one’s mine. |
Get this doggie movin’! |
Payload’s stopped! |
We need to keep this movin’! |
We’re sittin’ ducks. Get this moving! |
What’s the hold-up? Get that thing movin’! |
I’ve secured the payload. Let’s move it out. |
Payload’s movin’ out. |
Payload’s secure, move out! |
Payload’s under my control. Let’s move out. |
Payload’s movin’. Time to intercept it. |
Not another step. Throw ’em back! |
Target’s movin’. Let’s get on it. |
Train’s leavin’ the station. Best get on it! |
I’ve got the flag. |
I got the flag in my custody. |
Get our flag back! |
We need to throw the breaks on that flag carrier. |
The flag is ours. |
Score one for the good guys. |
Not how I would have drawn it up. |
Well, that’s a fine how-do-you-do. |
They dropped our flag! Someone, pick it up! |
Looks like it was too hot to handle. |
Someone else come pick this up. |
Droppin’ the flag. |
Cleanin’ up and sending the flag back to base. |
Returning the flag to base. |
All in a day’s work. |
Bang. |
Bullseye. |
Call that a fair fight? |
Chew on that. |
Dead on. |
Dead to rights. |
Gotcha. |
Happy trails. |
I never miss my mark. |
Never had a chance. |
Never much liked you. |
No payment required. This one’s on the house. |
No shoes, no service. |
Quit makin’ yourself an easy target. |
Read ’em and weep. |
Ooh! Right where it hurts. |
See that? |
The ‘ol razzle-dazzle. (headshot) |
Too slow. |
You don’t know when to quit. |
You gotta work on that aim. |
You had it comin’. |
You needed killin’. |
You really underestimatin’ me? |
You tangled with the wrong man. |
You’ll need more grit than that. |
Not every fight’s a fair one. (secondary fire) |
That’s how you fan the hammer. (secondary fire) |
(vs Ashe) Didn’t have to be this way. |
(vs Ashe) Always was the better shot. |
(vs Moira or Doomfist) Long overdue. |
(vs Reaper) Someone had to do it. Seems fitting it’d be me. |
(vs Soldier: 76) Thought I saw a ghost… |
(vs Widowmaker) Don’t like shooting a lady. But for you, I’ll make an exception. |
(vs Genji or Tracer) Not fast enough. |
Ahh… that still hits the spot, Ana. (Nano-Boosted by a friendly Ana) |
Head in the clouds, but you’re grave’s down here. (against Pharah using Jump Jet) |
You know you just… hang there when you do that?! (against Pharah using Barrage) |
*chuckles* Thanks for the vantage, doctor. (against Sigma using Gravitic Flux) |
Hah! Now what were you doing there? (against Sombra using Stealth) |
Bingo. |
Keep ’em coming! |
I’m on a roll. |
Move ’em up, get ’em out! |
No one can hold me down. |
No stoppin’ me. |
Ready to throw in the towel? |
Set ’em up, knock ’em down. |
Trigger finger’s still itchin’. |
Cleanin’ them up nice. |
It’s a bone orchard out here! |
Plenty more where that came from. |
Y’all had it comin’. |
Enemy turret destroyed. |
Enemy teleporter destroyed. |
Hey! Hands off the merchandise. |
I love a good brawl. |
Smarts, don’t it? |
That’ll learn ya. |
*chuckles* You’ll feel that one tomorrow. |
(vs Ashe) Makes us about even. |
Farewell and good riddance. |
Off the cliff ya go. |
Ha! That’ll teach ya. |
(teammate eliminates enemy) Nice one! |
(teammate eliminates enemy) Remind me to stay off your bad side. |
(teammate eliminates enemy) Oh, that’s a beauty! |
(Hanzo eliminates an enemy) Pretty handy with that bow. |
Just a matter of time. |
Payin’ you back in kind. |
This is a reckoning. |
Overwatch Cassidy voice actors
Matthew Mercer.