This is post about voice lines & voice actors for Reaper in Overwatch. Let’s listen to the voice lines of Reaper through: Abilities, Chatter, Call-Outs, Mission-Specific, Eliminations.

Overwatch Reaper voice lines
Death comes. |
From the shadows. |
Repositioning. |
Die! Die! Die! (self and hostile) |
Clearing the area. (friendly) |
Death walks among you. |
You can’t escape death. |
Let’s just get the job done. |
The reckoning draws near. |
What are we waiting for? |
I’m ready for action. |
Time to kill. |
Death comes for all. |
Just stay out of my way. |
I’ll do this alone if I have to. |
Ready for combat operations. |
Let’s try that again. |
This is my curse… |
I will get my revenge. |
This time, I’ll finish the job. |
That which doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger. |
Vengeance shall be mine. |
Back from the grave… |
The grave cannot hold me. |
Move out. |
I’m good to go. |
I’m patched up. |
I’m in the zone. |
I’m on fire. |
I’m unstoppable. |
I’m on fire! Better stay out of my way. |
Just how I like it. |
*Evil Laughter* |
Yes… |
More… |
Damn it. |
(Menacing Laughter) Hahahahaha. |
Right. |
Whatever. |
Finally some recognition. |
(when teammate is resurrected) Get up. |
(when teammate is resurrected) Get back in the fight. |
They’re back. |
They’ve returned. |
Reaper here. |
Sniper. |
Enemy sighted. |
Enemy turret ahead. |
Watch your back. |
Get to cover. |
I feel alive! |
I am unstoppable! |
Everything’s going according to plan, keep up the defense. |
Time’s running out, let’s keep them back. |
The hour of judgement is upon us! |
The end draws near. |
We’re going to lose! Attack! |
Let’s finish this. |
Get over here and defend the objective. |
They’re taking the objective. |
We’re losing the objective. |
I’m claiming the objective. |
The objective is mine. |
Get that thing moving! |
Why are we stopped? |
Keep pushing forward. |
Moving the payload. |
Move it out! |
Move this thing out! |
The payload is mine. |
Stop them! |
Stop them dead. |
The darkness consumes. |
I don’t think so. |
Not even trying. |
Death becomes you. |
Target eliminated. |
That was a tactical error. |
Your death makes me stronger! |
(vs. Junkrat or Roadhog) You can’t be serious. |
(vs Ana) You chose your side. |
(vs Bastion, Orisa, Zenyatta or Echo) Tin cans, a dime a dozen. |
(vs Cassidy)You never were a good student. Should have paid closer attention. I didn’t teach you all my tricks. You always did have a high opinion of yourself. |
(vs Reinhardt or Torbjörn) Never liked you much. |
(vs Soldier: 76)This is how it should have been. You always did have a high opinion of yourself. |
(vs Reinhardt, Winston, Torbjorn, Genji, Cassidy, Soldier: 76, Tracer, Mercy, Ana) Another one off the list. |
(vs Winston)Stupid monkey. Still trying to play hero, monkey? |
(vs Sombra)Actions have consequences. Make a lot threats and someone’s going to shut you up. You never fooled me. Too smart for your own good. Not so smart now. |
(vs Mercy) No mercy. |
(During Winter Wonderland)Peace on earth… Merry Christmas. Happy Holidays. |
(During Lunar New Year) This wasn’t a good year for you. |
Better stay out of my way. |
I am the angel of death! |
Target practice. |
Enemy turret destroyed. |
Sleep. |
Die. |
Down. |
You’ve gotta be kidding me. |
(Ally eliminated enemy) Heh, not bad. |
(Friendly Sombra eliminates an enemy) Nice to see you doing your job for once. |
You didn’t think I’d forget about you. |
Overwatch Reaper voice actors
Keith Ferguson.