This is post about voice lines & voice actors for Reinhardt in Overwatch. Let’s listen to the voice lines of Reinhardt through: Abilities, Chatter, Call-Outs, Mission-Specific, Eliminations.
Overwatch Reinhardt voice lines
Don’t worry my friends. I will be your shield. |
Don’t worry my friends. I am your shield! |
Come out and face me! |
Is that the best you can do? |
Ah, get behind me! |
I will hold the line. |
Bring! It! On! I LIVE for this! |
Barrier, activated! |
Barrier is giving out! |
I can’t hold forever! |
Barrier is failing! |
Barrier won’t hold forever! |
Barrier destroyed! |
End of the line! |
Hahahahahaha! Got you! |
Goh! Gahh, I’ll feel that in the morning… |
Puh! Ugh, I’m not as young as I used to be. |
Hammer DOWN! (self and hostile) |
For the Crusaders! (friendly) |
No lying down on the job! |
And stay down! |
Don’t bother getting up. |
Justice will be done. |
Together, we’ll strike them down! |
Ah, my friends, what’s with all this standing around? There’s glory to be won! |
We shall prove ourselves in glorious combat! |
(During Winter Wonderland) Who’s feeling the holiday spirit? |
Again! AGAIN! |
Back into the fray. |
This is not over. |
There’s still fight in me yet. |
I will not give up the fight. |
Back and ready for more! |
There is still more to my tale! |
Haha! Still kicking! |
Wait for me! |
Hahh. |
Ah. I feel like a new man. |
MUCH better. |
I’m on fire! |
I’m on fire! Come here and get burned. |
You honor me! |
Let’s fight! |
YES!! |
Are you ready? Here I come! |
I feel powerful! |
I am unstoppable! |
Unacceptable! |
Damn! |
Wonderful! |
Ah, impressive, if I do say so myself! |
One hundred percent German power! |
What a performance! |
I am the champion! |
They’re back for more. |
They’re back in the fight! |
I’m back! |
Reinhardt at your service. |
Sniper! |
Sniper! Fight toe-to-toe, you coward! |
I have found the enemy. Come and face me! |
Enemy turret ahead! |
Our enemies have a teleporter. |
I found the enemies’ teleporter. |
Behind you! |
Steel yourselves! Push them back! |
Make every second count. Crush their defenses. |
We are out of time, attack. |
We don’t have much time, push forward! |
They have come to claim what is ours! Don’t let them! |
The enemy is at our doorstep. Drive them back! |
They are on taking point. Throw them back! |
I am capturing the objective, try and stop me! |
The objective is mine, join me if you will. |
Taking the objective! Join me in glory! |
The payload has come to a halt, get it moving! |
There’s no glory in a stalled payload! |
Our duty is to move the payload. Get to it! |
I’m escorting the payload, let’s keep it moving! |
Moving the payload. Join me! |
Hold them back! We will keep them from their destination. |
Stop the payload! |
They are moving the payload, we must stop them! |
Bringing the enemy flag back to base! |
I have the flag! Clear the way! |
They have stolen our flag! |
We must get our flag back! |
The flag is ours! |
I have claimed the flag! |
That is not accepatable! |
We must not allow that to happen again! |
They’ve dropped our flag! Return it to base! |
Our flag is free! Someone grab it! |
Someone take up the flag! |
Dropping the flag! |
I have secured our flag! |
Returning the flag! |
Do I have your attention yet? |
I’m just getting started! |
Too strong! |
Ah. This old dog still knows a few tricks. |
Splendid. |
Haha. Got you! |
Feel my power! |
When all you have is a hammer, everyone else is a nail. |
Out of my way! |
I’m not even close to done! Ahahaha. |
Enemy turret destroyed. |
Enemy teleporter destroyed. |
I slay dragons. |
Traitor! |
Not strong enough. |
(Teammate eliminates enemy) Leave some glory to me. |
(Teammate eliminates enemy) Well done, my friend! |
(Friendly Pharah eliminates enemy) Ana would be proud! |
(Friendly Torbjörn eliminates enemy) Well done, my diminutive Swedish friend! |
(Friendly Brigitte eliminates enemy) Well struck, Brigitte! |
Agent down! |
Everyone, hold the line! |
I will hold the line! |
Our comrade has fallen. Rally to me! |
(Friendly Torbjörn eliminated) Torbjörn! I will avenge you! |
I owed you one. |
Challenge… accepted. |
The enemy team is eliminated, we have the advantage! |
Overwatch Reinhardt voice actors
Darin De Paul.