This is post about voice lines & voice actors for Genji in Overwatch. Let’s listen to the voice lines of Genji through: Abilities, Chatter, Call-Outs, Mission-Specific, Eliminations.

Overwatch Genji voice lines
Come on. |
I am ready. |
Try me! |
Is that all? (With Blackwatch Skin) |
ExpandHajime! |
ExpandJōtō da! |
ExpandSono teido ka? |
ExpandHonki o misete miro. |
Right back at you. (Upon deflecting Dragonstrike) |
Back at you, brother! (Upon deflecting Dragonstrike) |
Ha! Good aim, Cassidy. (Upon deflecting Deadeye) |
Think fast, Pharah! (Upon deflecting Barrage) |
Rising Hammer… Intercepting Sword! (Upon deflecting Fire Strike) |
Bastion, catch! (Upon deflecting a Configuration: Tank projectile) |
Back at you! (Upon deflecting an enemy ultimate) |
Cheers, Tracer! (Upon deflecting Pulse Bomb) |
Just like in training! (Upon deflecting Pulse Bomb) |
Calm down Winston! (Upon deflecting Primal Rage) |
This is not a snowball fight. (Upon deflecting Blizzard) |
Yes! (With Blackwatch Skin) |
ExpandRyūjin no ken wo kurae! (self and hostile) |
The dragon becomes me! |
ExpandMizu no yō ni nagare. |
Flow like water. |
Mi o sutete mo, myōri wa sutezu. |
Negaeba heiwa wa otozure yo. |
Shi no nioi ka? Yoshi! Itsu demo koi. |
Waga kokoro meikyōshisui. |
Rin. Byō. Tō. Sha. Kai. Jin. Retsu. Zai. Zen. |
Empty your mind. Focus on the task at hand. |
Hitoshirezu kami no yurushi o machi shima ni, kokora tsure naki yo o sugusu ka na.Expand |
Iku zo!Kanji: 行くぞ English: Let’s go! |
Again! |
I return to the fight. |
I will not falter. |
I will not waste this chance. |
Let us hope for a different outcome. |
Waga tamashī wa mada moete oru. |
Mō issen negaō. |
Tatakai wa owaran. |
Ahh… much better. |
I am healed. |
I am repaired. |
I’m on fire! |
My warrior spirit burns. |
The advantage is mine. |
My spirit grows strong. |
I will not waste this chance. |
Waga kokoro wa ryū no kokoro. |
Seishin tōitsu! |
Strength flows through me! |
Chikara ga minagitte kuru! |
I am unstoppable! |
ExpandKuso! |
Damn. |
Yoshi! |
Most enjoyable. |
It was nothing! |
It is an honor. |
Our enemies return. |
You’ve rescued me again, Doctor Ziegler! |
Genji here. |
Genji is with you. |
Sniper; be wary. |
I have spotted the enemy. |
Enemy sighted. |
Enemy turret ahead. |
Enemy teleporter detected. |
Our enemies possess a teleporter. |
Heh. I found the teleporter. |
Our enemies have deployed a shield generator. |
Behind you. |
Watch yourself. |
Take cover! |
Victory draws near. Defend! |
Defend as one. Victory is near. |
The battle draws to its conclusion. We must attack. |
Time is against us. Press on. |
Our point is under attack. Let us welcome our guests. |
Our point is under attack. Let us rid ourselves of these unwanted guests. |
We are losing the objective! Push them back. |
Our enemies have the upper hand for now. Let us turn the tables. |
The objective is under attack. |
I am taking the objective. Join me. |
The objective is mine. Be quick about it. |
We must press our advantage and seize victory. |
The payload is stopped. And here I thought we had a plan. |
Push the payload. |
Push forward. |
The payload moves. We must keep it safe. |
Keep the payload in motion. |
Stop the payload. |
The payload is moving; stop it. |
We need to stop the payload. Converge upon it. |
An excellent fight. |
Like cutting through silk. |
Know yourself in the face of death. |
Think upon your actions. |
We will fight again! |
ExpandNingen nado, toruni taranwa. |
ExpandKono teido ka. |
ExpandOre wa kaze da! |
ExpandYoshi! |
ExpandKamaitachi! |
ExpandKaze yo. |
ExpandOitsukeru kana? |
ExpandOwari ni shi-te aru |
(vs Hanzo) I am victorious this time, brother. |
(vs Reaper) Mock death at your own peril. |
(vs Zenyatta) I have the upper hand this time, Master. |
My aim is unerring. |
ExpandSenri no michi mo, hito ashi zutsu hakobunari. |
Enemy turret destroyed. |
Enemy teleporter destroyed. |
The enemy teleporter is no longer our concern. |
ExpandHah. Aho ga! |
I learned that from my brother. |
ExpandMigoto! |
Honor the fallen. |
Regrettable. |
ExpandKuso. |
ExpandKu~tsu! |
ExpandKesshite hirumu na yo. |
ExpandTajirogudenai zo. |
ExpandYara reta ka. |
(Friendly Hanzo is eliminated) I will avenge you, brother. |
(Friendly Mercy is eliminated) Angela! |
(Friendly Tracer is eliminated) Tracer! |
(Friendly Winston is eliminated) Winston! |
(Friendly Zenyatta is eliminated) Master! |
ExpandHito o norowaba ana suru. |
Overwatch Genji voice actors
Gaku Space.