This is post about voice lines & voice actors for Zenyatta in Overwatch. Let’s listen to the voice lines of Zenyatta through: Abilities, Chatter, Call-Outs, Mission-Specific, Eliminations.
Overwatch Zenyatta voice lines
Be one with the universe. |
Be reborn. |
Embrace tranquility. |
Free your mind. |
Gaze into the Iris. |
Open your mind. |
Walk in harmony. |
(To Bastion) We are as one, my friend. |
(To Genji) We walk in harmony, my student. |
(To Orisa) We are as one, my sister. |
Bask in the shadow of doubt. |
Darkness falls. |
There is chaos within you. |
There is disquiet in your soul. |
You are your own worst enemy. |
(To Genji) I know the doubts that plague you. |
(To Orisa) You have much to learn. |
Experience tranquility. (self and friendly) |
Pass into the Iris. (hostile) |
True self is without form. |
Amid discord, we will find tranquility. |
A chance to focus. |
A closed mind is already defeated. |
A disciplined mind is your most dependable ally. |
A warrior’s greatest weapon… is patience. |
Consider only victory. Make defeat an impossibility in your mind. |
A momentary setback. |
A temporary setback. |
Adversity is an opportunity for change. |
Overconfidence is a flimsy shield. |
Pain is an excellent teacher. |
Repetition is the path to mastery. |
The cycle begins anew. |
The outcome is not preordained. |
I am made whole. |
I am restored. |
My systems are restored. |
I am on fire. |
I am on fire… but an extinguisher is not required. |
I feel the warmth of the Iris flowing through me! |
Energy flows through me. |
My spirit is strong. |
Now to strike. |
I feel greatly empowered. |
I feel unstoppable! |
A momentary setback. |
I welcome adversity. |
Excellence is its own reward. |
Wonderful! |
The cards have selected me. |
Your recognition honors me. |
Our enemies return. |
I return. |
Zenyatta is here. |
I see a sniper! |
Sniper. |
Enemy detected. |
The enemy is here. |
A turret lies before us. It is quite real. |
A turret lies in our way. |
The enemy possesses a teleporter. |
We must locate their teleporter. |
The enemy’s teleporter is here. Destroy it. |
Behind you. |
Get out of there! |
I need help. |
I require assistance. |
Falter now and we will succumb to defeat. |
Victory is within our grasp. Hold strong. |
Time grows short, attack. |
Time is an illusion, but the illusion is about to run out. |
We must focus our attack upon the objective. |
We must wrest victory from the jaws of time. |
Our objective will soon belong to the enemy. |
Destiny has drawn me to the objective. |
I am becoming one with the objective. |
I am taking the objective, join me. |
The payload must be moved. |
The payload rests idle. |
Becoming one with the payload. |
My path has converged… with that of the payload. |
The payload and I move as one. |
The payload proceeds on its path, as must we. |
The payload moves closer to the threshold of our defeat. |
The payload moves like a stone down the mountain side. |
A lesson in humility. |
Do not be discouraged, everyone begins in ignorance. |
Hatred is not strategy. |
If you do not bend…you break. |
In anger, you defeat only yourself. |
One cannot survive on strength alone. |
You must learn from your mistakes. |
You refuse to learn. |
Your weakness…is revealed! |
(vs Genji) I win this round, Genji. |
(vs Genji) The master still has a few tricks. |
(vs Hanzo) A life of moderation is best. |
(vs Junkrat or Lúcio) Chaos begets more chaos. |
(vs Lúcio or Tracer) Move too quickly, and you overlook much. |
(vs Cassidy, Pharah, or Reinhardt) Justice is defined by the hand that claims it. |
(vs Orisa) Being eager to learn is not the same as learning. |
(vs Reaper) Hatred is not strategy. |
(vs Reaper or Soldier: 76) Revenge is not justice. |
(vs Roadhog or Zarya) Ignorance is the sure path to defeat. |
(vs Sombra) Those who think they are all-knowing know nothing of what they do not. |
I feel neither joy nor remorse amidst such death. |
A glimpse of mastery. |
I see a pattern developing. |
The universe shall embrace you. |
The turret is no more. |
The turret no longer exists. |
The enemy’s teleporter is no more. |
A lesson in humility. |
You refuse to learn… |
You will not be harming my student. |
Impressive. |
In repetition, strive for perfection! |
You have ushered them to paradise. |
(Friendly Genji eliminates enemy) Well done, Genji! |
To hold a grudge is unhealthy… for you. |
Our enemies have been eliminated… but they will return. |
The enemy team has been eliminated. |
The enemy team is not in existence… for now. |
Overwatch Zenyatta voice actors
Feodor Chin.