This is post about voice lines & voice actors for Sombra in Overwatch. Let’s listen to the voice lines of Sombra through: Abilities, Chatter, Call-Outs, Mission-Specific, Eliminations.

Overwatch Sombra voice lines
Initiating the hack. |
Let’s get started. |
Don’t mind me. |
Iniciando el hackeo. |
Stealth activated. |
Back into the shadows. |
Going off the radar. |
Undetected. |
ExpandAdiós. |
ExpandNos vemos… |
And I’m back! |
Been here all along. |
Gotcha. |
Heh, did I scare you? |
Here I am. |
Hey there. |
Looking for me? |
Miss me? |
Somebody call? |
Aw, ¿te asusté? |
He vuelto. |
Me extrañaste? |
Qué onda? |
Qué tal? |
Ya volví. |
Always plan an exit. |
Always leave yourself a back door. |
Be right back! |
Beacon in place. |
Hm… just in case. |
I might need this later. |
Translocator’s in place. |
Translocator’s set! |
ExpandAhorita regreso. |
ExpandNo vaya a ser que lo necesite. |
Catch you later. |
Cheers, love! Hahaha. |
Gotta go. |
I’m out of here. |
Meh, that party was boring. |
Peace! |
See you later! |
Translocating. |
Tengo que irme. |
I need this back. |
Still need this. |
Guess I won’t be using that. |
I wasn’t using that, anyway. |
That’s annoying. |
That’s a waste. |
Translocator’s destroyed. |
Apagando las luces! (self and hostile) |
EMP activated! (friendly) |
Everything can be hacked… and everyone. |
In my world, there are no secrets. |
Hah, let’s get started. Got a lot of systems that need hacking. |
Hm… I think I can make this worth my time. |
I’m guessing there’s no chance we can take care of this quietly, is there? |
I’m hoping for an easy mission. Don’t make this harder than it needs to be. |
Looks like I have time to do some research. |
So many targets, so little time. |
ExpandGenial. Otro trabajo aburrido. |
Easy in easy out, let’s get the job done. |
Finally! Time for some fun. |
Party’s started! |
Expand¡Al fin! ¡Es hora de divertirme! |
Expand¡Orale! ¡A darle con todo! |
Expand¡A darle que es mole de olla! |
Didn’t see that coming. |
It’s all up from here. |
Reboot and try again. |
We all make mistakes. |
ExpandHora de empezar de nuevo. |
ExpandIntentemos otra vez. |
ExpandMe agarraste en curva. |
ExpandNo manches. |
ExpandPodria haber salido mejor. |
ExpandYa estoy lista para ese trago. |
Ay, where’s my backup? |
Guess we’re still redeploying. |
Is everyone napping? What’s going on? |
Agh! Little light on teammates right now! |
Feeling much better. |
ExpandMucho mejor. |
Much better. |
I’m on fire! |
I’m on fire! Touch me, and you’ll get burned. |
I’m en fuego! Ugh, I can’t believe I just said that. |
You have good taste. |
That’ll help you focus. |
ExpandAsí me gusta. |
Expand¡Adelante! |
Damn it! |
Expand¡Chin! |
Someone has to pull their weight around here. |
I thought so. |
Do I win a prize? |
It was nothing. |
I don’t think they got the hint. |
Guess they haven’t had enough. |
If I’m fighting, you’re fighting, too. |
Sombra online. |
Sniper! I’d keep my head down. |
ExpandSniper! Ten cuidado. |
Enemies on my radar. |
ExpandEl enemigo está aquí. |
ExpandEnemigo detectado. |
Enemy turret here. |
Find the teleporter! |
Someone find their teleporter! |
Located their teleporter. |
They have a shield generator. |
Found the shield generator. |
Get to cover! |
Behind you! |
I am unstoppable! |
No one’s going to stop me! |
No more time to waste. Let’s get this done! |
Hold out a little longer and we’re done here. |
We’ve gotten this far, let’s not screw it up now. |
We’re almost out of time, no slacking now. |
They’re taking the objective! We should probably stop that. |
The objective is compromised, let’s clear it out! |
I’m securing the objective. Anyone want to join me? |
Taking the objective. A little help would be appreciated! |
Someone needs to get the payload moving! |
The payload’s not doing much good sitting there. |
We gonna get the payload moving, or what? |
We need to get the payload back on track. |
Payload’s on its way. |
I’m moving the payload. |
Payload’s moving. Let’s make sure someone stays with it. |
Payload’s moving. Time to put a stop to that. |
I have the flag. |
Bringing the flag back to base. |
Get our flag back. |
We need to steal our flag back. |
Sometimes, you just have to do it yourself. |
That’s how it’s done. |
That’s not exactly what we were going for. |
Wonder if I can just hack the score? |
Someone return our flag to base! |
Guess they couldn’t stand the heat. |
Dropping the flag. |
Too much attention for me. |
Ugh… I was feeling the heat. |
Sending the flag back to base. |
Returning the flag to base. |
Amateur hour. |
ExpandKudos for trying, güey. |
Lighten up. |
Sorry, but you didn’t make the cut. |
That made my day! |
This wasn’t your day. |
We can still be friends, right? |
Who invited the amateur? |
You make great target practise. |
You were boring me. |
Ahí nos vidrios. |
ExpandAhórranos tiempo y no te levantes. |
Ay, pobrecita. (female) |
Ay, pobrecito. (male) |
Buenas noches. |
Camarón que se duerme se lo lleva la corriente. |
Es en serio? |
Fue pan comido. |
La próxima vez se más interesante. |
Lo siento. |
No caeré tan fácil. |
No estás a mi nivel. |
No te molestes! |
Qué triste. |
Te pasas de lanza. |
ExpandTu esfuerzo no fue suficiente. |
(vs enemy Baptiste) You know better than to turn your back on me. |
(vs enemy Junkrat) Quiet, now. |
Expand(vs enemy Lúcio) Sana, sana, colita de rana. |
(vs enemy Reaper) Don’t take it so seriously. |
(vs enemy Reaper) Smoked. |
(vs enemy Reaper) *sigh* Sorry, Gabe. |
(vs enemy Reaper, Soldier: 76 or Torbjörn) Ay… este gruñón. |
(vs enemy Roadhog or Reaper) ¡Huy! ¡Que miedo! |
(vs enemy Sigma) You need to focus, viejito. |
(vs enemy Tracer) Taradita. |
(vs enemy Widowmaker) Ah, I’m sure you’ll get me next time. |
(vs enemy Zarya) Katya will be so disappointed. |
*yawn* Are we still fighting? |
Good warmup. |
I know what I’m doing. |
Seriously?! It’s like they aren’t even trying! |
Ando en buena racha. ¡Fuera de mi camino! |
Hasta parece que no se están esforzando. |
Hay mas de dónde vino eso. |
Ja! ¡Me la rifé! |
Me hace lo que el viento a Juárez. |
Didn’t even break a sweat! |
Group bypass! |
I always have the upper hand. |
Multiple users down! |
Watch and learn. |
Enemy turret offline. |
Enemy teleporter’s offline. |
Hope you didn’t spend too much time on that. |
I blew up the tire, if anyone was wondering. |
A sucker for my punch. |
Back off! |
Down for the count! |
I know Kung Fu. |
Who said you can get this close? |
You’re cuter up close. |
ExpandQué gracioso. |
*imitates falling sound* |
*laughs* |
Aww, did I do that? |
It’s a long way down! |
Misstep? More like “mistake”. |
Right off the edge. |
You really let me down. |
De verdad me decepcionas. |
Nos vemos! |
I knew you were good for something. |
Must be some reason I keep you around. |
That’s more like it. |
Hah, nada mal! |
Buen tiro! |
It’s hard to find good help these days. |
What a waste. |
Qué lastima. |
Overwatch Sombra voice actors
Carolina Ravassa.