This is post about voice lines & voice actors for Roadhog in Overwatch. Let’s listen to the voice lines of Roadhog through: Abilities, Chatter, Call-Outs, Mission-Specific, Eliminations.

Overwatch Roadhog voice lines
*laughter* |
Come here. |
Get down. |
(when used on Pharah, Mercy or Echo) Grounded. |
Here little piggy. |
Squeal for me. |
I’m gonna make you squeal. |
*maniacal laughter* |
I’m a one-man apocalypse. |
Apocalypse ain’t over. |
I’m in no rush. |
Fired up! |
What are you looking at? |
Stay out of my way. |
Why are we here? |
Roadhog rides again. |
Back for more. |
Rollin’ out. |
Ah. Better. |
*laugh* Yeah! |
I’m burning rubber. |
I’m on fire! |
Oh goodie. |
Hahahah. |
No way! |
Easy. |
*laughs* Now that’s more like it! |
I’m a prime specimen. |
Only thing you can count on in this broken world. |
Roadhog time. |
Sniper. |
I see them. |
Enemy turret here. |
Find that damn teleporter! |
Find their teleporter. |
Where’s the teleporter? |
Found their teleporter. |
Get down! |
I am unstoppable! |
Come over here! |
We’re gonna win. |
We’re losing. Attack! |
Out of time. Attack! |
You’re in my house. Get out! |
They’re taking the point. |
I’m taking the point. |
Point is mine, property of Roadhog. |
I’m attacking! |
Get on the attack — now! |
Why’s the payload stopped? |
Payload moving out. |
Payload Moving. |
Stop the payload. |
Stop that payload. |
Stop them. |
(vs Bastion or Zenyatta or Orisa) Scrap ’em! |
Sit down! |
Hurts so good. |
No pain, no gain. |
(vs Junkrat) I’m tired of hearing your voice. |
(vs Junkrat) Finally… quiet. |
(vs Junkrat) Peace and quiet. |
(vs Reaper or Soldier 76) Nice mask. |
I need my space. |
Enemy turret destroyed. |
Enemy teleporter destroyed. |
Go on, ask me what the other one says. |
It says left. |
(Friendly Junkrat eliminates enemy) About time you did something useful. |
(Junkrat is eliminated) Someone finally shut him up. |
Less work for me. |
*Laughter* YEAH! |
I’m the one who gets even. |
The enemy team’s down. |
Overwatch Roadhog voice actors
Roadhog Josh Petersdorf.